10am, 6200queue

3572 for me now, after 80 minutes… (was cca 6200)… yea I am not logging off either until I go to bed… but blizz might want to do another of those mass kicks again… like yesterday, was 2h in queue, finally got to play, didn’t get to play more than 2hours, mass kick happened, 12000 queue…

Yep, and I know the queues are way over what a normal vanilla server would be.

I’m pretty bloody sure EU alone has somewhere around 1 million people playing or trying to play classic at any given time of day. It’s completely insane. And that’s just Europe, US has even more problems.

Number of people playing Classic right now world-wide is easily 3 million people, probably more. It’s already rivalling retail.

The only question on my mind is if it’ll stay this way. Blizzard thinks it won’t, but I’m not so sure.

but why dont you try a lower pop for a moment , if it works take some of youre friends/ guildies with , its still working convince the complete guild.

if i read comments from blizz even low pop means more players than the original cap so going dead , srr but i have my doubt

Qqueue is 11k+ start on Golemagg right now… 10:30am UK, and estimated queue time of 300min

This is on a Wednesday morning. Not really looking forward to Friday night and over the weekend.

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its still holliday from school, so students having lots of time
but i agree weekend will be …

And they are sharding! I couldn’t find a player in IF until he invited me and I jumped to another server wich a different crowd.

Cant wait for them to piss off back to bfa.

Thats still layering not sharding.

Guys, people are blaming me for playing on a full server, but I changed 3 realms already and always have chosen the low population one.

Sorry, you’re absolutely right (but potayto potahto!)

Honestly, how can people be assed queing in that? I just rolled a new server when I came home to a 2hr queue on mograine. I’m so glad I didn’t ally with a guild prior to starting classic! I’ll make friends later :smiley:

so you are saying Mograine is also full now?

It certainly was at 6pm dubai time yesterday! I’m now playing happily on stonespire :smiley:

Well it kinda isnt.Layering is having on a server,lets say they use 4 virtual images and one real realm,wich brings us to the amount of 5 “realms”.All of them have there own 3k population/spawn etc etc,but they made it possible that you can inv each other.

While sharding is trying to balance the load of each realm across all servers and + on top of that it’s trying to balance factions.
It is kinda the same as they have it with cross realm tech for older zones.20 realms are on the same server,lets say MoP is shared for 20 EU/EN PvE(past realm classification) realms on one server.Sharding is just the same tech used for new expansions,with the faction balance also in it.

In a queue to get on Mograine, 4000 queue at 10.45am hmm…?

mograine is listed full at the moment

Blizz what the hell i can only respond 3 times with a classic char

Always love it when people pull numbers out of their behind and post it as fact.

damn that makesme really sad

Yeah I didn’t mean to sound I was questioning the nomenclature, just that I did explain that they were separating the population to alleviate traffic. Using the wrong word doesn’t change the fact, even if it may have been misleading.