12 weeks to catch-up. Start now and be done in September

Not just the players. Didnt Ion himself repeatedly say that his philosophy is to facilitate for players to truly wish to play their alts instead of using them for farming/storage? Ofc, Im paraphrasing it but who would wanna farm stuff like rep then?

As a person with alts, I see a lot of stuff (storywise+patch intro quests already done on main) that adds 0 progress in my skill playing that alt and it 100% feels like Im wasting my time. I dont believe that skipping these will hand anything to anyone on a platter.

I guess… my alt will just never catch up then. Can’t guarantee a N’zoth kill weekly, because main takes prio at the first one of the week - if there are any at all that week.

I keep logging to a priest that hasn’t even got the cloak yet, then I look at it, look at the 435 emissary rewards it can get, and log back to one of the two characters that have enough progress to not feel useless. Heck, I’ve even given up on a character with a rank 12 cloak, because that’s still impossible to catch up on.

It’s all just a bit… demoralising, really. If I could farm Visions for a malefic core every clear, that’d be a different story, but knowing that there is a 3 month timegate on bringing a character up to resistance parity just sucks the joy out of it. Feel so far behind that there’s just no point in even trying.


And that is if you clear the raid each week. Which i wont do on my alt. Its actually more effort then i had to do on my main, for my main doing the one vision per week after rank 15 is enough, but my alt will have to do the raid aswell to catch up. Its just… meh…

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this! If I count all my characters together, I don’t have 12 N’Zoth kills

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I support this to 100%. I gave up playing my hunter alt, his cloack level is 9, and when i actually realized its gonna take me ages to catch up with cloack leve i just kind of lost motivation.

For those saying cloack resistance dosent matter, yes it does. With higher res u can wear more corruption, do more dmg, take less dmg, do more healing etc etc etc. It all adds up.


I suspect the majority of players cannot reliably kill N’zoth every week with an alt - and the more you have, the less likely that you can keep on top of it.

Bit of a poopshow, really, innit…

and player playing competitively is long done with expansion.

the players you mean are those around world 1000-2000 mark who need all possible avantage because they simply lack skills to clear stuff .

those are not competitive players - those are tryhards without skills.

Being WR1000 means you are among the top 20000 raiders - even by the lowest estimates, assuming there’s only one million players, this still puts you in the top 2% (with a more realistic estimate, saying there’s 4 M players, WR 1000 would be top 0.5%)

nontheless - even the most competitive players will probably want to have some fun on alts now that they’re done with everything.

Also, I don’t care about them. I want full corruption resistance on my hunter and I don’t want to wait 12 weeks. That’s what the thread is about.


I think I am far away from the top 5% with just clearing a few mid range keys with 18 being my highest.

I don’t want that you get all your gear immediately so you can jump into the highest keys.
But I don’t like the approach that it take several months to be anywhere near or never near your main.
This doesn’t even mean playing an alt, but maybe switching to a new main.
Even if you put A LOT effort into your new main you are so far behind it is not even funny anymore.

We never had this in the past expansions where I changed my “main” more frequently because playing 1 char is too boring over time. Also with the balancing problems blizz creates, you have kind of need to switch characters

I don’t think there is much of a younger crowd actually playing this game.

people who do competitive stuff, mainly m+ and pvp are advocating for a lower base equality and if you are higher you can get a little edge from the gear
Now we just smashed until you farmed for month your basic m+ gear, echoes, essences etc.

I agree. There is no reason for a weekly cap, just the max cap is enough.

Just stop responding to Elias.

His logic is really weird and he doesnt understand how people play or want to play this game.

But agreed with OP, would love to see malefic cores drop from horrific visions till you caught up to the current cap.

Which means the following:

  • you will still need to run as much horrific visions on alts as you did on main (boring AF, i know. But it will keep the: omg you got resist for free guys away)
  • a use to keep running horrifics
  • more people running assaults most likely
  • still requires the currency from said assaults to do horrifics so /played metrics which are so important shouldnt change, since there is a cap on gaining coalscing stuff per week.

I hope we can get these changes made to the cloak so we can play and bother with alts.

Because of being behind this far on resistance is just making me not play alts once again.


You should be removed from the game.

Drop the whole: you can only play 1 character act already.

That philosophy died years ago with Blizzards own implementation of catch up stuff, and they explained multiple times such systems are needed to keep the game interesting for:
A: new players
B: long time players
C: returning players

You cant possibly tell me, that your shaman is your one and only character in any way.


Maybe they could add something like an extra Malefic Core account-wide only drop when you complete runs on your main?

thing is you dont need that resistance to clear the game.

basickly git gud instead depend on corruptions to carry you .

you are begginign blizzard to nerf game because you are not good enough

just be open about it.

This! I started one alt’s cloak at the same time as my main so they’re both up to date, but I recently got another alt’s cloak up to rank 15 and just don’t see the point doing anything further with it as the catch up is so far away. I don’t want my alt to be on par with main (my skills between the two creates a gap anyway) but I don’t want to be unable to join friends for content because my character is so far behind.

Yes, it sucks that your performance is so dependent on outside sources such as essences and corruption, but this clearly isn’t being changed this patch. No amount of me “gitting gud” will make up for twilight devastation procs or [insert your favourite corruption here].

No. We’re already good, thank you very much. We just want to be able to put in the effort we already did on mains to get alts on the same level. We can pretty much catch up on everything else in a reasonable amount of time, except the cloak resistance.

Yes, we can clear all content without it. Yes, it isn’t needed. That’s just more reason for why the gating is unnecessary.


This git gud answers are getting lame and as many others, you are missing the point here.

Nobody ever stated you need corruptions or resistance to ‘‘clear’’ the game.
The catch up mechanic for rank 1-15 cloak is working perfectly fine, after that there is no catch up mechanic anymore.

And how is asking for a proper catch up mechanic, which they should have thought of themselves already begging to nerf a game?

Will i be able to magically run M+25 keys because of having the same resistance on my 430 alt compared to my 475 warrior?
I mean, i can come up with more examples, but whats the point?

Everytime blizzard implements catch up mechanics for alts / new / returning players, they are half-assing it.

To then say months later: we should have done it differently from the start, and Essences / Cloak catch up mechanics are the perfect example.

I for sure dont need the cloak resist to clear the content i like, but i for sure would enjoy the game a lot more if i could run my visions on alts / raid on alts if i could get my cloak up to par with my main. (and yes, this will still take the same effort than my main, so where is the nerf?)

And just what Tinkspring said.

Shadowlands will be released before alts leveled today reach their maximum cloak resistance with the help of the “catch up” mechanic.

I’m not sure if you actually mean it. The only thing this thread is about is to lift the catch-up timegate. I have a character on max resist already - but I want to have the same fun on my alt without waiting 12 weeks.

That’s not really related to any “git gud”. It’s not a nerf. Most people already have a main on max resist anyways

Blue blog post with information that would have been useful close to 2 months ago, confirms we arent getting changes to cloak resistance and catching up.

Ah well, no use to play or gear any alts then before SL.

Just play my warrior for a month or so then and unsubbing till SL release.

Its funny, their /played metrics would go up if people could catch up their cloak to current resistance cap.

Refusing to change anything about the cloak is probably hurting more than they think.