13 classes... 1 is in every 15+ key, spot the problem

What you don’t understand is you do not even need to know the numbers. There will always be groups of professionals doing the highest keys and people will just try to copy that. That will be the meta.

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Then, i guess, my wish would be for the best people… to just stop doing that…

The best is that people should actually look at the numbers and realise their class is not crap because it isn’t in the meta. Numbers should help the non meta’s.
Numbers (and something like the raiderio site) are proof basically every spec is viable and nobody should care too much about it in their weekly +10 key.

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Why is this something that must be done? What’s it to anyone really, that they run specifics comps in keys of 15 or above?

What they do up there is by no means representable, or relevant, for the average player.

Yea, thst would be silly too, ey?
My main point being is from the perspective i hold, nothing makes a game more dull than a meta.
When you face the same team comps, the same classes with the same builds, and then you try something different, and people sigh and roll their eyes. “Just do the meta!” While not even knowing why it is the best.

You are funny. Expecting class diversity in the top 0.1% keys. If it is not Augmentation then it will be the next best class and you will be left out again. What now?

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The context of this topic is +15 keys. That is the top 0.1%. People should hardly care about what happens there.


I wish, but you have people in normal or even random bgs that care, and talk about how everyone should follow the meta.

But they do

For now i haven’t seen any spec struggling to get into keys up to +11.

Yeah, Aug should definitely be buffed.

Doesn’t matter because the meta isn’t defined by what’s 0.x% better. Not even whole percentage numbers matter that much as you’d might think.

There is FAR more to the development of a meta than most casual players even realize.

There are a whole set of variables that define the meta. Pure numbers is just one of them.
Ofc it’s incredibly important how much DPS someone does, or healing or how tanky a someone is but there’s also the factor of the available utility. The available utility also depends on other factors like the utility of the other speccs in the meta comp, the current dungeon pool, how much unavoidable damage something does and if that 1 shots you, how a class/specc could mitigate that 1-shot.

Take Disc Priest, which is obviously meta right now, as an example.
Disc Priest gets enabled by Prot Paladins, because Prot Paladins have A LOT of kicks and kicks are incredibly important this season due to the spell queue change and priest does not have a single kick/silence.

On top of that Discs spot healing currently sucks pretty hard. A Ppla helps out with that.

Furthermore enhancer shamans are in the meta right now and really benefit heavily from PI because they scale incredibly well with haste and their major CD Ascendence lines perfeclty with PI (2min CD).
Now enhancer is in the meta for a whole lot of other reasons. One of them being damage, others being their utility and synergy with the other speccs in the comp.

You don’t just smash together the 3 highest DPS speccs with the highest HPS specc with the tankiest tank specc and boom you have a meta. That’s not how it works at all. :slight_smile:

go look in raider IO dps classes for keys 15 and above, there is aug in almost all keys, and there are other specs beside fdk and enh, like ret/assa/mage/boomy/ele (ranging 4-8% of keys each), while aug is 21%. So yes aug took those specs and no fmage wont be the only meta if aug wasnt there, like I said the balancing of classes atm isnt so bad that only 2-3 dpsers are viable. So as I said aug is taking the spot of those other specs beside enh/fdk for free and for no reason beside blizzard want aug as sup spec for high keys which no1 asked for.
So to answer you, no, not only 1 spec will take over as 3rd dps spot as you can see with statistics from raider io timed run

Aug is bad with noobs*

if people avoid them at low keys then how do they reach +15 ? :thinking:

people already follow streamers and content creators and people like those can make educated guesses about meta .so meta is not going anywhere no matter what you do .
ffxiv almost every raider is either using an addon or a website and you get asked about such things on discord before they take you into the team .
so there is nothing in any game that can stop such behaviour . people like to get the work done and they do due deligence so as to make the key more successful which is nothing wrong .

Metas exist in every single game, it’s something that’s impossible to remove.

If you want to complain about this imagine how tanks and healers feel only having 1 spot to fight over each.

And be honest everyone picks the fotm class if they appear in the queue be it healer tank or dps.

but atleast you know from the get go if your class is needed at the top or not, not like u play a viable spec but you lose the spot to spec no1 asked for. as I said above there are 5 dpses viable for high end keys. But aug takes 1 spot from them always, kinda dumb.

sindragosa frost dk, other talent builds are fine imo

He is wrong, I haven’t done keys past 10 as aug but in keys 7-8-9 not only I was doing great damage (checking logs) but I also was very useful.

So no, aug isn’t useless in mid-low keys.