20.000 queue, get in after 6 hrs, disconnected in 5 minutes

This is the only reason that will have me go to blizzcon and ask them personally why they fkd up so bad ! …
Like the dude with the “april fool’s joke” for diablo…

after hotfix.

Pyrewood Village , waiting time 7 minutes , 700 players , and probably will raise further.

Really bad customer service, deeply disappointed and sad.

We payed to play the game and we are stuck in endless queues.

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Wow 700 player queue, stay strong bud! I’m at 11543 on Ghennas

Around 16:30 I joined the queue on Gehennas. Was around 13000. After almost 2 hours I am 10500. Yesterday was the same. Guess no playing for me on the server I chose to play on.

did you miss the announcement that you shouldnt make toons on overpopulated servers ?

i had no que when loggin in at 16:30 :slight_smile:

yesterday at this hour it was 5k que.

so yes its better . there was no que when i was logging in at 16:30

go backpeddle into some traffic, u are a disgrace

The guild that I am playing with already switched from one of first PvP servers that were marked as Full. Many people over the forums already explained that it is not that easy to coordinate a guild of 50 raiders + friends to switch. Gehennas was not overpopulated at start. None of new PvP servers were. Besides all of PvP servers have queues.

nice the sarcasm dude … well your choice was the pvp server especially one as full as that one. Live with it !

Way too few realms at launch.

They just underestimated the hype. They swiftly acted (yes for a company it was swiftly) with more Servers and increasing the space on the servers after just more servers were not enough.

Well both were still not enough, but from a company point of view they dont need to overshoot with even more server.

What do you work as ?

I think a massive contributing factor is all the AFK people in every Inn running into walls or using auto-jumpers to avoid queuing again. I probably see 10 in every inn. if you times that by the amount of inns and the amount of layers. would probably reduce the queues by a large margin.

well right now pyrewood is at 3.4k line with 52 mins waiting time. It is better than yesterday but yet again … only 2 pve realms ??? cmon i am willing to move if a new one is created only level 11 anyway , not rushing on leveling

They added a third PvE realm: Nethergarde Keep. That’s also full now, so if you want to play on a PvE realm you’re basically queue f*****.

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yeah that is what i am saying , we got a bunch of pvp totally full and only 2 pve ??? cmon

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of course they can actually make the game worse than the original.

thats how we got BfA!!! :rofl:


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