20.000 queue, get in after 6 hrs, disconnected in 5 minutes

People are still getting DC and put back in queue. That fix wasn’t that hot I guess.

Best part about all this is how silent blizzard is about it. Only response so far is “we want community, most of ya’ll will quit soon anyways” -somebody that don’t care. What was all this stuff about layering? I was here for vanilla launch, not even that was this bad.


Still not working…and to the back of the queue we go! …


Yesterday i got an 2 hour queue, got kicked out after 10 min, and got back in the queue.

Today 17k in queue (Firemaw) is 856 minutes aka 14 (!!!) hours , this is ridiculous. This is really really frustrating and scandalous.

It’s not fair to have people pay for a service that doesn’t work.


mr. Blue , tell to that support - tech team of Blizz to raise the population CAP . THRALLS BALLS …

FYI Mr Blue, the two extra servers you added late last night is NOT enough.

Ten storms (which was one of them) is queueing up now too.

Just got home from school, and tried to log in. 18k+ people in que, estimated time over 700 (yes, seven HUNDRED!!) minutes! Blizz, i really want my money back, i don’t feel comfortable paying for a service im not getting.


just raise the realm population cap …

and btw on vanilla , when the problem of waiting was at the same level and maybe worse than that , you used to give free days to realm players affected by that (2 or 3 days if i remember)

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Once layering gets TURNED OFF the queue will get so much much much worse so swap to the newest added server or just sit in queue and if you think others will swap servers so you don’t have to you are severely mistaken

Just give free transfert to other realms.
I am willing to transfert to a lower populated server but I don’t want to start all over again…


Too little too late I’m afraid. Your masters had plenty of time on their hands to pre calculate these issues. I do hope Blizzard somewhere in their own ego understand the customer has rights XD. Although they have the money to drop any lawsuit hitting their way, doesn’t make it right ofcourse but thats just life.

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Playing on gandling, right now 3k que… not big deal. Poor people from big3 servers :frowning:

Agree 100%, this is BS. Paying for something you don’t get… What do you call that?? I refuse to accept this and will keep going until Blizzard gives proper compensation.

How do you land in queue when realm is medium population? Honestly…How?
If its full then sure…but it does not make sense. Is the limit reached or not?? Clearly not, so why the damn queue? Are you a new company with a 2001 server? Or is this your first game release?

Nothing to do with entitlement, we are paying for a service and not receiving it. Easy as that.


Compensations blizz? wasting DAYS of gametime just in qeueus…

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Ahh … now i see… you have done a fantastic job AGAIN!! All PVP servers in EU are full with a queue… Only Ten storms is high… Why you didn’t you raise the player limit on servers before launch ?? You should do some open beta test free for all, but you are so greedy , don’t you? Like the money ??.. Heh ?? Since Vanilla WoW the servers are 2000X faster and better… It would be easy fix to make huge servers with 50000 players maybe 100000 , just need to phase them out and problem solved…But you don’t like to work for the money… Shame on you!!!

you know THIS Company is not the Blizzard we used to know right ??? Those old days they used to give 2-3 days gametime for the downtimes or waiting times are loooooooong gone

What a bummer. Now they claim they added more capacity per server and server queue suuddenly shows something like 120+ logins with a forecast time of under a minute - since half an hour meanwhile. Haha. Who is buying that. This is starting to get really embarassing, i am looking forward on the comments of the press during the upcoming days.

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I had a 700 min queue that I started at 11am BST. Also got kicked out almost immediately and placed to thr back of the queue. So unfair.

My queue is 900 minutes now, and, it was a recommended server on the 27th. It’s a disgrace

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