20% of Stitches dead in a span of 30 seconds

Yeah, could be that with server lagg, the server coudn’t process all the info at split second.

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You dont think a roll back will kill other players instead?

They could just teleport every character to the nearest major city.

Roll back servers data, and move ALL players in their inn. PROFIT.
But, to tell the truth, this company won’t do ANYTHING with it.


I’m on team “rollback, or no more HC”

Guessing “stitches is full” won’t be an issue for a while.

I am dead & done. Unsubbed


Good work blizz) 8 day played

All blizzards minds like “server is full” is only managers thoughts. No one can accept that in 2023 “million dollars company” can’t technically do this.
Totaly agree with “rollback, or no more HC”


We need to keep this thread up.

I am onboard with “rollback, or no more HC”


I mean a blizz comment would help… nothing on Twitter as far as i can see anyway

I also died due to server crash - 21 rogue. Game lagged, kicked me, then was not able to log and when i’ve finally logged in, i was dead.

Realistically everyone typed “I accept” into that little box and clicked accept, therefore they should have known this was gonna happen eventually. It happens on live and classic all the time. Living with consequences is a reality we all face.

That being said, it is ridiculous that Blizzard knew this sort of stuff would happen and gaslighted people into accepting their shortcomings because they can’t be bothered dealing with an appeals process if something major like this happens.

I don’t play hardcore, but even I can tell they should do a rollback of 30 minutes or something, otherwise they’ve just ostracised approximately 2000 players, and the likelihood is they won’t make new characters.


It’s insane, I just logged in, and I went to do a kill quest in Ashenvale at level 30, the game froze, the chat was working fine, then suddenly I’m getting hit, I don’t see the mob attacking me, and my health doesn’t drop but I keep getting hit, after like 5mins I’m dead. This is not okay, we understand that you don’t revive a character but you gotta come up with a plan, this is your fault, so be responsible.


It is the weekend tbf, the 4 people Blizz have on support only work Monday-Thursday 10am-2pm. Guess we’ll find out what happened on Monday.

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Doubt at this point they will even bother to answer at all… totally worth it the time invested to lose characters like this…

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Good thing I sleep till noon on weekends o_O
But yes, it’s 100% “rollback, or no more HC”

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Some people got rezzed. I guess everyone who didn’t: Go agane.

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resurrecte me please. i died to the laag spike its so very unfair. Now they resurrect but not all? At least give us informations… who will resurrect, how? and will this h appen again? and what caused it… why would poeple play now if they know this could happen again, not only for 1 person, but on a bigger scale

resurrected from the lag we had today?

Or go home and get free of this since, blizzard wants an “official Hardcore”
yet fails to deliver the service properly.