And if they do anything it will be after they realize how many subs are loosing
edited by moderation im done died mid air flying… meanwhile a lot of ppl got ressed at 1hp… charging back every game i ever purchased
Warlock lvl 20 lost by the lags BLIZZARD server
I am not the worst in this case (lvl 20 is about 18hours played time)
BUT it is a lost of time aswell.
Unsubed and uninstall game !
I had a response on my ticket. to participate in convos here to see if the devs might have a change in their mind what happened this morning. response from blizz GM. keep the hopes up and make them react.
Hopefully yes! i’d hate to lost my toon due to their hardware issue… an it’s classic of classic names. Noshforyou
i was on the road next to ally fp in azshara and died aswell. there are no aggressive mobs there. complete BS
i logged in on stiches as ghost and i got ressed with 1 hp at the GY - try to login even if you are dead
still dead for me…
MOO MOO mOOOOOOOO sorry to hear.
I was so close to getting cat form on my druid after already dying 2 times previous. Now this time was due to a server lag, its so soul crushing I can’t level again. Hopefully they rollback or something otherwise Im done.
still dead, and ghost have 1 hp
roll backing to 10:30 and pressing hs to all characters should not be hard when this lag spike happened but from what i read and see now blizzard actually will not do anything or care gl ppl i didnt loose that much time unlike some ppl but when i think ppl actually loose lwl 55 60 characters for this lag spike it throw chills to my spine
53 paladin dead, i was near ally FP in azshara with no aggressive mobs near me and still dead upon login. I had landed from FP and cast my mount before the laggin began
Well, Gm responeded to me there will be no ressurection on hardcore.
“we don’t even have the technial means to restore such characters” they replied to me.
Guess that was hardcore for me than.
I mean, if they start ressurect Chars on this Laggspike they need to ressurect chars on the Laggspike on Thursday as well… don’t think it will happen
Dead, if they don t res my Redemption priest i will NEVER play wow anymore (played since 2005).
Clearly 20 years of running WoW isnt enough to keep servers up.
Go back to sexually harrasing your employees and drinking their breast milk you disgusting degens at blizzard
my character has been ressurected at gy at 1%hp after dieing to server crash. gj blizzard you did the right thing
I could be wrong, but I’m not sure if Blizzard actually respects the time of its paying customers
you did something ? ticket to support or anything ? 'cause my char is still dead…