20% of Stitches dead in a span of 30 seconds

give them time…

well well well… my Lvl 56 Priest just died on Mak’rosh too… (i was on flight path… and ended stuck in the middle of the ocean… cause of 10 min lag from Blizzard… they didn’t roll back… and i didn’t want start again because of a server issue… canceled my sub by now… it’s such a shame


how did you manage to do that? my Charakter is still dead to a server crash… GM said “we didn’t ressurect chars by any chance… fine you will cancel your sub? no problem” (he said that rly)

They might aswell just delete their HC realms and make a SoM2. Clearly their servers can’t handle a HC mode

They should dissolve the company and start over with new IP and less bullcrap. Some outsource company could handle the servers better, or the guys that run pservers.

Sad it had to end this way. Only died on my alt, but im not feeling like there is any point in going on, on main if this is what it comes Down to. Dying from stuff that is not on our end, i get a little spike here and there but this was literaly several minutes ending in a complete server outage. I mean there shouldnt be any question that this was a blizz fault and a massive one. Normally i am all for the no revive, rollback etc but this is on another level and out of the ordinary.


They dont even make an announcement about it to say they are sorry. True professionals. They remain silent because if they apologized, it would be like accepting they are small indie company. In their commercial webchannel, they promote wow as a quality gaming product. Yet, 10-20% of a realm died because of their fault. I am not even saying they should make a server roll back (actually they should but im sure they technically cant, cheap company) im only pointing out that they remain silent. If that’s not lack of professionalism, then what is? Bye bye subscription.


yepo same here, end of using blizzard products here

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no, nothing my char showed dead on screen too and when i logged in i was in gy at 1%hp

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Trash company, trash product. #CANCEL

Didn’t experience it. But if it did crash and was stuck for 10 min with everyone effectively afk. Then yeah, there should be a rollback.

Do they even have a back up server in order to make a rollback? Let’s see…

No roll back thank you, just received a Kroll Blade.

Purge of the weak, the server needs deflating a little anyway.

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they dont need to roll back. we have the time frame they can just ress all who died in that time period.

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it’s too difficult for this company as queues in 2023

What we cannot allow as a community is that someone only puts their hand to receive the money, not providing a solution to the problems nor guarantees for a quality service for which we pay 13 euros per month, which is not little.
They have the solution in their hands since this is something that occurs because of them. As a company, they show that they know how to get paid, but they also show that they are not capable of assuming their responsibilities when it comes to facing problems such as Today, I have seen how hundreds of characters died in 5 minutes, including me due to poor management of the service, which could have been stopped immediately and roll back for 5 minutes, but they decided to skip everything and continue putting their hand so that the coin arrives. , but the problems are payd by the players, the owners of that currency, please open your eyes, do not pay more subscriptions, I hope and wish this is the beginning of the end for a company that owns the best game in history and does not know how to manage Absolutely nothing, I encourage people to remember that there are several pirate servers where you can play for free, without paying and with a better service. My subscription is canceled, good luck to everyone.


the funny thing is that they do not react to the message on the forum in any way, etc. as if nothing had happened, it’s very cool not to see any problem, many other companies would have happened to them or tried to fix something in the near future, or at least told their community that if he died, he died, it’s better the bitter truth, and there’s just 0 reactions to everything that’s happening.

60 hunter tauren DEAD

Everybody who died because of this morning server crash must open a customer support ticket.
There’s is no need to be hostlile to the customer support person who will answer to you, they have nothing to do with it and they will just follow the official policy.

Just state you were victim of that problem and don’t close your ticket until it’s resolved, either through a resurection or rollback, or an official statement from the company announcing there will be no reparation for this morning’s issue.

Bump the ticket every day until it’s resolved.

Handling tickets costs money to Blizzard, we must make sure they assume their mistake financially.

FYI support is designed to make it as difficult as possible for you to open a ticket, the system will try to pigeonhole you in a category and send you to the FAQ.
To open an actual ticket, go to the category ingame > item & achievement > not listed here

you can start your ticket by saying that you know this is not the correct category for your issue but that this is the only one that allows you to open a ticket

be careful, after you write your ticket and click submit, the support system will one last time try to redirect you to the FAQ, you must click submit TWICE

Thank you


This situation completely kills my desire to play the game. Im completely cool dying through actions of my own or hyperspawns etc. This can be anticipated. But completely random lag and server crashed can’t. I had been playing for an hour with 0 lag and all of a sudden the entire server crashes. If I see any lag whatsover I log out immediately but this came completely out of the blue for me.

I wish Blizzard would let us know what the problem is so i can make an educated decision when going into the world. I feel very sorry for everyone who lost their character. You put so much love and attention in a hc char. To lose it like this is just so awful.

Some cringe people on forums thinking dying to server crash is normal and you should go agane without complaining.

Or even better, telling people not to play this week/weekend, while paying for subscription based service.