20% of Stitches dead in a span of 30 seconds

Hi, mine died at lvl 41 after spending tons of time. Today Sep the 23rd at morning, we were playing around mobs in Uldaman in party. We had a big lag crash and could not log into again. After some time trying to log back into the server, I succedd and I saw a mob hitting me, my char was buged due the big lag and died with the impossibility to do anything else but cry. I was completely engaged with my char and the time spent with it was really nice. It is a huge frustration to have the negative from the support team to roll back my dear paladin. I cannot play on the Classic era anymore since the HC essence is different and life on wow will not be the same without my Pala. I still have faith to let blues inderstand otherwise, I am done here.



blizzard is riddicilous company this cant go on like this. we pay for this service??? seriously. they havent even commented about this LMAO.

I lost my lock level 19 because of this too, i don’t care if im low level, if dont get any kind of solution im done with this company

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What do you mean?

Damn… that scared a lot of people off. No queues tonight.

Any rez ?
Or Blizzard is really a trash company ?

The lag wiped out like 2k people, thats why theres no queue, its those 2K people that are missing, including me :smile:


Ugh, that sucks so much. Sorry for you guys.

Still 7 layers, still as many on each layer, no lag … Blizz did same magic as some weeks ago. But people leaving is few – very few.

From 1800-2000 queue to 34, more than a few

You guys had been warned and the rules were clear. You wanted to play that crap, deal with it. :rofl:

Blizzard told you before releasing the servers, they would not be held accountable for death due to server lag or disconnection.

go agane I guess :rofl:

Company worth nearly 74 billion can’t even spare more than 2 laggy af servers for a whole new game mode. Tried HC for the first and last time on Thursday. Back to Baldurs Gate I go.

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I think Blizz like 2 weeks ago did magic - also for few days we had no queues. Layers as many, people in layers as many …
But I sure will say Yes pleas to new server or two.

tu eres el tipico q como no lo juegas xq eres 1 manco q mueres a lvl 6 ahora entras a tirar el beef no ? me cago en tu putisima madre

Ofc not - why should they?

No queues not just because of death.

I logged out in Stormwind during the lag waveand I’ve been getting “A character with this name already exists” logging into that char.

So their live DB is messed up, it’s not just a matter of ppl being dead, ppl can’t play because their char is not accessible at all, therfore no queues :slight_smile:

I chatted with a few ppl in Goldshire and all had the same problem.

Fix required : “A character with this name already exists”

GM answer was vague, about Stitches having issues that are still being looked into, “hoping” they are resolved soon.

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Yeah, I just read the support forums. The state of the servers are getting worse every day now. Whatever they did last patch day really messed something completely up in their internal network.

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lag hits for infinite damage. :frowning:

Just go lvl up again, why you have to be so annoying , relax man

You guys went into hardcore damn well knowing that there would be no appeals.

People who were vocal about appeals were shunned by the community.

Folks who respect their time did not roll on official.

Sorry, but I have no sympathy for any of you.

edit: Heads up though, should most of you unsub after realizing that Blizzard will not do anything, then there will be no ques or server lag!!!

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