2400 rating vs. Mythic +10

Ok you didn’t say that, but after reading QQ posts about absence of PvP gear for several weeks from people who don’t do Mythics (no arena as well, mostly random BGs) I assumed that’s your point here, so my bad.

Then why even argue, ok we didn’t get a proper PvP reward system, we didn’t get a lot of other things in BfA, but getting good gear is easy, and its usable both in PvE and PvP.

Now if I think about it - with a PvP gearing system, if you’re late to the party, you are behind and will get stomped by more dedicated PvP players and hit a wall in rating because of gear. With current system you can jump into M+, get geared whenever you want and be on par with everyone else in PvP. Then reach whatever rating you’re good enough for and switch to high lvl PvP gear for bragging rights :slight_smile:

Need some advices on Zaqul Mythic cause we are stack…

That was the case in the past and is actually a good idea.

Play pvp see real game and then you laugh about that boss
best advice you can get

I’m pretty sure there’s currently more 2400+ rated people than people who’ve killed Azshara on mythic.

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And im sure only a hand full of them will ever make it up to 2400+

And how many of the 2400+ people will make it to Azshara cutting edge?

every single player above 2400 can make this with one hand
pvp → pve from beginning of time til end
gn8 no time for this

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Even an unholy death knight/havoc demon hunter who pushed to 2400 with a resto druid in 2v2s? :thinking:

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even 2200 yes

You must be trolling now. :slightly_frowning_face:

thats what im thinking of you when you say pve is comparable to pvp
and for your info ashara is down bye atleast 2000ppl now go to ladder and watch what you say and in few month it will be a lot more but not alot more in ladder
but this dont matter anyway it say nothing about it

High-rated arenas and high-end raiding are both demanding content that require a certain amount of time, dedication, and team-play to finish. How are they NOT comparable?

pve is a fight that never change where boss makes everything on timer
just boring and waste of time

Spoken like a true LFR hero. :slight_smile:

spoken like a guy that try arena but cant get over 2200 and now seek for execuses

I am sorry, how many mythic kills do you have in the Eternal Palace?


im not wasting my time with pve

So you are talking about things you know nothing about. Glad we established that.


Actually, over the last few years I’ve been both playing arenas up until the 2200-ish MMR and raiding mythic to the point where I got a couple of cutting edges. While I definitely cannot speak for the 2400+ level, the people I’m facing at my current arena MMR definitely aren’t all pros who would faceroll through the mythic content. And it took me more time to clear for example mythic Nighthold than it did to reach duelist this season.

last time i did mythic was legion and it was ezzzzzz not harder than lfr

find another guild then
and maybe read guides your logs are blue if everyone play like this in you guild its no wonder