This is a continuation from Thank you Blizzard/WoW Devs, keep up the good work! - #7 by Droodprophet-aggramar
After 30 days of /played since hitting 60 in Shadowlands, I finally uninstalled the game.
This expansion is the best expansion WoW had in years, but the fact that I want to be just a PvP Arena player, that made me burnout after really trying.
I’ve hit 1700cr while queuing PuG/LFG, but I cba anymore to waste half or more of my gaming time waiting for a party in LFG.
This video explains the struggles so good that I felt it was made from my own thoughts Big Problem With LFG System in Shadowlands PvP - The Truth
Great job for making this great expansion and GL HF for all players that can play it without struggles.
LATER EDIT: sorry, but can’t reply since no activ sub atm. but gonna answer here for those that say the burnout is because of playing to much.
No, it is not. Legion and BFA had this kind of issues since you were forced to grind that artifact/azerite power and PVE content to be relevant in PvP.
As an expansion, this is a great one in a long time, that lets me play only what I love to play. But at the same time the lack of #soloqueue for rated PvP doesn’t let me play it.
Burnout it is not the case for SL. I would have played it 3-6h/day without problems. If I can call that that “playing” since more then half of my ingame time means LFGing. That is the whole point of this post and the reason I’ve linked the video in it.
If you would have watched the video you would have really understand where I am at. I just wanna play Arenas 2s, but the time it takes to find a party with you can actually play it is awful. I play at random hours so I wanna play arenas at random hours, just like you can play Rated DOTA/Overwatch/LoL even you don’t have a team or friends to play with.
Again, it is not about a burnout from PLAYING the game, on the contrary, it is a burnout from TRYING to play the endgame rated arena but I feel my time is not respected, and having to stare at oribos/LFG for more then half of my ingame time is not worth it for me.
AND AGAIN Shadowlands, as an expansion, is one of the best I’ve played. With a revamped LFG it could become the best expansion.
I don’t mind that there STILL are class balance problems, since this was always a thing in WoW and it will always be. I got 5 favorite classes and I can play any of those if balance issues are that bad for one of them.
SO just give us #SOLOQUEUE