36,222 damage Starsurge

WHATEVER you say isn’t going to make up for the fact that I’m iLvl 194 Shaman who got one-shot by 36,222 damage.

Totally preventable!
Like any 36k Lava Burst COULD BE!

look at the fire magees they even worse …

To be fair, kind of.
Out of any class, shaman is probably the best equipped to deal with a boomkin burst. Just keep track of what he’s doing and use grounding totem to absorb the BS one shot damage.

This kind of burst just shouldn’t exist in pvp imo. Now granted, convoke could just fizzle with 10 moonfires or something, but that rng is even worse.

Moonkin/firemage are first in line for NERF Hammer just need lazy devs come out from Holidays.All kind of kick excuses and other nonsense is just classic tools forum FOTM rerrolers to defend their pick. Thats why lot od them hiding behind alts.


Ye thats enough!
time to nerf death knight



I have a new one: “WhY DiDn’T yOuR ShAMmIE UsE HiS GrOuNDiNg TOtEm?!?!”

Actualy this type of burst are common in most highly compettive games. Thing is this bursts are mostly easyl avoidable. Which is entire point if burst dmg. it punishes bad plays. If you let moonking free spam you with Starsurge you deserver to die.

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Convoke the Spirits is a problem.

I like that abilities hit hard - I really do. I think it’s fun.

What I don’t like is these ridiculously over-the-top cooldowns.

It was, quite frankly, my #1 concern going into Shadowlands. I remember saying it. Obviously the exact problems I had with each ability changed as the ability changed, so don’t pay too much heed to the exact issues I described. But I was concerned about the cooldowns.

The problem with cooldowns, in a nutshell, is that in order for the cooldowns to be good, other damage must be bad. If both are good, you will completely annihilate people during cooldowns.

My little pocket philosophy tells me: Make cooldowns mediocre - they are additive anyway so they won’t be useless. Use resource management and counterplays as the meat of the game.

tBC basically got this exactly right.


Indeed, just use ignore pain into release spirit, am i right? :wink:

I am here to get wisdom

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No, really. This tread is about Blizzard giving Elemental Shamans 36k Lava Burst that EVERYONE could TOTALLY PREVENT and AVOID, and INTERRUPT, if they just L2P!

Please, Blizztards! GIEF 36k LABA VURST 2ELE??||

Did u forgetted 2 tell ur partner 2 interrupt & pain sup & wind shear & ALT+Q+Q???

Nope, pretty sure i warned him about interrupting starsurges :smiling_face_with_tear:

You just got a scrub l2p n00b LFG partner from the “I’m 1.3cr but 3.2k xp” system, right??

Edit: is it about time I say the F word to Blizzard and get banned for telling the truth… errm, sorry, for being rude, I mea FOR BEING RUDE

Edit 2: I did 344 damage Fleme Shock, which IS FREAKING OP, so NERF DAT THIENG… JEEZ IMAGINE IF THAT WUD CRIT!!!

Underrated lmao

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Enjoy dying to starsurges and incarn instead.

The thing is, if this was convoke its simple case of why did you not kick, grounding, los, defensive, heal ? pick one.

end of the day, to do these kind of crits 3 things have to happen, the druid needs very high mastery and verse, you would clearly be lacking any real verse and three you stood there and ate a convoke…if you had no way to prevent it, gg they set it up well.

its also mega rng he could easily have moonfired u half a dozen times and cast starfall and a wrath or two…

on the off chance this wasn’t convoke and pure starsurges, you sat there and ate 3 globals while he was certainly in CA and trinkets and didn’t think to los, cc or use defensives. gg ?

convoke is just the god of punishing bad play. high risk high reward. it was also be pretty mediocre if the guy had bad stats, no mastery and low verse…so yeah gearing properly, mastery stacking trinkets / instructors bell etc make it a tactical nuke you got to get away from or die.

ye, but it could also very well be 9 starsurges where each of them hits for 18k and finished with 23k full moon right?..to kill the entire team including pets with it if moonkin teams set up for it as the gentleman said above…ground, bop or.straight up divine shield from prot pal.
This idiotic ability shouldnt be in the game…ppl are not monkeys, there are tools to make it almost unavoidable…not to mention bgs where you have wall of ppl infront of you preventing enemy to even touch you …cmon be a little real here

I love the replies of the “skilled” players…

“juck kick it”… GG when thats on CD
“it take so long to cast”… yeh? so do Chaos Bolts and those got nerfed multiple times
And so on.
Basically for all strategies and comments in favor of this kind of stuff there are just as many counters. And it is not just boomkins that are so high on burst mind you.

The fact is that burst in this game, in both PvP and PvE, is way to powerfull. And that makes “skillplays” be nonexistant. Just wait for your CDs to be off and boom, every mob/player dies in a second or 2; and that is not fun or rewarding gameplay but in the end more then a bit annoying for both parties. With burst your target dies, without it, they win; so its burst of bust… and thats no fun at all.

IMO this needs to be adressed, and quickly, seeing as since we get better and better gear these burstwindows get way more powerfull over time and with it way more worth it to be a source hampered by nothing but cooldowns.


Let the interrupts meme start now.