36,222 damage Starsurge

Why are people defending this stupid amounts of dmg? You cant save all your CDs for 1 spell since you have to play against a whole team (Yes you also have a team). Lets not forgot Incarn.

Kick: You cant allways keep your kick of of CD because you need to kick CC and other spells aswell

Grounding: Has a long CD and needs to be used for other stuff aswell.

LoS: There are multiple scenarios where you cant use it, especially if you are a non mobile class, like Shamans.

Defensive: most time allready used for incarn+ 3 starsurges.

Heal: There is allmost no heal in the game that can heal as fast as Convoke does dmg.

Srsly, yes there are multiple ways to avoid Convoke, but convoke is not the only thing that does extreme amounts of dmg if you play against an owl.

Also convoke literally can global you if you are unlucky.

Convoke is no matter how many ways there is to avoid extremely unhealthy for the game in PvP. Like any spell that can oneshot you that easily without a setup.


Eh, I have seen shammies pop 6 instant LBs within 2s for like 4-5k each, works too.

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haha, an interupt-meme`er right there…

you would be right - if one boomie is everything you are playing against.

save your interupts for one specific spell when there is a thousand other things to interupt ?

only ones defending this cringefest is boomies. i get that it feels good to oneshot people with no effort and thus you defending it, but trust me.

it. will. not. last.


Clearly outplayed.

LMAO in this thread there are ppl who think that convoke is fine. :slight_smile:


That High risk part put me on serious laugh…imagine that lvl of risk to be kicked to something its no even Kit of your class (borrowed Power)so u Can unload then real cds.


Not like locks used to cast one chaos bolt per half second that did like 60+% of hp back in 8.3. But i guess it was alrighty back then cuz it was you doing it, right? :slight_smile:


The problem is not what we had before, but what we have now.

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Disappointed, here I thought I’d see one 36k crit starsurge.

And people cry about the Hunt. LOL.

well to be honnest The hunt is as much stupid as convok lol .

Don’t worry, stuff will be better at 9.X /10.X

It doesn’t do nearly as much damage and is much easier to counter though.

Well, lucky you, he didnt crit the first 2:)

That was not me, i just use R3 to link stuff :smiley:

No, it’s perfectly fine

The problem is people crying for nerfs while there were happy climbing rating cuz their class was dominant :slight_smile:

Nobody is crying for a nerf. All I asked for is a 36k ability that I could then teach you how you can interrupt, cc, avoid and L2P around on the forums.


when i queue with my mage for 2s thats how we play vs double melee
if both enemies are melee i BOP him and bubble myself so they can waste their burst on the bop target

p.s i thought starsurge is instant

Seems like an outplay issue to me. No need to fix, just get better at the game imo.

i hope you realise if a boomie loads 90 AP and pops eclips he could just as easily do that 39k of damage in 3 starsurges right. has nothing to do with convoke really… boat + high verse and mastery = big boomie crits simple as that.