5 days ago I started a topic about this and immediately got suspended for doing so, now trying again.
This was the image i linked back then:
There are 40 man multiboxer teams doing random bgs and Blizzard is fine with it. As long as they are paying for it Blizzard is ok with anything it seems. Not to mention 3rd party software these people must be using in order to join and do 40 man bgs.
Heard from others about this but nowadays since not much to do, started doing random bgs alot and it is like plague. And it is same few people doing this. Run into them again.
Before I get suspended again or banned from forums for posting these, I hope more people will see it and someone with a voice in pvp community will have balls to spread the word, pull some attention into this.
With this kind of stuff, game is becoming more and more pay to win…
Edit: Already got in-game suspension this time, can’t write or chat with ppl, cause encouraged everyone in bg to report, write about this stuff. Lets see if i ll get suspended here too.
Sry my mobile crashed.
We discuss this in german forum too. It seems to be legal or accepted. But thrre is no doubt it is awful to play against them. No way to win.
I was in a bg and faced a mb, this surprised me because I saw a long time no mb.
fyi wow forums after 10 ban , gives perma ban. dont open topics about it if it caused you ban.
This is a shame. If a bad behavior, far from any correct logic provides Blizz money, they put in the rules that is allowed.
Online games are young about rules, but will come a day where all this rubbish will not be allowed more.
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He just create ultra laggs that you can’t do anything no chance to win with this bad servers.
It is so awful i have no words to describe. Unfair. No Fun.
I’ve encountered this multiboxer two times while playing Southshore vs Tarren Mill the other day. Basically impossible to win against him.
Edit: By the way, he has 20 DKs and 5 Shamans. Not 40 man.
There’s either another dude plays with him with another 15 DK’s, or else it’s the same dude with more toons, but have met him in AV 4 times now with 35 DK’s and 5 shamans. Unplayable lag, instant death from disease and pets, plus using a banned pet to create more lag. Yet nothing is done about it
Care to elaborate more about this?
It was the Ethereal Soul-Trader. Don’t know much about it but read it was banned from pvp due to it being used with a lag exploit or something. Thought it was an odd pet to have out when I saw it, then I read the above
That pet can’t be summoned inside Bgs
You know some people are exploiting battlegrounds, no?
I’ve been in 4 bg’s with this multiboxer. Each one I’ve seen that pet out. He’s using some sort of exploit
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For anyone curious:
Two guys, 20 chars each. They queue in four parties with five members.
At least according to one of them. 
Met them twice in one day, my husband got curious and whispered one to ask.
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Remove group queue from Random battlegrounds and then we can count one of the biggest problem in PvP as resolved.
You are naming and shaming though. Censor the names in the pictures.
You cant post char names here. Thats why you got ban. I would not care about it if this horrible poeple not causing unplayable lag.
I mean how bored you have to be to play with 40 characters lol…sad.
Been up against this a few times today in Ashran, it’s the most unenjoyable / disheartening thing to see.
Not because it’s impossible to beat - I’d imagine a coordinated team / another multiboxer with enough CC could probably contend with it quite well - but because of the tactics used.
This multiboxer uses the King Mechagon hologram on all 25 characters, flooding the chat box and drastically lagging the instance.
Whenever he engages in combat, the sheer amount of abilities all being used at exactly the same time also cripples the instance.
There’s no way to avoid being matched against this, as he/she fills an entire team of 25. Just this evening, I’ve had to face it three times in a row.
Uses only two races, Mechagnome and Dark Iron. Meaning that anybody hoping to complete any of the old Nemesis quests has no choice but to endure a match, or get the deserter debuff and any other consequences that come with leaving battlegrounds.
I’m not calling for this player to be banned or even punished, but other players need a way to avoid these situations. Blizz, what can we do?