enemy healer is propaply lower mmr than you thats why you dont get points but yes i can understand the frustration there think you should atleast get a little bit +
Okay, 4/6 won, MMR 64 lower than the average…0 CR gained. Bonus that I had to wait 30 mins for the queue and then we had a guardian druid in the game. Previous 3 games have been 3/3.
Almost all of you probably had an MMR as close to the average as you, while there was (at least) 1 player doing placement games in your shuffle screenshot there.
Reason I say at least 1, is that one player won a lot from 3 rounds won, while there was the player with 0 rounds won and with 0 cr so it’s hard to tell about that one.
However, the player with 0 cr and 0 rounds won, probably had a really low MMR (it was probably not his first shuffle either, yet 0 cr, so he’s probably on a losing streak), much lower than the average. While the reason the overall average ended up like that, was probably thanks to the healer doing his placement games who brought it up.
So the rounds you won against that player with 0 rounds won, that player with 0 rounds won brought the team MMR down on the opposite team of yours every time which reduced the amount that you won, and the rounds you lost you had a low team MMR which made you lose more.
So that made you end up with just as much rating lost from 2 rounds lost, as you had won from 4 rounds won.
Which made you end with Rating unchanged as the shuffle ended.
Anyway, it just brings me back to why maximum amounts and minimum amounts won and lost needs to be brought in per round, which is explained a little better in the thread I linked to much earlier in this thread.
You’ll be able to tell these things for yourself every shuffle and every round, once they make the personal MMR of every player in the shuffle visible in the scoreboard. Which a blue post has said is planned.
Good 4 you. The normal people will keep complaining about it, because when we q, we want to q to increase our rating, not to help other people find games. In literally every other PvP game that has solo ranked you either win or lose rating. This is the only garbage system where you get nothing after a game.
ye i had same idea that we need to get cr based on wins not mmr , mmr shoud be just to find ppl to play with/against
Game is garbage in worst state than ever.
For tickets we getting robotic answers.
Support doesnt cooperate with players thats how game dies.
Playerbase is lowest than ever.
Mmr in df shouldnt exist at all because everyone have same gear.who tf cares how much skill you have when we all have same gear so mmr doesnt make sense.
Wait in queue 30min to get 4wins and only 2points rating or 2wins and -60.
Some random guy from street who never played game would make better class balance.
How low are we talking? For it to make sense wouldn’t somebody need to be about 200 MMR higher and somebody else 200 lower? For me to still be that below the average of the game.
The idea of a minimum / maximum rating gained max sense, as it would offset the MMR weirdness, even if it does mean 3/3 gives 0.
No, doing it that way is not good enough. The impact on inflation and deflation would be too severe. But putting in maximum amounts and minimum amounts won and lost, while MMR decides specifically where inbetween these maximums and minimums you should gain or lose, it keeps the “slot machine psychology” still going, while also makes it more reliable in the long run.
(And it also allows room for inflation and deflation events to occur.)
The idea isn’t for 3 rounds won to always mean rating unchanged after a shuffle. It’s for the MMR to decide the small points difference it can lead to, depending on the maximums and minimums.
But let’s say you win 3 rounds and lose 3 rounds, depending on those MMR differences in those rounds, you gain or lose maybe 1-5 rating or something like that.
To always have 3 wins and 3 losses lead to rating unchanged would make it a bit too formulaic and stale.
(It’s the same idea with having both maximum and minimum amounts even if you win or lose more rounds than that, to let the MMR differences decide where inbetween them that you should gain or lose from a round, but that it always gives or takes something and never gives or takes too much.)
But, as you say in your thread, most people view it as one game, rather than 6 individual games, so most people I think would accept 3/3 as the sort of breakeven point. But yeah, I see what you’re saying, having a min/max with MMR filling in the gaps makes a lot of sense.
The fundamental issue is that winning more than you lose, to gain nothing feels bad. There isn’t really a way around that. I think that is the key thing that needs addressing.
at this point i dont even know what needs to happen to fix this sh.t i was 2.3 cr/mmr lost 2 games in a row 0/6 cuz i was vs 3 ranged cant do sh.t vs em and then my mmr was somehow 1.8 my cr was 2k, then win 5 games gain 0cr and i had to leave at the start of a game to fix my cr/mrr. maybe they need to make cr and mmr to be the same at any given point cuz with the inflation and deflation sometimes u gain 0 or u lose a lot
Well, I can tell you right now that healers would not like it if it’d always be like that. At all.
Even such a simple thing Blizzard managed to brake…who the Fock are they hiring there?
Just heal more /s Very valid point, I suppose healers could have different min/maxs per round or something.
Nah, doing exceptions like that got its own consequences. Such a thing is better fixed in the gameplay design.
But even though it’d take longer for healers to push up their CR if they aren’t playing something borken, Blizzard just needs to make people have more trust in the rounds they play to reliably reward them or punish them in a more static fashion than now.
Since right now people don’t even trust that winning even 4 rounds will always mean an increase in rating, nor do they trust that winning 3 rounds will at least always keep their rating from dropping a lot. So once that’s fixed, the slower pace it takes for healers to gain rating, will at least reward healers who can perform well consistently even if they can’t carry.
It’ll also keep the ones performing worse at a lower rating, as a rating system should be doing.
U only fight to not lose points witch is so bad i lose all motivation
I just got 5/6 and only +30 rating
Why do you keep on trying to vindicate the incredibly poor way CR/MMR has been implemented in Solo Shuffle? Really, what is it about this system that has you defending it in nearly every post that someone has complained about it?
You keep putting the emphasis on it being the persons problem because they might not understand exactly how the current system is working. But that’s completely irrelevant really, a broken unfun system is a broken unfun system whether you fully understand it or not. I mean broken from a design standpoint, I know the system is currently working as intended.
Take a very good look at this picture, I’m sure you’ll try and justify this result too. Blame it on the person for “not belonging” … Their MMR was too high obviously, but this scenario should NEVER happen. It’s not fun, it’s insulting and it’s literally breeding toxicity among the player base. That is not okay.
I am genuinely intrigued as to why you feel the need to defend SS so vehemently. Please, do tell.
I have had several people telling me i dont understand the system and its working as intended and apparently the next game i win i will gain rating… its a system designed around momentum… win multiple in a row and youll get to your skill lvl range… from my perspective it seems if i lose a game i have to win twice to make up for it. Its funny how this system doesnt hesitate to take away your rating the moment you lose, but the moment you win it becomes hesitant… its a silly system
There is a difference between explaining what is going on or vindicating a system. I multiple times said, that it could have been done better and isn’t a good system.
But other than you, I don’t blame the mmr system if I can’t climb the ladder. Because no matter what you say, in the end it does still work. Not perfect, not even good, but working.
Only healers are allowed to complain. It still seems to work for them somehow, as the good healers are also playing at the top of their class spots, but overall it seems a lot harder for them to climb. At least here they should do something.
Well, it obviously is. I won 4 rounds, why don't I get rating?
They don’t understand, that the amount of rounds won isn’t the only factor that matters. Or they are complaining about not getting rating for a 3-3, even though it is exactly at it should be in my opinion.
That right there is what I was after, thank you. This is where your argument falls down. The odds are stacked not only against healers, but against DPS too, they’re playing in the same “not even good” system after all. For example, I got paired with a Ret only twice, and whoever had the Ret would win as we had Pally tanks as heals, causing me to go 2-6 and lose 70 rating. Of course I’m allowed to complain about that, it wasn’t a fair matchup considering he was globaling people consistently. The same happened with a Feral who was doing consistent 90k bites. I was only partnered with him twice and he won every round easily. I lost 48 rating. I then win 5 and 6 games and only get a few rating each time.
I’m not blaming the MMR system on its own, I’m looking at the big picture. Every part of the system has a part to play for the mess SS is in. The way MMR is calculated, in conjunction with the match making, in conjunction with the way team mates are paired together. Class balance favouring bursty classes. Getting stuck in low MMR hell, which is a huge issue sub 1500 - making it so you have to win games consistently to climb, in an environment where you can’t always rely on your team mates, with large elements of randomness and luck dictating games. All that and only Healers can complain…
You’re literally saying that DPS are fine… Come on, what kind of a narrowminded view is that?
Saying only Healers are allowed to complain, completely undermines all the ways in which the system unfairly treats DPS in a lot of scenarios too. Yes DPS may have an easier time climbing in more scenarios than healers, and some over tuned DPS may technically be “fine”. But that doesn’t make all DPS classes fine all the time, clearly.
Again, missing the point. It’s not that they got no rating, it’s the big picture surrounding how they got in that position in the first place, i.e. everything that led up to it. They may have had an unlucky streak, losing a bunch of rating, and then you win a bunch of rounds and hardly get anything? That’s a dumb system and penalises both healers and DPS.
But you’re not just trying to explain what’s going on, that’s my point. You’re also showing your superiority complex and bias towards healers, alongside an inability to think outside the box.
Your knowledge on MMR is very impressive, we get that. We also get a lot of other things outside of MMR, that you appear not to.