6 hours queue, then play 30mins and Kicked

this is ridiculous, one thing is wait a queue to play, and another very different is kicking random people, at least kick the guys who didnt disconnect since 00:00 i waited 6 hours queue then played 30mins and get kicked with no grace period, now i have 15k queue


Same here, I was in queue for 5 hours, I went out for 30 mins when it was at 3556 left in queue, I came back to find it had d/c. Now im 15000 in queue.

well he is not talking about d/c form the queue.
He was ingame - got d/c - and now is again in the queue.

Same happend to me 3 times. Im in queue since over 10 hours and played like 30min

A d/c is a d/c.

If your opinion is that this is fine why are you even on the forum? to play devils advocate? If you subbed for classic request a refund.


no , cause i d/c alot from the waiting queue and got back my position every time.

you can rejoin the queue where you leave it (thats why Q sometimes goes up!) but if you get DC ingame you are back at the end of the Q
SO a DC is not a DC. SORRY!

  1. Queued for 30 minutes. (very early in the morning)
  2. Disconnect after 1.5 hours of playing.
  3. Queued for 7 hours. (midday)
  4. Disconnect after 15 minutes.
  5. Queued for another 7 hours. (present)

And what is Blizzard’s response to all this?

“We’re continuing to monitor the status of all EU Classic realms.”

Which basically like a middle finger to all of us who’re watching the queue screens.


that is not even their response to this topic. This was a 1 time issue where 5k+ players got a DC from many servers. Not the problem most ppl here are having.

Peoples on Shazzrah getting DC and after instant login theres 20k queue. Desired kick for letting others login ?

one time issue ??? no absolutley not.
as i said - 3 times for me and other friends in same grp.

yeah umm no sh1t?

No Blizzard, you have absolutely not the slightest clue how frustrating it is.
Because if you did, your response wouldn’t be so patheticly poor and we wouldn’t have this trainwreck of a launch to begin with.

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