8 delves per week is way too much

It would have been really stupid of me to say something like this. Thank goodness I never did. Now you are the stupid one for making false claims.

Yet it was the example you used to get your point across.

Thank god you admitted it was stupid.

Come on. You are just playing dumb now. Back to topic.

What character progression?!

I mean, excuse me, but WoW barely has this anymore. You get how many extra item levels per week? Which is how many extra stats? Which is how much more damage and healing?

Anything else?


So it’s not much of a character progression game, is it?

It’s a content and difficulty progression game.

You progress through content and levels of difficulty within that content.

That’s most of what WoW is these days.

But the premise for being that – successfully – is that the content is enjoyable and that the difficulties are meaningful.

And we wouldn’t be having these threads and these discussions if Blizzard had nailed that perfectly.

But character progression? Diablo IV is a character progression game. Gear upgrades are substantial and will affect the way you play your character.
In WoW the character progression comes to a crawl the moment you hit maximum level. Beyond that point your character will pretty much remain as is until a new expansion comes out. The gear upgrades you get, which translate to extra stats, only exist to enable you to progress through the content difficulties. Ergo it’s a content and difficulty progression game.

And with regards to Delves, it’s kind of a problem when you can do a +8 rather easily and not have any reason to progress beyond that, and then also feel that the reward for doing the +8 is only meaningful if you do it multiple times.

You should immediately quit this game if there is a “cost” involved for you when playing it. Everything you do in this video game should be of pure benefit to you. There should never be any cost. If you do anything in WoW that you would describe as a cost, you should stop doing it right now. I don’t even know why you would do it willingly.

lol, you are right.
it was a progression when leveling was still a job to do. like, unlocking new talents and new spells. that felt like progression.
than when u hit that max level and you got your fiiiirst epic item, OMG!!!
it was progression with new content.
now… auto mode to max lvl. quick gear via worldquests.
and than this new “progression” which is basically the same silly dungeons over and over and over aaaand over again for the very same equipment with +3 ilvl :slight_smile: that is not a progression the way i enjoy it.

How i like to be a simple man.
Last week i did 8 delves on 3 chars for weekly quests cuz i had enough time.
this week i did just 3 with my main, 2 with my previous main, 0 with my pally and my priest and 5 with my monk (just levelled to 80).
But just beacuse i wanted, and not beacuse i was forced. Sincerely im not understanding all the problem here. Or maybe i can understand ppl doin M+

The only solution could be the one proposed above

thats it.

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Numbers please.
The 4 of your yelling in this topic does not constitute as “the most players”

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Do four for two choices :man_shrugging:

Thank you. That’s helpful. Soon we will be doing six for three choices. That will at least be a step in the right direction. Blizzard won’t be able ignore the unhappiness with delves for long.

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It’s not something we can fix I’m afraid. It’s easy to get swept up in that mindset where you absolutely have to maximise everything and make yourself miserable. It’s much harder to get out of it. You can attempt to help people but if they don’t want it you can’t do anything.

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Here, let me fix it for you:

Many players don’t like PvP? → Players should demand that Blizzard makes PvP better.
Many players don’t like Raids? → Players should demand that Blizzard makes Raids better.
Many players don’t like M+? → Players should demand that Blizzard makes M+ better.
Many players don’t like Delves? → Players should demand that Blizzard makes Delves better.

Accepting that many players don’t enjoy so much of the content in this game is pathetic. You are weak and you have low standards if you think like this. This is a video game that costs 13€ per month. Blizzard makes tons of easy money with this. All types of content should be in a superb state.

Delves aren’t disliked because they don’t meet the taste of many players. They are disliked because they are fully scripted corridors that provide zero challenge or excitement. I don’t know what to tell you if you enjoy your time in this failed experiment.

no m8.
I have a day job, and when I am done with it, I play World of Warcraft and do things I enjoy. It’s a videogame created with a specific direction, and I am enjoying the parts of it that I like.

And like many players, trying to force anything on us will just make us move on to another game. Pushing that down will end up with a dead game.

And the issue with your “narrative” is that you’re again speaking for “many players” without numbers to back up. You’re trying to force changes for a so called majority that we don’t even know exists. Whereas we’re advocating to keep what we have and work on it.


And your suggestion would be what exactly?
Mail everyone their bis 639 at char creation and go sandbox pew pew mode?

Jesus not sure if you are dense or something. But there will always be a choice between and the cost of it. Play video games or do something productive at your house, career and etc.
Go out with friends or stay at home and do raids or m+. Everything has a benefit and the cost of it.
Even going to a vacation where you have a blast you need to factor it the financial cost so your “best vacation evar” doesn’t bankrupt you.

do 8+ m plus then
Don’t people love delves? Don’t they? :rofl:

It’s so sad when you really think like that. I never do anything in any video game that has a so called cost to it. I only do things in video games that are purely fun and beneficial to me. Your mindset lacks self respect. The only cost should be the price of the video game itself.

Some rewards are worth the grind for it. Nobody will give you best rewards, best titles, best…whatever because you logged in. And when your efforts pays off and you finally down that mythic boss after nights of progression then its all the sweeter yet the " costs" of progression nights, repairs, consumables. and your free time.

If you play video games and are absolutely oblivious towards the costs associated to it…then just be careful to not slid into addiction where video gaming is all what you care about in your life.

If you want to max out gear on 5 characters then that’s a problem you created for yourself.

I didn’t make a suggestion.

I just wanted to debunk the notion that WoW is a character progression game.
That is a term that can describe the leveling part of the game, but definitely not the endgame.
And therefore the argument that you can’t just expect to log in and pew pew – that’s a bit detached from the design of the game, where Blizzard very much wants you to be able to do exactly that.

In some way I think there’s an argument to be made that the weekly vault requirements are way too harsh, considering the fact that its main design purpose is to catch players up in terms of gear over time.
And there’s little reason why that has to be gated or slowed, since the whole point of it (and any gear upgrades in general) is to get more players up the content and difficulty ladder so the pool of players everyone can play with gets ever larger.

From a cynical Blizzard perspective there’s of course a desire to slow the process down, because that keeps players in the treadmill for longer, which keeps them subscribed.
But from a player perspective there’s little reason or value in gatekeeping the gear upgrades with unnecessary high requirements or timegating or otherwise. I mean, what does it matter if you have to do 5 or 8 delves a week? Besides encouraging more time in the treadmill there’s little reason is there? That might be desirable for Blizzard, because it’s good for their metrics. But why would players want to impose more time burdens on each other?

You can only get 1 reward from vault anyway and the first slots open up for either 2x boss kills, 1 M+ clear or 2 world activities. People wanting to be maximalists to max out everything they touch is not really a Blizzard’s problem now is it?