8 delves per week is way too much

Damn. Most people have just given up on World of Warcraft and Blizzard it seems. No quality is even requested anymore. So many people have simply accepted the fact that some pieces of content are bad.

When people rightfully criticise the poor state of delves, m+ or even pvp, they get the “advice” to not play that content. That’s such a shame. Instead you should be pounding at Blizzard’s doors, demanding for delves, m+ and pvp to finally be massively improved.

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To be fair, all endgame past the first clear is a chore that one needs to repeat until RNG says so.

PS: except for maybe super high key runs for score bragging rights

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or, and stick with me here…
we actually enjoy delves and are having fun?


And we want people who obviously dont enjoy them and want them changed to just not play them cause we dont want them changed


But that doesn’t mean there isn’t merit to the criticism, or that Delves can’t be improved in ways that preserve the fun you’re having and make them fun for others as well.

Complacency seems silly when improvement comes at no cost to anyone of us.

Not really though, raiding/mythic + has progression tied to it and is a primary gameplay mode, there is a challenge. Delves max out at +8 for rewards which can be overcome on a brand new alt 30mins after you ding 80, solo. And while +11 delves are challenging, they offer nothing rewards wise, there is nothing to collect or discover, they are just harder.

So there is no incentive to go above a delve 8, which doesn’t require any gear, and there are no random or special events within delves, there are no random or special rewards, it’s just a shallow aimless farming process that becomes absolutely trivial with gear.

It would be like if M+10 dungeons were heroic dungeon difficulty while offering the maximum reward and M+ capped at +13 dungeons with no further rewardsw, M+ players would soon be like “what is the point here”.

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I am absolutely okay with criticism on improving them.
Not taking away stuff.

Considering how bare-bones Delves are, it’s hard to take much away. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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That’s good for you, but a very egotistical mindset. Most players don’t enjoy delves. The reception of this new content has been overwhelmingly negative. Even someone like you who enjoys delves can’t deny that they could be improved massively. You can’t possibly be perfectly happy with them.

Well thats just it isn’t it. “Fun” itself can be very subjective term and making everyone happy is close to impossible. For some ability to do delves solo is “fun”, for others it will be only “fun” if they get showered in myth gear from head to toe and then there are people where its only “fun” if its as difficult as “Dark souls” on highest diff OR complete opposite when you are “guaranteed to win” by breathing alone… we can go on and on…

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I want a resource about delves being received “overwhelmingly negative”. I hear a lot of people having fun in them, including me.

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Sure. But again, practically speaking, Delves are very simplistic in their design. There’s a lot of room to expand and improve on that design without stepping anyone on their toes.
I think a large part of the criticism right now seems to emanate from the bewilderment that the feature got released in its current state, when it would obviously have been served well with some extra months of development. But hopefully Blizzard will catch up on that. We’ll see.

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All content is only replayable if it’s the kind of content you like. It amazes me that in raid players are prepared to pull same boss dozens or even hundreds of times to kill it. That’s literally the most boring and shallow gameplay I can possibly imagine.

But it’s not shallow gameplay, they have a goal to beat the boss and each time they learn something new, the depth is in the level of difficulty and the problem solving required to beat it, the depth is in the gameplay mastery. Delves are tuned to be braindead easy so they are just trivial farm content, and as trivial farm content (of which the game has a lot) it doesn’t offer any variety.

By example, Torghast had powers that were randomised and allowed each run to change from the last, you could be playing effectively an entirely different build. Also, Torghast had lots of secrets within it, and a huge pool of random cosmetic rewards that meant every run could yield something new.

Delves has none of that, every run is exactly the same, predictable, there is nothing to “discover” within them, which is odd given that was meant to be the point. They just become trivial farm content that you know will yield nothing other than filling that vault requirement.


In fairness, WoW derives a lot of its replayability through playing with others.
Every Dungeon is a static experience on its own. The mobs stand in the same place and behave the same every time.
What’s different is the people you play with. They can be different, and they will behave differently every time.
Therein lies WoW’s replayabilty. It stems from playing together with others.

Delves are solo-oriented, so there’s an immediate shortcoming here. Because as an individual player you can mostly repeat your previous performance in a Delve. And thus the replayability drops like a sack of potatoes, because then you’re doing it on auto-pilot and it becomes boring.
And that’s something Blizzard have to solve.
Delves, by virtue of being solo-oriented, don’t have the same inherent replayability as group-oriented content has (Dungeons, Raids, PvP).

Thank you. And therefore 8 delves per week on every character is way too much of a requirement to fill the Great Vault.

Well nobody is making you. If you decide to go full completionist on 8 chars for example then accept the “cost of doing so”.
Otherwise this complaint starts to sound as silly as complaining that “I signed up for 5 separate raid teams but I dont have enough time to maintain 5 mythic ready characters! Blizz haaalp!”.


The “cost” of doing so.

Damn, you have completely given up on fun and quality. You don’t even expect enjoyment from WoW anymore. It has become totally normal for you to put “work” into this game.

Says the person whining about wanting to keep up with 5 characters

Everything has a “cost”…most basic example: Time.

I can maintain 2 chars for raids and m+ while I would like to to play with some more classes. I am fully aware that if I want them to be something more than “alt at current max lvl” then it will take time with dungeon/raid grinding and so forth.

its a character progression game, not a “log in, pew pew for 20 mins, log off” shooter game. If you choose to take a char to…mythic raiding or high level m+ for example then you need to accept that there will be preparation work, nobody will take you to an even +3 straight out of dinging max lvl equipped with greens at ilevel 520 or something.

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