8 delves per week is way too much

…it’s weird how the vault requirements double exponentially rather than increase linearly?

2 → 4 → 8


2 → 4 → 6

Why does that last unlock require double the effort of the previous unlocks?

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The 3rd slot is for the specialist of that activity. The first or the first 2 for the average player. You do not need to get 3 slots :slight_smile:

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i dont know. but i never put a lot of effort in game and im able to fill the open world activities: but even i receive 584 items im happy as long as an item with a new mog.

It’s Two on one day & One a day for the rest of the week. If people stopped trying to bang out the vault in one day, it would be more enjoyable for them.

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You’d think people understood this…

But still, why?

I mean, at some point a designer sat there and thought 6? :thinking: Nah, I’ll make it 8.


There must be some thinking behind where the designer thinks that 8 will be better received and more appreciated by the players than 6.

So what’s the thinking and why don’t some players vibe with it?

simple x2 operation

2 to get started
times 2
4 for the second slot
times 2
8 for the last slot

easier to program out

I feel like if the reason behind specific game design is programming laziness, then there’s merit to the game design criticism.

That being said, +2 should be as easy to program as *2.

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Agreed, cause as a Software Engineer I absolutely loathe developers that chalk off bad implementations to “programmers are lazy”.

As a software engineer i feel like facepuncing :man_facepalming:
This is the biggest nonsense ever. What you describe is even harder to program than how a normal person should do it.

def calculate_runs(int vault_slot)
   return 2 ** vault_slot

calculate_runs(1) => 2
calculate_runs(2) => 4
calculate_runs(3) => 8

Yes because that is easier than just writing an array with 2, 4, 8 in it…

memory optimization.

I can play this game forever :dracthyr_hehe:

What a time to be alive. I’m at work avoiding doing work by reading people talking about their work.


Yes and dungeons is 1, 4, 8.
Good luck with your calculations. For things like this you just define them with absolute numbers.

Trying to make calculations is not the lazy way.

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code is compiling, I have free time :dracthyr_nod:

Oh I’m taking the piss don’t worry :dracthyr_hehe_animated:
I’m totally fine with lowering the amount to the proposed 6 runs and not 8.

def calculate_runs(int slot, enum content_type)
  case content_type
  when delves
    return 2 ** slot
  when dungeons
    return slot == 1 ? slot : slot * 4
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unfortunately i havent TL3, because i would post the “woman puzzled my calculation meme”.


It’s threads like these that remind me how lucky I am not to care about said systems. I don’t even know if there’s something in my vault at all yet, I haven’t checked if I did something to fill it.

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if they are not fun how about not doing them ?

But but but there is loot to get and they are entitled to every bit of loot AND that blizz make getting saud loot fun in the exact way they think is fun.