8 delves per week is way too much

No they won’t.
There is nothing wrong with requiring 8 Delves for a full Vault.
8 delves is two on one day & one a day for the rest of the week.

I will remind you when it has happened.

You do that, but I’m not going to hold my breath.
8 Delves a week is perfectly reasonable, & is in line with the other rows.

I am all fine with that. I am not filling my vault with delves anyway.

wow. you reached 100 delves 3 weeks ago!! im running a lot of delves but still struggling behind. i can undesrtand you wanna change the systems. Burnout. total burnout.

Define “fun”.

Bear in mind your definition of “fun” also has to match everyone else’s definition of “fun”

Your opinion.

Really. Again. Your opinion. Personally delves are the best thing that’s happened WoW in a long time.

But that’s my opinion. Mythic dungeons and PvP and raiding bore the bejesus out of me, but you won’t find me complaining I need to do them to fill my vault.

Yes lets get rid of delves and funnel everyone into mythic plus.

Remember what I said about everyone having the same definition of fun?

Oh and for the love of God, stop with this hyperbolic drivel that you are somehow “forced” to do 8 Delves. But as it’s clearly obvious you’re one of those “CHANGE MY MIND” walking memes… I’ll just leave you to rage about being “forced” to do something.

Or you could always. in your own words,

and leave everyone else who enjoys delves to enjoy them in peace, like I do with people who enjoy mythic dungeons, who enjoy PvP, or enjoy raiding.

“All that is only your opinion.”

that’s literally what we’ve been telling you…

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I accept the fact that my statements are my opinion.

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Why though? You live in delves yourself so you must be enjoying them. Even doing them in groups to make them faster and easier for you. Delves are fine. The rewards are fine. Go do m+ or ?? or mythic raid or pvp if you want more challenging content. Id rather they adjust either scaling of m+ or rewards from m+ instead of ruining delves for those that enjoy them.


There are people who find the activity itself to be the reward.

And those 7 players are very special indeed.
It’s the same players who still spend the majority of their time doing old content and who aren’t in any rush to play through the latest expansion because they’re still having plenty of fun making soup in Dragonflight.
If only we could all be like those 7 players.

Yes. Instead you all are here in forum just complaining all day.

Lets not forget that its a video game after all. The activity itself doesn’t give you “real” rewards in rl. Will it put food on the table? Will it pay your electricity bills? Will you put playing WoW in your CV? I personally believe that for the vast majority, it wont. Streamers and pro’s are a very niche group of players.
So in the end - “bashing pixels” is simply a time waste activity we do in our free time.

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you are struggling behind on what exactly ?

having fun with everything else along side delves.

I’m 99% certain that Delves are here to stay now. For all the whinging online, more people have said nothing and have just enjoyed them for what they are.

simple 200iq lifehack: dont play content that is not fun

T10 sorry. Im still not succesfull in beating t10

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Using the forum as an outlet for boredom on public transport or the passing of time while on the loo, and funneling one’s criticism about Blizzard’s product development into a collective discussion with like-minded people can be satisfying on its own merit, whilst at no point taking time away from choosing to play the game, or choosing not to.

Sure. But said video game has a core design where its sense of fun and enjoyment is closely tied to its progression and reward design. That’s (to a large part) what makes it a compelling video game to play.

Sure, there’ll be some special players who get all the fun in the world from simply running around in Elwynn Forest all day long and doing /love on all the critters they come across.

But that kind of simple-minded joy is not one that can reasonably be assumed for others, and it is a poor attempt at undermining the merit of people’s criticism of the reward scheme by implying that their fundamental approach to playing the game is wrong, as if there is a superior way to enjoy it - which is to simply not care about rewards?
That’s a ridiculous kind of argument.