8 delves per week is way too much

No, they are not right. If it takes you 30 minutes, then a Delve 8 is above your skill level6, that’s all.

It’s an hour tops to smash 8 delves which guarantees you a Hero piece of gear.

You’ll spend a lot longer in an Heroic raid for similar results

No, it’s not, stop with this exaggeration. It may be true if you are severely overgeared (like 620+), but at around 600-610, it takes aynwhere from 15ish to 30 minutes, depending on the delve. How do I know this ? Because I actually use food when delving. 1 food = 2 delves. Rarely 3. Travel times are ~5min tops.

Realistically, doing 4 delves is around 2 hours. Playing without interruptions, which is almost never the case, either. A whole evening for someone with irl stuff. So 8 takes 2 days. PER CHARACTER. Not everyone plays 24/7 and I think delves need to be adjusted for that, because they are the content for them, at the end of the day.


It takes far more than an hour to “smash” 8 delves, even if you are massively overgeared. Lying is not okay!

if you take 30 minutes doing any dvelve on 610+ itlv you are doing something very very wrong.

people smash them in under like 5 minutes in 5 man groups :slight_smile:

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Took me 40 mins to do a t11 delve, i guess im doing it wrong.

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You’re claiming I’m exaggerating and your stating it takes you 2 hours to do 4 delves…

It hasn’t taken me more that 8 minutes to do a delve since ~600 ilvl

You can do the same delve 8 times, you don’t need 5 minutes travelling time.

You have make a macro to port you out to then entrance so you don’t even have to click the helicopter

You are comparing apples and oranges

Oh now it’s 5 minutes, so 20 delves per hour, hm ? What’s next, 3 minutes per ?
Stroking your virtual ego does not make it true, though.

And if you are doing delves with more than 1 extra person, you are obviously doing it for the loot/vault slot only. Or you have many friends that still play WoW - lucky you.

To the people that actually do delves as their end game content, or those that do them solo (I’d wager like 80% minimum), it takes way longer than 5 minutes.

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No, that was to lillith saying that taking 30 mins doing ANY delve, u’re doing it wrong. No tier of delve was specified.

Or just right click your portrait and click leave delve :blush:

That means the gear in the delve is irrelevant, you only do it for the GV slots. Nice self-report. You only get Veteran gear if you use a key and you can only use a key once per Bountiful delve per day. You can’t run the same one twice, the second time you get only ~550ilvl blues. If that, at all.

Which means you are overgearing them, so yea. I bet I can do them faster if I was 620, too. But 8 minutes hah. Do a video on YT, I’d watch that.

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My fastest run was like 15 minutes.Skipping all I could.And I am 611.Dunno how people do them in less…do they not do the objectives?
Or they are exaggerating.Cause even if you overgear them,you have to complete the things to get to endboss.


Have to factor in things as spec/class and playerskill aswell. Some will just be better at the game and better at their spec and able to kill stuff faster and pull more to aoe down. I do them as healer so for me they ofc take longer then some overpowered dps spec.

Your times are normal. People who talk about clearing delves in 5 minutes are just lying or have no more feeling for the time that has actually passed. They would be shocked if they would actually time their runs.

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Both exaggerating and doing them in 5man runs. And overgearing them. Or getting boosted by mythic-track friends.

For the intended audience (solo, 590-606 and later 606-619 just for vault), it takes a minimum of 15 minutes. Up to 20-something-30, depending on the delve. Or if Zekvir ganks you at the most inappropriate time and gets you killed. Or Bran pulls the whole dungeon and you die.

8 minutes is an optimized run by people (multiple) with both skills and gear just filling their GV slots. And probably very specific delve, not all can be done in that time even if you chainpull.

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Spamming Fungal Folly usually takes about 10 mins or so. I just do that. If you get to the stage where you don’t need to do bountiful delves, just spam the easiest or the delve you enjoy doing the most.

why woudl you do t11 when t8 are there . anything higher then T8 is wate of time.

if you still die to zekvir it explains a lot why it takes you 30 mintues to clear.

keybind interupt for the enfemble and he is a total joke.

i personaly do 610+ groups - they will in like seconds usualy :slight_smile:

I did 2 T8’s last week on my newly dinged DK on 562 and both delves costed me ~45minutes. But i guess we are all doing it wrong.