8 delves per week is way too much

For the achievment ofcourse. Because i actually enjoy doing content that challenges me.


yes mate .

what you shoudl have done is make 5 man group invite 610 + peopel and complete it in under 10 minutes :slight_smile:

then in time you did 1 dvelves you coudl have done all 4.

Correct way is to get 610+ group to carry you apparently.


I am not even finishing it under 10 minutes on my main with my tank friend and dps friend. And we are 620.

you are doing something very wrong then .

with 620 you shoudl be pulling liek half of dvelve at once.

I totally believe that. I didnt make a study out of what the fastest delve is and how to do the minimum.

And die by all the casts you can not stop.
Been there done that :grin:

You would die just as well when he shows up while fighting a miniboss, then fears Bran into oblivion, who then pulls 3 extra packs with the fear. Imagine being a squishy class and not a warrior. Or a hunter with pet(s). Not all classes are tanky.

Zekvir by himself is a joke if you pay attention. But when he spawns in a delve he creates CHAOS, screen clutter and nasty camera angles that get you killed. And even if you don’t die, he just wasted a good 2-3 minues of your life for nothing. Before he dropped a map if you drive him away or he killed you. Now it’s just a worldsoul worth nothing.

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he still drop maps though .

seen many maps dropping last week of him - on average 2 maps per 5 man party .

dont waste time doing them solo - just 5 man and its a joke.

I would say that the people who do M+ on keys beyond the cap on the ilvl on the loot are more than 7

The whole discourse about pve activities being boring (repetitive) is nonsense to me, at the very least you’ll enjoy combat and playing your own class, if your enjoyment is based entirely on how fresh content seems to you then you have a problem - you don’t actually enjoy playing the game.


That statement is so incredibly wrong. You understand nothing if you think like this. You obviously need the combination of a fun class PLUS fresh content. Each is useless without the other.

Sure. But we’re talking about Delves. “The activity” in this thread, in this context, is Delves.
Who runs Delves just for the fun of it? Who’s going to keep running The War Within Delves when we’re in the Midnight expansion and the rewards don’t matter anymore?

I’d say ~7 people.

I mean, it’s of course relative, content can become stale after… Year? But if you already got bored from twelve delves with each having 3 separate scenarios - it’s time to reflect and consider that maybe you are just addicted.

As many as the people who run old raids/dungeons for cosmetics I would guess.

Which is not an insignificant number of people. They just do not operate in masses at once.

There are some decent cosmetics that someone will likely always want. I got the green candle hat yesterday and I’m hoping to get the mushroom hat and fish mask at some point too.

Those will still likely be highly sought after in the future.

No. Because they run them for old cosmetics, because they’re collectors.

Your point was that for some people the activity itself was the reward. That’s what you said:

People who run old raids don’t do that because the activity itself is the reward. It’s the mounts and transmogs and pets and titles and whatever else they’re there for that’s the reward.
Those players will stop running those old raids when they’ve gotten the reward they’re there for. Someone who’s done hundreds of ICC run for Invincible isn’t going to do hundreds more after they’ve gotten the mount. They’re going to stop. Their entire reason for doing it was to get the mount. That was the reward.

If the activity itself was the reward, then there’d be a segment of players who happily ran MoP Scenarios every day, because they’re just so fun!
And you’d still have raiders doing Molten Core every week because they just love raiding and Molten Core is a raid so let’s gooooooo!!

But that ain’t the case.

Not beyond those 7 players I mentioned.

People overwhelmingly play WoW to chase the carrot on the stick. It’s ridiculous to try and paint a different picture.

I will certainly run delves to level alts, they’ll be great to actually play the game and not just running through normal leveling dungeons like headless chickens.
Also cosmetics, yes.

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That’s proving my point. You’re not doing it for the fun itself, but to further an ulterior goal, like leveling or collecting transmogs or whatever is.

I don’t do anything in game about linear progression for the fun itself, if i’m going somewhere it’s because there’ll be reward for doing that, this game works like this since 2004, it’s fun to play game and it’s more fun to play the game AND recieve reward.

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