8 delves per week is way too much

Take a guess which group is always saying “we’re progressing too fast, there’s nothing to do, we want to take things slower so content lasts longer, it’s not a race”.

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You can’t fix “there’s nothing to do” by making players do more of the same content to receive optimal rewards. By that logic you could increase the longevity of World of Warcraft by increasing the amount of required delves from 8 to 16. The opposite is the case. Players will just quit the game when they have to complete too much content they don’t enjoy to receive optimal rewards.

The only way to fix “there’s nothing to do” is to provide more content that is fun to do. Delves definitely aren’t it.

Here’s an idea: Don’t play 5 characters.

Then do something else. Not everything is for everyone.
I’m not here complaining that M+ isn’t fun. Or that PvP isn’t fun. I just don’t do those activities… Pretty simple solution.

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The developers did the opposite. It was possible to fill the weekly with Zekvir farm, which is not more fun, but at least it’s significantly faster. No more.

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Wasn’t that just an unintended error in the game?

Zekvir is a delve, its level is not mentioned but its difficulty is something around 8 delve I think. Even if that’s error, it’s not obvious and it wasn’t hurting anyone but their reports about “delve success”.

Then stop doing them.

God is that really so hard? You dont enjoy one form of content then you dont do that content.

I dont do pvp cause i dont like it but i cant just demand i want to get pvp stuff for less time investment cause i dont like it.

If delvs are really that unfun to you dont so them or do them cause you are a greedy loot goblin but then stop moaning about it


Then quit doing Delves on 5 characters, instead of asking for it to be reduced.


I suggest u do only 4 for 2 Vault slots.
Doing double the req of 2 vault slot for only one more slot? is not worth in my eyes at least.

Doing that = 50% less grind for you. Thats a Big Win!

God these threads are peak stupid.

If you think its unreasonable to do that many delves, do less.

You don’t “need” 3 vault options on alt number 5 (or 4 or 3 or two).

Jesus Christ, stop trying to get the game changed because you refuse to engage brain.

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Meh. Having “less grind” doesn’t feel like a big win. Instead there should be a system in which it is fun to fill the entire Great Vault. That’s the most important reward every week for most players. Filling it up should feel amazing!

A good first step would be to just reduce the amount of Delves required since most players don’t enjoy the Delves very much anyway. The second step would be to improve the Delves. If they can’t do that, there should be better options to fill the Great Vault.

If Delves wouldn’t provide Great Vault rewards, nobody would do Delves anymore, which means that Delves themselves are bad content.

You can maximise time against effort. Doing 8 Delves in one week gets you 1 piece of loot. Doing 2 Delves per week for 4 weeks gets you 4 pieces of loot.

The less loot you have the more likely it is you’ll get an upgrade. I also think the Vault isn’t “RNG” because it’s a retention device. I frequently get my lowest ilevel slot, too often for me to believe it is random.

If you are pushing keys the difference between a rank 3 enchant and the copper one is %50, i saw it yesterday when i accidentally made a copper rank one instead of three starred gold rank… I was kickign myself as that is a lot of mats that got wasted. I forgot to hit the concentration button. This proffs rework is a pita.

WHy bother with a rank 1? Throwing gold out the window. Fork out for the best or dont bother.

Tataly True

Why? Your still fighting with RNG on them. and the current cost of 4 runs to unluck 1 more RNG slot choice is not woth it.

If you dont enjoy dvelves then dont do them :slight_smile:

I dont enjoy m+ this season because dungeons pool is garbage and tuning is ebola so i dont do them instead suffering and doing them for the sake of doing .

Gear will reset complelty next season anyway so there is no point farming it beyind certain point :slight_smile:

8 Delves takes about 2 hours, assuming you take around 15 minutes per delve, some are shorter.

If you don’t want to play the game for 2 hours a week, given it’s high cost entry, think about what you do want to get from it.

Delves have a lot less life in them than the devs have imagined. Rewards are strong at the start of season but eventually farming crests turns into a slog. There’s only so much content you can put into a small linear area and keep swapping the assets around to keep it interesting. It gets boring really fast. It started being boring around the second week once we got to see all the scenarios.

last week i did that. but sincerely i can play 20 delves\week and after it became a bit boring. But is the activity i enjoy most.

mmm i disagree but we are talkin about nothin beacuse noon has proof. i just see in front of any bountiful delve a lot of ppl. always, day and night.

which is meant to be.

its pretty obvious that with dvelves they did listen to playerbase which for years claimed that they want catch up mechanics to alts.

well now you get to like 605 in 2 weeks and then you decide to either push on that alt m+ and hc raids or just just get another one there.

605-610 itlv is very nice start gear levels towards pushing.

problem of many players is they want not only that “Starter set” - players want full mythic geari n all possible slots on all possible alts asap :0

and that wont evr happen

I get what you’re saying, it’s not a lot of time in the grand scheme of things. The point however, is that they are boring.

Having to do something boring just because of the way the rewards are implemented is a very hard proposition to swallow.

This is the first week in the expansion where I’ll only do enough to get one slot of hero gear and hope that it’s useful. Otherwise, I’ll do the same next week.

At least the Zekvir fight was interesting and I could still die if I didn’t execute everything correctly.