8 delves per week is way too much

Essentially, make Delves harder, perhaps add more mechanics to the combat (not weird stuff like the underwater one or having to keep refilling candles). So that the fights are more interesting.

If every delve had a boss in it that was similar in challenge to Zekvir, there might some level of similarity to the M+7 loot that they drop…

I would rather M+ be made less insane tbh, but they are both valid solutions

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Suggesting that Delves should be made harder to Blizzard will mean increase the damage the mobs do and increase their health. Neither of which fix activities being dull throughout the Delve.

Same with adding a Zekvir’esk fight at the end, it doesn’t solve the issue of getting there being boring.

You don’t feel the power of Brann (granted, if my Brann got reset to level 1 then I might notice but as you progress, you don’t feel the tangible difference) and the temporary abilities you get are useless.

I didn’t play Torghast when it was live but I’ve gone back there to play them during DF and even at max level, they were actually enjoyable. I know people didn’t like them as they were forced into it but the basics of that system were interesting and fun. You could get really overpowered by the end. Delves are a step backwards from that system.

I see a chest in a delve and open it because it’s shiny and my brain is wired to open it but it’s just got a useless temporary ability in it. In Torghast, getting abilities could alter your gameplay.

See a little pouch on the ground, again, I click it because it shines but it give Brann what, 15xp? :yawning_face:

Sadly this is probably true, I meant more challenge, not just damage sponges.


Just don’t do 40 delves a week though! I also have a bunch of characters, but you know, it’s FINE to miss a vault. You’re not competing against someone, and there is no rush. The season is also long. Just play whatever chars you feel like playing, and if you miss a vault: Whatever. :clap: You don’t need to play all your characters every single week.

My recommendation is to ask yourself what your goals are, and why you play this game.

Oh yes, break them even more. To this day, I sometimes get 1-shot out of nowhere because a mob crits for 5 million + or spams that web orb OVER AND OVER AGAIN, no matter how much you interrupt or stun him. Or because I CC one mob, only for Bran to instantly break that CC AND pull the entire dungeon “by accident”. Fun times. And while you are sweating there, trying to stay alive, Zekvir spawns (why not) to pwn you even more. Happened to me twice last night. Very fun indeed. /s

Difficulty is fine as it is. Crits should be removed from mobs or make Versatility reduce chance to get critted. It is not fun or fair.

HP pools are way to much even now, the whole delve feels like a slog full of HP sponges. There is no reason a tiny little “ankle biter” should eat 2x Starfire and 2x Starsurge before it dies. The bosses are fine but the other mobs have way too much health for no good reason other than to waste your time.

Tell that to raiders or M+ guys that it’s fine to only fill up 1/3 or 2/3 of their vault and see what happens. The GV is our only way to get Hero gear (besides getting lucky with a map) and most of the slots are filled with cloaks and trinkets, sometimes repeating. Plus the people that do mainly delves usually have more than one character, unlike the other groups. So “just don’t do more characters” is not a solution.
IMHO, GVx3 slots should need 4 or 6 delves per character tops. 8 is way too much, you will never realistically have 8 restored keys to do x8 in a week and nobody is doing them without them.


But isn’t the issue here self-imposed? The criteria is the same for M+ and Raids…

As far as I’ve understood, Delves were an addition / alternative to grouped content, meaning solo players or people that did not enjoy the other content, could still have gear progression above adventurer gear… But as it is with a lot of things, we as humans saw the path of least resistance when coming to “min maxing” and Delves became the go-to gear farm

So of course, if you’re unwillingly putting yourself through what you see as tedious grinds only to “finish” your character faster, then you may need to look at the reason you play.

I am sure, if the Delves took 40 minutes each people would complain that they take too much time to cap vault on multiple characters, and how they don’t have time to do anything else in the game…

For me this season, has been the most sweaty I’ve seen the PVE playerbase, be it only wanting meta-classes, optimizing gear, whatever… One would think everyone is a race to world first competitor at this point

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in this way you hit the average delves audience. For example im doin an average performance with my chars. i reached 8\9 level and now. Im happy with my average ilevel and that’s it. probably ill try some 10\11 but not now. I just focused in achievements. BUT
I was unable to beat Zekvir ?. at all.

Sorry i cant understand why every piece of game needs to be a challenge or similar. I play a game for fun, not to have a 2nd job.
Or you mean “make delves harder in higher levels”.
wanna have challenges? Go for M+ But let the “average joe” like myself, alone.

Just a post scriptum. I dont wanna 630 rewards for my delve run. Im ok with a 600\605.


Just plain no.
Delves are fine as they are.
If you want challenging content, go run your damned M+ dungeons or do Mythic raiding, but leave our content alone.


amen, friend.

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When you go solo delves already have too many mobs or mechanics to deal with. You can’t stop everything. It is fine like it is right now.

When there’s something wrong with M+ difficulty or corresponding rewards, don’t blame or want to change other content.


it doesnt have to. but rewards hsould match the effort.

if you enjoy lfr level of difficulty you should be getting lft level of rewards.

so veteran gear at best.

sure - but blizzard needs to nerf the rewards to match it with difficulty

no they don’t.
Rewards are just fine.
Stop being jealous on others getting Epics.


It is totally fine. Players get to max 619 at the end of the season when they basically spam them. It really is fine.


Absolutely agree with you on this.

In my opinion it should be 2-4-6 at the absolute most.

Preferably less tbh. Because The chances of the vault options to be good from delves is incredibly low. there are so many terrible trinkets plaguing the loot table.

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More like they need to keep the difficulty the same as it is now and up the loot.

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I don’t have much against the 4 and 8, but it would be very nice for alts when the first would be just 1 :slight_smile:

for Brann Xp u need to do 28 per week :stuck_out_tongue:

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altcoholism is a real thing.

but i see you brother. i never have any alts. i just have my 1 max lvl and that is it. 8 delves seems absolutly fine, but hell, i would not say no to only 6. the thing with 8 is, that you will get the 16 crests that you need to upgrade your vault item from 616 to 619. i guesse if they change the amount of delves need to like 6, they would have to up the crests to 3.

hugs for you bro. excatly right. i play for fun. i have a high pressure job that does not allow errors. when i go home, i wanna have chill game and not go right back in to the treadmill.

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