8 delves per week is way too much

:rofl: yeah, I totally didn’t do heroic raiding etc, only joke content.
You’re so full of it.

You made a bad take about delves and got proven wrong, tremendously.
And now you’re so salty about it you’re trying to just sabotage the fun everyone is having.

Yes it is and also calling an argument stupid =/= calling you stupid. A smart person can have a stupid take on something.

So seriously read slower and understand what you are reading, first. Because i could care less if you do not appreciate something i did not even say.

And where you exactly debunk what i said?

Yes they are created with the same principle and thus creared similar problems compared to what M+ did to raid.

Get it?

Every choice come with issues.
How bad would the top delves gear be in M+ and viceversa?

Doubt people are going to appreciate having 4 different gear set

8 Delves makes a LOT more sense than 8 M+ runs.

That’s the thing though, does it have to be 4 different gear sets?
Just make one possible set of gear and make it obtainable through each pillar.

You like doing PvP? → get your gear from PvP
You like doing Raids? → get your gear from Raids
You like doing mythic dungeons? → get your gear from mythic dungeons
You like doing delves? → get your gear from delves.

You’re playing the content because you enjoy doing that content.
The gear is just the carrot to keep you doing that content.
You get mounts, achievements and titles as well for clearing said content.

Who says you have to do 8 Delves on each and every alt though?

Assuming we’re talking about casual/solo players doing T8 Delves, once you have Champion (Or Hero) gear in every slot and hit 606 itemlevel, you’re bottlenecked by crests anyway, so grinding out the full 8 Delves a week is rather superfluous, do 4 events and 4 Delves to fill the vault slots, 2 of the 3 slots will still be 616, or you can get crests for the Vault tokens so you can actually upgrade some gear.

The whole notion of an Alt was “A side-character, not quite as advanced/geared as your main”, but people don’t seem to want Alts, they just want a line-up of Mains, and that can become quite a chore, keeping up with every single thing for every single character, but is that a flaw in the game, or in the player’s mindset?

In the end what is desired is to have that is effectively a single character with all the classes, gear, items , professions etc, FF14 style.

We are getting there, one step at a time

On one side…yes, I’d love that system.
On the other hand…no?

I am hoping it will become like that sooner or later.

I think that more people actually want it to become like this than not

Becuase if 1 pillar reward me 10 piece a week and other 4 then i will have to dabble into the one more profitable to then progress into what i like.

You can already gear up “raid only” but good look comparing with your raid buddies doing M+ and Delves as well.

Since they have more more options in their RNG vault than you, so less chance of a useless vault week

I wasn’t try to debunk anything.I told you,you don’t understand me.
Delves primary target was the underserved solo players.Its not stupid calling things as they are.
And if it crosses paths its ok cause every mode somehow crosses the other.

If that wasn’t clear from my post, I expect each pillar to reward the same,. gear wise.
They will still have their unique titles, mounts and what not. But gear wise it shouldn’t matter what pillar you do.

This is how a lot of MMO’s that I’ve played are doing it (mostly have done it, they are all dead now lol). The idea is solid - everything you do in game rewards you will some currency and you then use it to get tier. This way you are not limited in anything, can do anything you like and still get everything the game has to offer. Harder content can reward more currency, easier one - less. If the differece is not much, there is still incentive for the sweaty ones to go ballistic and turn the hamster wheel at supersonic speed to get the gear first, but people that do easiler content and/or go slower will eventually catch up and still get the gear. Everyone is happy.

It’s the most fair and neutral system I’ve seen so far. There is no reason to fight your fellow players because it’s all in the open - if you want gear faster, go and get it, it’s there.


That has been my experience as well.
Only World of Warcraft is doing it different.

It is basically the same but with some hard stops for certain players and waaay more convoluted that it needs to be. Just the ammount of currencies we have this expac is mind-boggling. Do we really need all of those ? Can all this be done with 1 universal one ?

You get your tier pieces one by one, say 15 worldsouls per, at lvl597 each. Then use those worldsouls to upgrade each gear slot as you do now with crests. But mythic raids drop more worldsouls. And you are capped at what the maximum a mythic raid can provide per week. There. Simple, elegant and everyone gets what they want. With no hard gatekeeping or “you do not deserve it”. Everyone deserves gear - we pay a sub and dedicate time for it. How much time and effort should play a role but not act as a gatekeeping structure.

And this way Blizzard gets to keep raiders paying subs for at least half the expansion instead of a few weeks until they are “done”. Everyone else keeps playing and gets regular upgrades. The wheel keeps turning.


Vault has little to do with it. If you play all 3 you get more chances, yes but regardless is 1 piece for everyone.

Delves guarantees 603 loot and a chance to get 610 hero gear.
M+ can be farmed indefinitely and reward 597 (+2) to 606 (+6) champion gear.
Raid normal give you a chance at 597-606 champion gear once per week.

Those that do M+/Delves will come into raids and roll for Tier sets, Trinkets, or special items as much as you, while also getting access to gear faster, thus allowing them to go into higher keys/hc raids faster and the loop goes on.

Try to do “raid only” for a season especially at the start of it and you will see the problem of path crossings.

It’s irrelevant who is the “Primary target” of Delves, because they are not restricted to everyone else. Gear isn’t “Delve only” gear, and thus Delves are part of the system for everyone and not just “delvers”

Same as M+, as i said in my original post, back in Legion. You could argue that M+ was a mode for those that did not wanna raid, yet the fact that M+ gear exist warped the gearing process to the point that raider were forced into doing M+ to not be way behind in gearing compared to those that did both.

I really doubt you can be a Mythic raider today if you did not want to touch M+ and Delves.
You would probably get benched for being 20 ilvl behind everyone else.

I am not saying they should nerf delves, i am saying they should find a way to make every path viable as an “Only path” as much as PvP is.

And they made casual players also turn the wheel with the monthly trading post. It was quite genius from a monetization perspective

Yup, and I like it. Very good idea and I’ve never seen anyone complain about it. “If you play enough, you get to buy these xmogs AND get a mount at the end”. Hamster wheel but fun. Those trader tokens are basically what I was talking about with the universal currency. Now we only need them to apply it to actual gear and not just xmog.

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It is a clever idea, I am just a bit salty that they fomoed me out of taking a break for more than 3 weeks

It’s almost like there was a 5minute delve that could be repeated to quickly solve this issue in the game until this week. It’s obvious that Blizzard doesn’t want you to be able to get delves out of the way quickly, or think of them as chores (which they are).

Delves are too shallow for a real gameplay mode, it has the depth and replayability of a puddle.