9 years with the same talent system

Survival is so fun!

The current talent system is fine, it’s better than the old one for the late game.

It’s so good being able to change your abilities with a click before doing certain types of content without having to do a giant regrind as we will have too in Shadowlands with Covenant spells.

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Agree, but Blizzard need to be more aggressive with changes to the talent tree.

If a talent is perma picked means that:

  • the other talents are so clucky/UP that is not worth to play with them (lunar beam) and so that talent might need a substantial rework or a huge buff

  • that talent is so important for the flow of the spec that you should really consider making them baseline.
    (Legacy of the Void, Lingering Insanity, Shadow Word Void).


And 2020 is at the middle, SL is coming soon ™ and no changes in the near future, how is this even posibile…(talking bout talents obv, and by changes i mean SIGNIFICANT)

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I understand that, but those are not problems intrinsic to the talent tree system itself, because having something under performing or must pick can happen with the old talent system, or any other type of decision-based system pretty much. What you’ve mention is a class design and balance issue, and one of the flaws in BfA, were many artifact abilities and essential spells to some specs were removed from the baseline and thrown in the talent tree just to fill slots.

Only cause blizz handles it in worst possible way. Baseline stuff removed in talent. talents that are worse then no talents yeah seems fine.
a cleave,ST and movement in same row yeah seems fine.

People remember the old talent system well primarily because it made leveling much more interesting. Each level there was a small improvement waiting, you had big spells come even at late levels like 80.

Now this isn’t the case. You get most of your core spells by level 30, after that you barely get anythig. Majority of leveling is a boring slog that doesn’t bring anything new to your character. Because of many number and ilvl squishes that happened you don’t feel any diffrence between level 30 and 80. Heck, you are even going backwards, mobs HP go up but your DPS does not.

I hope this is the last squish WoW will ever have. And that we will go back to some more modest power increases with patches, instead of expansion-sized gear inflation with each patch. I mean WTF is going on in BFA! We started with about 80k health at level 120, moved to ~120k in Uldir, and now we have 500k+ on DPS, 1M+ on tanks. Just a few patches and back to 1M+ numbers on health, even though they were squished by a factor of 10/20 moving from Legion

I think it’s still okay, i don’t mind it at all

New or old?

Old talent system gave you posibility to creat atleast something new. NEw one doesn’t exist, litteraly.YOu have 1 set of talents where ones are crap and others you take because you have to pick those.As paladin you should know it by now. RIght now you can pick popular build from certain spec and give all tallents on pasive, nothing will change.

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Back then most picked the popular build too, it was no less cookie cutter than it is now except it is more flexible now, we can change talents depending on what content we are doing. We don’t have to deal with points going into very boring aspects just to get down the tree.

As a paladin I change my talents depending on what content I’m doing and I’m very glad it’s just a tome or rested area and I can go take part. Under the old system that simply wasn’t really viable. You weren’t meant to chop and change and were financially penalised for doing so. The more often the higher the cost. You also couldn’t just change one thing over, you had to reset and redo the entire tree. It was very tedious, every time a new recommended build came out you’d just have to redo the whole thing.

Nothing will ever make me want to go back.

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Yeah it was the same that even now people create new builds in vanila

And there are still recommended builds and show screenshot etc going on now.

“Fun” :rofl:

Yeah, being stuck with the same talent “tree” (it’s not a tree whatsoever) for so many years is just completely boring, and it kinda proves those wrong who claimed that the old talent system was too “cookie-cutter” - meanwhile there’s nothing more cookie-cutter than the current system because in most cases (depending on class/spec) you don’t even have to swap talents when doing PvE and PvP (not pvp talents) and so they rarely get touched.

Nerfing and then removing glyphs was already enough, I don’t know why Blizzard continuously try to dumb the game down in an attempt to attract a more mainstream audience, because it’s not working.

The current tree is superior.

The only issue is Blizzards inability to balance the rows.
For example, S Priest and Fire Mage have mandatory options for several rows.

But the system of having 3 meaningful talents to pick from per row? So much better than a ton of random passives.

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Time isnt a valid reason to change it if it still works well imo. Many times things get changed just because and its worse.

Tho the balance of talents need changing

I’m okay with current talent system. Works well, much better than previous talent trees which looked appealing and made leveling somewhat interesting instead of strings of 15 levels of nothing past lv 40. But that’s the issue with leveling, not talent system. It’s too long and too boring. Even with +100% xp buff it’s a slog.

However there is one thing i’m definitetly not okay with. Pruning abilities and making them into talents. For example the ashbringer AOE attack from Legion artifact. Sure, they kept the ability as talent. But in order to get that talent you need to spec out of something else. You had that ability regardless of your talent spec, now you have to sac a talent point for it. So it’s still a loss.

It’s good that they are doing at least some un-pruning in ShadowLands.

The system worked fine in MoP, beacuse most of specs were already complete by themselves. Talents made sense ie mobility row, defensive row, so on and on. Now, we have to pick between mobility (which sometimes used to be baseline) or defensive (which was also baseline at some point).

Besides, I do think that they should make talents tree full of passives and baseline every single active talent, including pvp talents.

Yes but atleast you can have some fantasy with the builds.Remind me when did you use that talented strike with 5 holy powers last time?