9 years with the same talent system

How is people complaining about silly things.

Omg go to classic if you don’t like retail?

What if I wanted the game to play better with some of the renewed classic elements?

Very narrow minded crowd in here.

Wanting an improvement and people jump we will quit? Good riddance, maybe the game will be better without babies like you.

Respecing for Azerite sucks. See it is already in the game, did you quit? NO.

Trainers/Talent trees are RPG elements, whether you liked it or not. If you don’t like it play Hack/Slash games like Diablo or whatever non-RPG game

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Err yes. Thats exactly how it worked and thats exactly how is blizzarrd planning tune covenats. They wont balance them they will just make sure that each covenant will have situations on differnt classes where different types of content will be optimal and other wont be. And this will change from boss to boss, from content to content.

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The Devs are well aware of the huge amount of feedback and worst case they are prepared to back down should it be an issue and make them easy to swap between. Covenants are the biggest issue for most players atm because they don’t trust Blizzard not to tune them right at the start, so if they heavily nerf one people will be forced to switch. Some will just have one in each covenant, so that they can quickly swap between. The covenants also favour different content, I would not be surprised to see them end up as a talent system we can swap between or just simply having to visit the covenants before doing mythic plus/raiding/pvp etc.

Personally I will choose what is the biggest dps gain on my main and then three alts through the others to get all the cosmetics etc collected. So far we’ve only had access to two Covenants in Alpha, so I will wait to see how the others work out.

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Some will just play one spec, others will carry multiple sets of gear. The Devs expect people to gather multiple sets to have different sets for different content.

The old talent tree flat-out doesn’t work anymore. It was nice in Vanilla and TBC, when levelling was arguably the major part of the game for the majority of the playerbase — it isn’t anymore. The whole “getting a talent point to spend each level!” feeling means nothing if the vast majority of players are at max level and their only real interaction with the talent trees is switching builds depending on boss fights, which the current system caters too much better.

Whatever system you design, whether it has 10 or 1000 talents, it’ll always have the same core issues:

  1. Dead talents will always be a thing. There’s never been perfect balance.
  2. Different builds per boss being better or cookie-cutter builds dominating due to imperfect balance.

The only real issue with talent trees has been tuning and the slow-to-nonexistant changes to underperforming talents. Minor difference in performance (e.g. an “easier” or passive talent doing slightly less damage than a “difficult” or active talent) are fine, as it gives players an option to sacrifice some performance for an easier rotation, which depending on individual skill might even yield better results. Talents that are flat-out mathematically inferior in every situation, however, ought to receive a tuning hotfix as soon as possible, constantly, until they start to see at least some play.

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And i can alredy told you that covenant you choose beocuse of dps gains wont be bis in all type of content and all bosses no matter how much you will try it wont stay bis on every single boss in every single situatioons it jsut wont. it migh be biss on boss 2 of x raid if you are y class. Boss 3 will have completly different answer and boss 5 also will be differnt. Get our of your head that there will be 1 bis covenant what will outshine all other in all type of content and in all type of situations it wont happen. It didnt happen with old talents with new talents and it wont happen with covenants.


Get our of your head that there will be 1 bis covenant what will outshine all other in all type of content and in all type of situations it wont happen. It didnt happen with old talents with new talents and it wont happen with covenants.

But there’ll be one that is supreme in the majority of situations, and that’ll be the BiS one. Raids tend to have mostly ST fights, so the best ST covenant ability will be BiS for raiding. M+ is cleave/AoE-based, so whatever caters to that the best will be BiS for someone doing M+ as his main activity.

Which is why they may eventually have to cave in and let us swap freely.

The current system is a much better system.
The issue is Blizzards failure to balance each row.

I remember on Arcane Mage in Legion the correct talents to take did not change at all for the entire expansion.
Which really sucked because the fun active talents are considered bad, and it was the passives that were good.

I got real mad about that, quite often.

The old one was too big, (really, did anyone like putting 5 points in the same bloody talent?), and the new one is so scaled down it’s boring and doesn’t give that “ooh a talent point” feeling. Shouldn’t be that hard to make a middle ground?

Have you missed fact that AoE and cleave has caps in Shadowlands? So your aoe build wont excel in this type of situations? Also if you pick heavy single target dmg you will simply earn that dmg on boss ot Blizzard will have several mob packs with just 1-2 mobs? There is plently of way how to make aoe build non bis.

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Might as well do it now than in 9.2 when everyone is sick of restrictions.


Which would ruin rpg element of game in mmorpg. And if people actualy like it more this way only shows that this game is full of nonmmorpg players what simply play wrong game.

I honestly think they want to try it first and see how it works out.

You cant have rpg games withtou restrictions.

If that’s the case, it just means that the ST covenant ability becomes the general BiS pick… which is what you have been arguing against, yet if cleave/AoE becomes limited and ST favoured, that’ll be the result.

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Restrictions that are just annoying and hated and make people upset shouldn’t exist in an RPG. They should find other stuff to restrict.

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No it wont become genral bis pick becouse it wont stay bis in other situations. In other mythic+ dungeons or in other raids.

I just said that ST is favoured in raiding and Cleave/AoE in M+. So that’s two covenant abilities (one ST, one cleave/AoE) being “BiS” for different content.

Then you retort saying Cleave/AoE in M+ won’t excel and ST will be ‘earned on the boss’, which means that ST is favoured and as such only one covenant ability, the one with best ST output, will be favoured.

… And now you go against your earlier comment arguing it won’t because of “other situations”… what other situations? We have had M+, raids historically have had more ST fights than Cleave, Torghast will probably be like M+… so… what other situations?

IF going by the assumption that Cleave/AoE would be gutted to the point of not being worth a covenant ability choice, then clearly the best ST pick will dominate.

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No they are not there to annoy you. They are there to make sure you can make meaingfull choice. If you can swap whenever you want than you have literaly 0 chocies to make. What you describe is system for moba games. Where you are free pick w/e you want and thats why everybody have exact same builds instead of being specilized for different type of situations. Ofc it cant work in moba becouse its compettive game and wow is not.