9.05 valor system is a giant waste of time

i think ur technically incorrect in this way, i think the issue is this Change although i agree is better then nothing, it doesnt fix the actual complaint made.

Alot of the complaints made came from players in PuG enviroments, those that dont have premades who will ignore ur RIO or maybe being undergeared and merely grind against that challange with you.

which is where the whole.

“Be 220 ilevel, have 1.3k RIO”. this is what people are trying to catch up with and the issue is this System doesnt actually create a Solution for this.

Basically with or without this system, ur grinding the same game. the Vault, which was the orginal complaint, this System doesnt change that grind focus in the slightest. as Its still the progression route to getitng the ilevel for +15

Now im not saying thats a bad thing… it hasnt bothered me. im not keen on the system no… because As far as im concerned… Grinding +10 Onwards keys is still the end game. this system “may” give me some temporary items to throw away later.

It also shares a loot pool with the vault. so i could Grind a weapon to 220 to then recieve the same item at 226 in the vault immediately afterwards… thats a Possibility.

So no, its not a “This system aint giving enough”. its Simply I dont get wtf blizzard were aiming for with this system. this system is basically built for people pushing +8 odd keys… a Vast minority of the playerbase…

Wel its a player made problem. Not a Blizzard one. The pug world is cruel and its “eat or be eaten” there. Blizz can’t just come down and put a gun to somebody’s face “invite that low rio or low ilevel guy or ban!”.

Pug world = convenient but can be harsh. Guilds/communities/friends = wont judge you but some people seem to be allergic to socializing with others.

the issue is. Guilds communities and friends often require Specific hours of play etc etc. it can become increasingly more difficult over time.

alot of Progressive guilds who do +15s and more generally also do some high caliber raiding along side…and generally use M+ as a gear path for those raiders… so oftenly as a “social only” u will fall behind them and they wont invite you.

its not as easy as “Socializing”. u can Socialize with many. it doesnt mean any of them are gonna be pushing KSM.

im sorry, but M+ isnt expanded enough to see M+ only guilds yet… and while there are community bases for M+… they generally arent for KSM Progressers. which means if ur chasing KSM ur effectively either in a Raiding guild and apart of that team. or ur gonna push this With maybe 1 or 2 friends and base the rest from PuG listings.

and yes. players at that caliber will look at u before joining aswell. at that curve they aint interested in “weekly clears” they’re after Timed runs and will bolt if it goes south.

thats the reality fo the situation. ur above ur generic “gearing path” which is cut off at +14, people that high wont just join u for their vault loot, they’re expecting a timed run.

Depends on each guild. A lot of guilds have a social life active as well. I run low level +8s on some scrubby alt with my guildies all the time. Its also easy to set up a run. Just ping their discord(most of the time got a M+ section on discord) and get a group going.

Everything else is just an excuse and nothing more. But if this seems too difficult then by all means. Pug it. Compete for a spot(personal experience mists +15 1 dps spot = 93 applicants). And see whose “number” wins…

or simply not in a guild which faciliates +15 runs… mine defintly doesnt.

we can apply this to very good players
but if you are going to apply this to johny with 20 keys done and all of them +13 max
johny needs 250ilvl gear to actualy go and time +18 xD

im afraid not entirely true… the very good players were doing +15s with like 203 ilevel xD.

a Competent group are likely capable of doing it from 210, it just takes communication and a Solid comp. :stuck_out_tongue:

the issue is ur PuG on average, have no communication the Skill level of every player is generally Sporadic and ur basically relying on overgearing content to overcome those other issues.

which is where u see 220+ Ilevel requirements.

That’s why i said johny needs at least 250ilvl gear to time +18
In group with all people using Discrod you can easily time +20 right now
becuase it only req you to comunicate interupts CDS and strategy
between 15+ and +20 there is only % difference
In PuG +15 is already 20 xD

the real challange is locating 5 players whjo play the same hours at you. with the same mindset the ability to do +15s and even have a interest in M+ who all play Different covenants and also Can create a decent Comp for the mode :smiley:

i sadly havent found these… i recently rerolled alliance… which ment a brand new start over mid expansion. ontop of this that ment i seperated from alot of my Orginal friends who still play horde…

so ye. i cut myself pretty harshly for this season :smiley:

Exactly this. I was really looking forward to this VP system. As a casual player, only doing a mythic or two every week and only with friends, this was a system that I thought would enable me to progress item level wise. Slowly but still progress. No its seams that this is not the case and vp are totally meaningless for me and my friends.

Unless you got some weird job and your “free times” are at 3-5AM. Most peps are online in the evenings or late afternoons.

And honestly I am not sure why are so overcomplicating things. Getting into a guild or community or just plain out making friends. Analyzing it like we are discussing the physics about black holes or anything. Just plain reach out to people, add them to bnet if you got some “chemistry between”.
Not see a person or a guild and start thinking. What if A then B. But if B then C. If C doesn’t happen then D. Divide by X to get M…

Not quite sure what, if anything, to do with valor points tbh. If you don’t run mythics I assume they’ll just hit currency cap and not be earned anymore.

Im within management within Retail. which means espically currently as one of the few retailers (food) being open during covid means my business is hectic. it also means People are actively unable to attend work for weeks Due to catching covid.

This means i work anywhere between 6am and 10pm Daily… with Days off that dont always Replciate every week.

this means No. i aint free Every “evening” or “late afternoon” this means im actively pushing keys sometimes at 7 in the morning, other times at 3pm.

i aint overcomplicating things… im applying my own situation to the statement.

I can join a Cesspool Guild from the local trade spam, would i successfully get KSM off the back of it? Prolly not.

90% of guilds Dont do +15s. 90% of the Games population dont do +15s… lets not behave as if its Normal content ever yplayers doing.

its not though. as explained above… i have no “normal free times”… or “Same Free times each day”…

but it is that?

you have to find a guild which fits the critea your after… who play during the times u can Attend to some extent reliably… and Ensure Are intending to actually play the content ur wanting to do…

U cant join a Normal Raid guild to progress Mythic raiding.

the largest chunk of the playerbase will be somewhere around +10s. which means by just randomly joining guilds… ur more likely going to end up doing +10s-+12s then u wil be +15s

i feel like some players such as urself really like to push as if Every guilds doing this… and i can just spam apply to Every guild on my server and Win mode the content Ezmode.

Comparitively… theres FAR more failing guilds then successful ones. There are far more Casual Guidls then M+15 Guilds and there are far more guilds that arent gonna carry some Social in their guidl to KSM while being 20 odd ilevel above them.

ur talking a handful of guilds on a realm which would likely meet these criteas.

you found a guild Awesome… but at the time of u joining that guild and getting a good guild… thousands of players joined Failing guilds and got no where. statistically ur far more likely to end up in a bad guild then u are a good one and u either swap and chop continously til u find a decent one… or u just kinda give in.

P.S ur definition of “Weird jobs” is defintly off xD. Majority of Retailer work Entertainent Work and more generally work on flex hour contracts which means u dont get Specific “on and off times” through that line of work.

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Never claimed finding a guild was easy. But its worth the effort.
Regardless. Even if its a video game. Pixels. That doesn’t mean you should get everything served on a silver plater “because you logged in”. Blizz’s job is simply to make sure that the servers are online and you can log in. Thats it. Whatever your goals are in-game, its your problem to reach it. Difficult, hard or whatever. Its up to your to overcome it. Not demand Blizz to handhold you every step of the jorney.
If guilds, communities, friends is your “choosen approach” then all power to you. Wont be easy at first but it will pay back in dividends later.
If thats not your thing. Then fight for your spot under the sun in the pug world.
There is nothing else to it.

Just remember. People who want to archieve something. Will find a way to do so. Those who do not(or want a free pass) will find 10001 excuses on why can’t they do it.

Unless you are going to tell me that your retail career is so random than 1 day you are home/free at 5PM, the next 3AM, and the next after at 12PM. You can still manage. I work shifts as well. Sometimes I am home in the evening. Sometimes I not home at all(24h shift) yet. I still get to run m+, still get to raid and etc.
And you know why?

I found a way to make it work. Not = “Sry. Got work. Blizz handhold me please. Ktnxbye”

im aware… but there is some luck involved there… and As i stated above, i just moved from horde to alliance,which effectively means i left alot of People/guilds i knew behind.

I’ve never said it should be. i’ve just said the progression path doesnt rly help those Complaining. i’m all for people who do +14 onwards getting higher gear then the rest of the players.

but i also think this new system kinda Just makes it to

“Buy a boost on +15 1 of each dungeon” then “lets spam farm +5s for valor” Easy wins am i right?

im not saying i wont get KSM. im stating that Once i have KSM and doing +15s. i no longer am going to care about gear. thats my argument. the “Progression” System is Effectively going to award me gear ONCE i dont need the gear… i only need the gear to GET to a +15.

i’d really ask how… every guild i’ve joined now defintly wont flex my days.

I cant raid on my Tuesday Day off 1 week,. then my friday day the next week… a guild wont move its roster around me.

Ofcourse theres a way to do the content… its called pugging, it lets me raid on whatever day im off on.

however. its a Simple case of.

I could join a SUPER late night raiding guild to nypass the problems of finishing work at 10pm. but the nwhat if im starting at a 6am?.. i cant Stay awake to do the raid.

And if i apply to a 7pm Raiding guild… i cant Garuntee i wont be working a Late therefore how can i raid at 7pm if im at work?..

I’d litterally require a guild to raid When im off work… which means Different days Every week.

People will complain whatever Blizz do. Give in to them. And there will complaints(which I will also agree with) that people are just spamming +2s to get 226 gear. Aka “kill 10 boars for mythic gear”.

Unless you are joining some super strict “100% attendance, orange dps parses” guild. Most allow times off. I also don’t have a 100% raid attendance or whatever. Simply cause I sometimes get a shift right on raid hours. Though luck.

i feel like the current System is Just complex… and now will require some sorta fix to prevent players doing this. Prolly by nerfing low M+ Valor gains… which kinda Damages the progressing players further because end tier players will abuse this.

While if they just for example.

said Valor upgrades the base ilevel of the gear u’ve earnt by 10. it in itself Would Deliever the Same metric without making this method of farming viable u’d be Forced to farm +14 gear to obtain the highest ilevel

Yes the new system is a improvement… i can upgrade this toons gear to 213 on the back of my horde chars progression. that is helpful ofcourse it is, I just question weather this rly puts M+ On par with the PvP gear system.

well yes. my Schedule would basically place me outside the raid for 2 weeks of 4… which means i need a guild who’d accept potientally 50% and as low as a 25% Attendence.

Every time someone goes on holiday my hours must be moved thats just how it works.

I will have to cover others hours when they’re on holiday…

So i can shift between doing

9 Back to back lates… into 9 back to bakc mornings… into 9 back to back mIds.

I can Also be on shifts such as 10pm Finishs in 5am Starts etc etc.

Unless i wanted to get stubborn with my job. to cater to a 1 day a week raiding guild where i just outright refuse to work the hours… which as we all know doesnt go far as persuing careers. :stuck_out_tongue:

if i could manage 75% / 80% Attendence no ur right likelyhood is i’dfd have no issue… the problem is i cant promise that. i cant manage that either, not atleast right now…

im on several things

im in the process of Training to go up further into the management line which means i have virtual meetings Workshops Other store visits etc etc, while At the same time working 40 hours minimum a week…

Even if i dotn work the hours… my Courses and more could slap straight into it… and then im doing overtime surrounding certain periods.

maybe in 6-7 months i could then look into such a thing.

People actually do mythic+ this expansion? Lol, well, maybe besides once a week. Since they practically don’t give gear anymore, i see no point anymore, let alone doing like 8 or so, it’s the abolute worst time investment…but then again there is nothing else to do this expansion besides raiding.

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They should’ve added a valor gear vendor just like the pvp vendor and allow people to target which gear they want to purchase, but blizz just LOOOVES it’s crap RNG system and making it as difficult as possible to get gear.

Example: I’ve done over 50 DoS runs and never seen the trinket drop, so much for putting your valor to use.

i dunno deterministic gear in a MMORPG (FFXIV does this) kinda doesnt feel right in PvE enviroments… content becomes irrelevant sooooo quickly.