9.1 patch notes

I think assa plays less of a restealth game, so they certainly are less affected. Also without MA you really don’t rely on restealth anymore either. Doomblade is not bad at all though.

rogue mage will still be very strong, as mage will remain very strong, now they got another spec they can play with. Only resto druids got it a little easier now.

maybe, maybe not. I don’t know the cast time and if it is dispellable or how you can set it up with max burst. Could as well be complete trash yea

9.1 meta:
deep dampen games with mortal strike and craploads of ccs

change my mind

More like frost destro resto druid

You forgot Frost Mage + Destru + MW.

MW needed buffs but this could be once again make them undying overloards, at least in this composition.

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“just don’t stun him bro”


Now every1 know how is going PvP looks like in august.
Its just BETA bro © Kekw

Crane monk could be back though, safely put on your melee wings and pump people.
Starting to take dmg and get swapped to? Port out or let the PS handle it for you.

Healer monks seems like wont be kill target ever. If you manage to catch it, anyway won’t kill it.
Time will show how it’s pan’s out.

Just so you know. They basically made focused chaos baseline. Now however, you can once again strike targets with Havoc again with Bolts. Also CB damage gets a flat 10% damage buff on top.

Destro will be completely insane.

Combined with MW and frost mage buffs, MLX came back faster than ever

Is it your alt or another account, i still don’t get why are you always talking some clueless stuff about arena/balance without any of arena experience? I mean, ofc you can talk what ever you want, but seems half of messages are huge miss with zero sense.

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truth hurts right? Did I said something wrong, 90% ppl saying same stuff , are you a booster?Offering me your “skillfull” boosting service?

What truth?

Yeah you put in misinformation.

Nothing there was the truth, just childish bickering.

so you defend your own messages by “90% ppl saying the same”?

i got it, ciao

can u dks stop crying. there will be more tuning in the next 2 months. I swear dk players are the worst.

DP got a 50% nerf in PvP and i dont see any shadows here crying about their spec do you? Just relax and cry in a few weeks.

There are more pvp talent changes coming. Just relax for a bit. You guys are acting like 11 year olds


No 1 like DK - playing against them especially. UDK - unplayable - casters hype and exciting, heartstop aura deleted - people dancing and giggle. Actually its a huge nerf for arena, its so-so for RBG, even new talent will be better tho. So i don’t care, but arena DK players RIP. Reroll.

chaosbolt does less dmg than it did live with focused chaos but double coil double chaosbolt is a thing now again.

well it is an 1.8% nerf or so, but chaosbolt scales exceptional well with stats, more so than others so getting higher gear will result in bigger bolts, so it will certainly offset the nerf (dmg gained by better scaling than e.g. incinerate)