9.2 Is Adding Two New Arenas

These look quite nice. The Maldraxxus arena seems to be the standard four pillars arena, while the other one will be more unpredictable, allowing some clever usage of the environment.


I hope they tone down the brightness of the last screenshot and do a little touch up on the bastion one [they have night mode for tournaments]


Looks nice, but I hope the edges in the pillars in the Maldraxxus one are flat and not rounded with those round edges sticking out from the pillar

Instead of dishing out new but same boring arenas blizz should do something about the balancing and gearing so arena is actually fun to play


I also got my eyes murdered after every empyrrean domaine fights xD

you should turn down your screen brightness if something bright hurts your eyes. people have that massively too high. turn it down in steps and you won’t even notice.

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It usually isn’t an issue outside of Empyrean Domain though. Spires of Ascension has a similar issue and people often run that particular dungeon with inky black potions active.

I did already, I Allways keep hot color mode (Idk if it’s the right term in English) and also got a program called Dimmer for brightness.

it’s only an issue if you have brightness too high. if you have that 100% or 80% or something at night, of course you’re gonna feel uncomfortable every time. same thing if you end up on a white website or something.

think it was bastion that finally made me drop that down. it’s pretty dark here and i have my brighter monitor on 10 and dimmer one on 20 right now. don’t have a way to measure nits but feels reasonable. it doesn’t feel dim, but i know it’d feel really dim if i tried to do that when i was used to really high brightness.

but especially if you drop it in steps it’s easy to get used to. running 100? drop to 80 and do that for a bit until you get used to it, then do 60 etc. then when you get something bright, it doesn’t feel uncomfortable anymore.

Maldraxxus one look a bit too large

Nice. They look great.

No worries. We get 2nd lego and set bonus kappa

Will WW do 15% reduces damage inside these?

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What gpu u have? On my old gpu i got blinded also.

On my new gpu the arena looks rly awsome and no brightness:*

AMD fx 6300.

Am i the only one who thinks that an “interactive arena” is a bad idea?

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Omg, they always have to put some kind of wacky spin on things
 We don’t need wacky spins on things, we need things that work

We can’t have an arena without pillars, Blizzard!

isnt it just an open field map ? Seems to me like the pure caster horror

Not enough

Squid-game inspired.

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