[9th Dec] Clandestine Gathering – Void Elves & Blood Elves

You seem pretty ready though to dismiss all the discussion that happened in this thread because of some cringy gang-posting.


Yeah, but doesn’t justify why you brought IC Insults to OOC.

Now we have to sign legal papers to RP with you? Jeez.

Isn’t that same in real life? If I tell you to sod off or something between the lines, of course I would ignore you, but getting hissy fit about IC insulting shouldn’t mean we insulted you OOC.

You never said that to us that you didn’t want to be with us from the start. We aren’t mind reading you and you were pretty much silent.


So, who is going to win? Grim gang or the Void elves?

There’s only one way to find out…

we’ll see you after the break.


I believe it was more than clear you were not wanted.

No, as I already mentioned the GG was invited by the people that were invited to take part in this, no one told us that we can’t come – also weird notion since this came around as a public event
But from what I know everyone also instantly left the second it became clear to them nothing would come out of it

But also my original point was that if Morsteth calls your powerful Void Elf a pinhead IC, you shouldn’t get mad over it OOC

The Leviathan of RP

It seems strange to me that you seemingly break character on the DM’s request, yes, that is exotic to me so to say, but now I’m informed

Would be cool if you communicate that better & nicer next time and don’t accuse anyone of griefing etc


I’ll bring the popcorn.


Do you know what a social contract is? The answer to that, should pave the path for understanding a lot of our grief with what went down.

Basically act with a normal, expected amount of respect for someone when engaging with them.


Horkim and several others have made fair points, but reasonable posts are often drowned out by those who are just along for the ride, although I’m sure Salrathin / whoever else will answer them fairly


Hrmph, odd.

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Did people actually use OOC in /say ? Because that annoys me too, regardless of who does it.


Yes, they did.


It happens a lot. People often do it especially like /e brb a sec and the like.
I don’t know how to change it, would have to tell every single person who does it.
It’s annoying as hell, but sometimes I catch even myself doing it.

Maybe you’re stuck in an alternate dimension to me but instead we were gone within the space of five minutes (because it takes a few minutes to plan out how we’re leaving / where we’re going). I don’t need to enter a social contract with you to roleplay with guildmates and I think it was pretty obvious that we were not mega interested in dealing with at least some of the people there when their first and only response was blowing their lids in OOC brackets

For example: not going OOC in /say instantly with insults

At the meeting itself, I can safely say that there was more OOC in /say than IC. I don’t know why, because our characters didn’t do anything in terms of attacking/harming another player at that point and in fact had been threatened with violence themselves - it was like some people were outraged over something that hadn’t even happened (though was, as far as I’m aware, planned to happen a few gatherings down the line with the organiser)


I’m sorry, but what? You are trying to push the blame on us. You could’ve added one of us through Bnet and then said “Hey guys. We don’t like you here really, so could you go away? Not to be rude or anything but you aren’t doing the best job doing good RP at the moment. Thanks.” As I said, I was no damn mind reading you and wasn’t able to read your mind that we should sod off.


Do you? I mean Leviathan jokes aside, contracts are negotiated and are composed of at least a meeting of minds of two (possibly more in this case :nerd_face:), they aren’t just “accepted”

I think what you meant to say is the GG didn’t subscribe to the completely unknown general business terms of your RP, luckily hidden general terms aren’t valid whew


To put the whole “oooh noes they took IC insults into OOC” thing into some sort of context; you started flinging these IC insults at the point where the group was basically about to leave and it was already rather clear that we’re not taking part in the RP.

To put it in other words, the people involved got angry about their running into an earlier-organised event to kill every character not being acknowledged by us (we literally just sat there, froze the RP and waited until they leave) and decided to throw a bunch of insults at us “IC” as a conclusion to this all.


It’s interesting that you say that, when all the evidence I’ve seen points towards only one group not acting with a normal, expected amount of respect for someone, and that’s yours. Throwing out shade OOC in /say is pretty much the opposite of showing respect. So if anyone is breaking the ‘social contract’… well, I need say no more on the matter.


I’d like to chime back in, if I may with my regular “delete Alliance comment”

Here we go: Like this post if you want to totally remove Alliance!


I don’t need to enter a social contract with you to roleplay with guildmates

Of course you weren’t just roleplaying with your guildmates. You invited yourselves to an event hosted by us, to attack or otherwise impede us. Our agreement to that on an OOC level, should be a very basic courtecy. And clearly turned out to be necessary for that roleplay to happen.

For example: not going OOC in /say instantly with insults

I completely agree to this. And I think some void elves were tempted to vent their frustrations in a needlessly disrespectful way. That whataboutism doesn’t excuse the horde behavior, though.

Highblood ETC showing up was agreed upon.


I think it hard for them to accept that we were invited. :joy: