[A / 8.3 themed Riot RP] Hysteria šŸ‘ - 6th of Feb

Alas, no. He died on the steps leading up to the fountain and the keep - which was prime position for people to comment as they were passing by. He was then moved to the canal in order to clear a path.


The PCU bad comments and the ā€˜ā€˜This is a PCU event I aint goingā€™ā€™ really brings a downer on the whole thing. The event was good, hectic and hard to see emotes, but still I enjoyed it.


Lovely stuff, got to kill a guard and then i was almost arrested

now itā€™s back to hiding in the woods with the twilight boys :sunglasses:


Mhm, someone even threw me a whisper to get out of the city because it was PCU.
Stating really weird reasons for why the riot shouldnt happen IC, since there was ā€˜lorewiseā€™ no unrestā€¦ But yeah, not the brightest pebble it seemed.
Yet, it was a lovely aftermath!
And the Dawn will look into holding a memorial/rite for the nameless that passed :slight_smile:


I will get you NEXT TIME!


Thank you all for the very cool and chaotic event, Iā€™ve never seen a gathering this chaotic yet also organized enough to not cause too many issues or OOC drama. I hope to see a lot more of these kinds of initiatives in the future!


I had a lot of fun taking part, it felt like a riot, there was no clear goal, no clear direction, just a rabble of angry people that had been roused to go out and try and express the anger they felt at any target they could find. The spam in chat was quite high meaning it was hard to interact with others, (a limit of the game), but then again in a riot you are unlikely to get much sense out of the rioters while they are rioting, they are a big angry mob after all.

What does it achieve, well it is a talking point for people afterwards, which in effect can create more RP. People around Stormwind can now find reasons to talk to others, RP with others about the event. What they saw, what they think, do they agree with the riot, do they think something needs to be done to stop another one. etc.

Not all RP has to be about character development, sometimes a short one off event can be a spark for other people that were around to witness it to build their own RP on the back of it.

Having come to AD at the end of legion from a pretty much dead RP realm where you are lucky to see a single person RP in SW, an event like this is something that should be enjoyed, it adds a little flesh and bones to Stormwind and makes it feel a more lived in city from which people can RP in.


Had a lot of fun observing the ongoing riot, and then proceeding to haul the corpses of both rioters and guardsmen out into the sideviews of the canals and event. Nice event, and nice initiative! Much enjoyment.


See, THIS is what we are talking about!
You were not involved at all, you just watched on from the side. But you then found a way to involve yourself in a neat way! By helping rioters and guards alike in a time of need.

Thatā€™s awesome.


As the dust of the riot began to fade, soldiers and peasantry alike laid slaughtered in the cobblestone streets - bathing in their own blood. A hunchback draped with foul robes and a metallic mask skulked the streets, absorbing the souls of the fallen.

Everything was falling into place, just as foretold. The plan of the cultist was in motion as the cogs of history were turning.

Thanks for inviting havoc into your life, Stormwind gamers! Thanks for the event a lot and rest assured that the cultists will be dilligently working to bring about the end of everything! :smile:


I was actually quite surprised to see how many people RPed a guard at the event. A lot of people wanted to be in that position, especially when the mainstream guard guild had the opposite feeling.

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Yeah it was preplanned given the general unreliability of stormwind guard guilds

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I understand why they backed out, Iā€™m not against their reasoning. But the general population of AD probably would have liked to see them present.

When it became clear that there were way too many rioters, mainly from the sheer amount of other people joining in, many of us who ā€˜diedā€™ came back as guards to help reinforce the keep.

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I guess some players are more interested in the kind of guards represented in-game rather than strange baliffs sprinting around demanding ā€œmechanostrider licensesā€ / pretending the largest city on Azeroth has noise polution laws starting at 9pm

I was actually PMā€™d on discord before this event and told in pretty strong terms that I should first get the OK from ā€œtheā€ guard guild before running an event in Stormwind. Pretty crazy! Iā€™m glad that independent guards / smaller guilds had a chance to shine


I figured that was the case. But when I arrived at the Keep and saw the numbers, I genuinely had a moment of ā€œO_o o :poop: thatā€™s a lotā€

It was probably more people than what wouldā€™ve been in attendance if the mainstream guard guild showed up.

Likeā€¦ asked permission to run an event in Stormwind with a ā€˜Go aheadā€™ from the main Stormwind guard guild?


After some of the roleplay I have witnessed, I donā€™t know about that / generally individuals that roleplay guards seem to be more liked

Just the flavour guard guild which will be replaced by tribalism and drama

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i can assure you that i was quite happy to learn of their absence, theyā€™re not the best. also hear worrying things about them wanting to be in control of someone elseā€™s event!