[A / 8.3 themed Riot RP] Hysteria 👁 - 6th of Feb

The cathedral Square has the highest IC traffic. SInce the Crier is doing things IC, it is the most logical location to cry


i’d answer but scrappy beat me to it simply

He was a quest giver long before the Hero’s Call boards became a thing.

Stones in glass houses; you’re roleplaying a worgen priest wearing robes of which there are zero (0) portrayed in Stormwind’s army/guardforce. The whole “ur rp = bad” shtick is very weird when you take a loot at your own situation.

Its already established he is one of many who have attempted to stop role-play because he doesn’t agree with it.

Why can’t you just do what others do and whisper me that you are ignoring me and then do so?

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In case it was missed, I don’t actually care if the Cathedral or the Lion’s Rest memorial have the highest traffic. They’re probably the two least sensible places to go screaming your heart out.

How does that argue his role as a Town Crier in the Trade District? Would it not have been more necessary then when the callboard didn’t exist?

Dayton’s not a soldier/guard. He’s a Priest

Uh, no, you’re wrong, the best place to cry would be the forums. :joy:


Dog beat us too it.

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u managed to make ur own statement rly stupid bc the fact that these 2 places have high traffic of rpers makes them the two MOST sensible places to do crier rp

Why would I ignore you tho, you haven’t done anything apart from scream things at the Cathedral. I don’t mix IC & OOC, I’m not gonna ignore you for that, lol.

That would be the Trade District, since canonically it’s where the most traffic is.

He is just trying to stop people role-playing.

I wonder if he goes to various groups of people and tells them to move to the trade district as well?
Or am I the only target of that?

Spare some alms for a poor poster, one heart for my terrible joke would feed me for a day. :pensive:

Thank ye kind lady. :innocent:


I’m saying it’s likely more of a game mechanic thing, since the NPC has had a [relatively] set route since the launch of the game - and people levelling are likely only in Stormwind to visit the auction house, pick up professions or drop off quests - with heavy emphasis on the former. Him hanging around there make sense, since from a gameplay perspective, that is where players will be.

If people are a general nuisance at the Cathedral I do try to usher them off a wee bit.

There’s definitely OOC influence in his positioning. But that’s built in lore now that he lingers around the Trade District, where trade happens, which has the highest traffic, just to do his job.

okay so im just going to

let me spell this out for you as if you were five:
in all technicalities, and if we had the PLEASURE of 0 oocers on this realm, yes, the trade district would be the best, undoubtedly. but since we do NOT have the pleasure of 0 oocers on this realm, and we don’t want our rp to be ruined by people mounting on top of us and spamming toys on us, we go to other places, as does EVERY SINGLE OTHER RPER. that is WHY these 2 places, cath and lions rest, have the highest traffic. and therefore, since people gather there ic, that makes it, ic, the places people are most likely to gather. so, icly, the town crier is sensible to go to those places


What a daft thing to suggest.

“Go Rp in the trade district,”

YOU go RP in the trade district then come back and tell us how it went.

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Do you tell recruiters to leave the square? Void elves loitering near by? What about the loud atheists?

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Ok but let me spell the rest out for you.

I don’t care which part of Stormwind has the most roleplay. Canonically it makes more sense to be in the Trade District. I don’t care if your RP would be interrupted by OOC depravity, you (plural) are the one wanting to RP a Town Crier.


Stop role-playing this thing. I don’t like it.

I tried that when I was new. Wasn’t pretty. Like me.

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thankfully the crier is neither hysterical nor the Dovahkiin and is in fact just yelling so that issue should be easily resolved.

we get it you hate rp

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