[A / 8.3 themed Riot RP] Hysteria 👁 - 6th of Feb

We call it rigid scriptural literalism.

Lawspeakers and disputes settled at tings via holmgĂ„ng seems more horde than alliance these days but might’ve fit the old arathi.

“I say, good sir! A woman cannot, nay, must’nt wear a hat for it is unseemly and unbecoming of her station. Patronage of the fine art of millinery shall henceforth be strictly and exclusively restricted to men of age and pugs! Myes

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i feel attacked

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Now I have no love for the PCU at all, but come on, the event last night looked pretty f***ng interesting and fun from the few glimpses I got before I joined a raid. Only read about 200 comments tho, so maybe I am a bit tardy with this comment. Bashing on good ic initiative based off of ooc dislike is bad, k?

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Okay, okay.

I submit!

What role did you take in the riot?

Observer from the skies, as stated I could only be there for a limited time due to raiding and figured it’d be better if I simply didn’t involve myself since I would have to suddenly leave in the middle of it.

That’s fair. Did you enjoy watching as the body count rose as the crowd of citizens managed to gain ground before finally being pushed back?

Unfortunately I did not get to that part, however I did watch as the rioters pushed forward into the Cathedral. Seeing so many active players in one place engaging with one another made it feel both realistic and as if the town was full of life, something I do not see often as I make my way past AFK-guildbanners trying to recruit.


That’s something the PCU aims to do: More public role-plays to involve people.

Something statue RPers and 2nd lifers are allergic too apparently.


I enjoyed the action on the drawbridge and in front of the Keep the most. This speech by Lady Evenbrook went unnoticed by me.

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2nd lifers?

Point being, no matter what one’s attitude or feelings are towards the PCU or some members within it, it shouldn’t effect the view on their events and IC-actions. From what limited things I’ve seen, last night must have been amazing and I wish I could have taken part in it.

self insert socialite RPers who want to maintain a permanent status quo of boredom and monotony


Portal to the Hinterlands you say? :thinking:

Once again interesting free for all to join RP was brought to a SW.

For the third time I took part in defending the Cathedral against a hostile mob (I’m becoming an expert). Last time we held it despite being vastly outnumbered because we had enough active defenders.

This time the mob gained access a bit to easy. To few defenders took IC part instead preferring to just observe. Their choice of course but a bit boring imo. I mean if you actively choose to invest your personal time in being present why not participate?

But there was no god emoting and lollers among the attackers like my first time. It was a bit chaotic yes but what a turnout and nothing negative except the OOCers.

Scanning through this tread I understand the reasons why the defenders were outnumbered in the beginning of the event.

In other words I am not complaining just telling the story from the defenders perspective early on in the event. On the contrary big thumbs up for bringing so much activity to SW. In the end I lost count of the number of interactions I had during the evening, how many we healed and how many bodies that piled up in the Catacombs.

This event will be remembered by many for a very long time.


I had completely forgotten that detail of the classic questline
 Pretty much explains how he ended up the way he did.

As someone who was attempting to guard, by the time me and some others arrived at the Cathedral, the rioters were already at the entrance of the Cathedral.
With the lag and a lot of people unable to notice emotes and such, was a bit hard to get pass them to block their way.

Defending the keep was much easier, as we quickly established some form of defense before the riot came out way.

But yeah, overall, good fun anyway.

I didn’t want to comment on this, but here goes nothing.

While the riot was interesting, and the aftermath creates great RP, the execution by constant yelling (including “/y draws his sword”) made any other RP in the city almost impossible.

The Shady Lady for example had an event planned that they had to cancel - not because of low attendance, but because of yell spam making chat unreadable.

I understand some things being yelled, of course. Like “THEY TOOK ER JERBS”, that’s fine. But using a yell emote so the entire city knows you just drew your sword? Unnecessarily cluttering chat, and thus, preventing RP instead of encouraging it.

Edit: Also, why does the forum keep saying I’m in Lacuna Umbra when I left that guild weeks ago?

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Forums are bugged boo :frowning:

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The forum thread was put up on the 1st of Feb, it was enough of a warning to warrant the use of this argument, although I can agree with you that some of the yell emotes were terrible at the start.


Yes, emoting in yells was a bit silly. What was more silly was your regular Stormwind roleplayers yelling their OOC thoughts and opinions on the matter.

What’s more, I don’t understand how it made any other roleplay as “impossible” as everyone is saying. Were I in your shoes, and chose not to participate in this event - I would have encouraged everyone I was roleplaying with to temporarily turn off yells.