[A / 8.3 themed Riot RP] Hysteria šŸ‘ - 6th of Feb

Yes! The town crier will be returning to help promote this!


The way I read it, itā€™s more the chef themselves being the issue.

I digress - people, no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to engage in RP / with RPers you donā€™t like. This is common sense. No need to spend time posting in threads on how youā€™re not participating.

It offers nothing of value, itā€™s not constructive - just stop.


Sounds good lets make it big


Awesome! Not sure if Iā€™ll be there or not. But good luck with the event.

Iā€™ve heard that the chef in question is the JoĆ«l Robuchon of roleplay


pray for this man :pensive: :pray:

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:smirk: :smirk:


Honestly I have no idea who are the PCU and all and so far my RP experience wasnā€™t affected in any way because of whatever babbling some people rise up towards them.

Iā€™d like to see more creativity about the 8.3 context on the Alliance side too. More often, more organized like how this PCU thing is doing. The n House RP, nobles, military units and all, are getting pretty old on Ally.


Riots arenā€™t creative, thereā€™s been countless attempts and ā€˜successfulā€™ ones. This thing really needs to be your cup of tea, which it isnā€™t even remotely in my case. Ditching the city on that day, too.


That is unlikely to change. I am pleased to see more RP spring up from the events of 8.3 though.

Happy to hear it, Morrowburn.


Maybe good, maybe not. Problem will always be caused by consequences and lags.
SW lags as it is, at the evening RP peak times, I canā€™t imagine how laggy it will be during the riot, unless phasing decides to kick in and itā€™ll affect everyone in SW. Regardless if you take part in the riot or not.

Least to mention all the drama that may and will be caused by random RPers who join the riot on alts and since they are ā€œnpcsā€ theyā€™ll do whatever they want.

Most important question, though. Was this idea coordinated with any alliance guilds that are not PCU? Stormwind Infantry, The Home Guard, High Guard, etc?

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Nope, itā€™s just a thing thatā€™s gonna happen and people can partake/not partake.

Simply the way RP ought to be really.

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Jokeā€™s on you, everyone and their aunt know itā€™s me :ok_hand:

Then why alt post?
And itā€™s not your cup of tea, know what you can do? Go somewhere else!

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Donā€™t remember asking.

Everyone knows itā€™s you, much like how everyone knows you hate anything that breaks your happy funtime statue second life RP.

So again, happy to hear it :slight_smile:

I just checked something on my alt and didnā€™t bother to switch on mobile, whatā€™s the big issue? Itā€™s not even a sEcReT that itā€™s my alt.
Plus I was stating an opinion, thatā€™s about it. Fun times when you get hounded for saying something isnā€™t your cup of tea.


I mean if everyone knows, why would it matter?

Anyway Iā€™m not seeing the point in the opt outs making a statement on it. I opt out on RP every now and then, I donā€™t whisper it to the players to let them know.


Imagine actively avoiding engaging and participating in RP and missing out on chances to meaningfully develope your character in a time of strife.
I guess some things are just too important to call off, even during civil unrest.