[A / 8.3 themed Riot RP] Hysteria 👁 - 6th of Feb

think (read: know) you’re getting :poop:'d on for trying to :poop: on the whole thing.

If you don’t like RP that isn’t utterly monotone that’s fine, really

I was starting to ask the same
 You didn’t even throw an PCU insult, you simply just said it isn’t your cup of tea

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To the people letting us know they won’t be there, thank you sooo much we were waiting desperately to hear if you were coming or not.

I’m very pro trying out new mini events like this, utilising the lore we get and making it open to any who want to participate in an organic and not heavily planned way.

Looking forward to the 6th.


My guys, neither is guard RP creative and I still enjoy it. Y’all are really looking to tear people apart these days, sheesh.

Quick! Mention the PCU! It’ll give the post more credence!


And your posts are Jessicka tier trash. Nobody asked. Nobody cares!

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 let me look around
 Yeah, nobody asked.


not interested in you and your terrible roleplay turning up anyway.

thanks for your opinion though


Nobody asked the people who said they’ll come to post that, either? Almost feels like you just enjoy giving people :poop: for not liking your stuff.

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not sure what you mean, first thing i did was thank you for sharing the info :slight_smile:

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woah, that’s crazy. imagine people defending stuff they have an interest in


This entire event honestly looks super interesting! Not sure if I have the time myself to attend, but I fully support it and encourage people to join in with it :smile:

I was personally quite dissapointed that N’zoth’s corruption and subsequent release/assault wasn’t given more detail and focus ingame by Blizz beyond the two zones and the gear, so it is very cool to see player events being made for it instead!


No it looks bad! It disturbs my idle standing, and ignorance of current events!


I’m a bit lost with this reply?
What I ment to say with my previous comment was that her comment was actually just pointed at the event at hand, and not side trailing into another PCU hatepost.
But yet seeing the reply chain on her comment, it isn’t really approached well.
Perhaps indeed letting know you won’t attend isn’t contributing much, but even if these comments are just jesting or not they’re not tastefull.

Guys you won’t believe what I just found out it says right here that no one asked


her comment comes out of spite for the pcu.

if this was an event ran by someone else, her post would’ve been something different.



She :poop:s on the event, i like the event. What do you think is gonna happen?

Also absolutely true, though it’s also that she’s terrified of anything that may make velves look like they aren’t superheroes.


Look, the truth is that we don’t have all that much of N’zoth related events floating around. There isn’t any over-saturation with it. We have Krasarang and Spellagosa initiatives which make us feel immersed in the roleplay, it shows that N’zoth is actually a thread.
But as I walk through the Stormwind from time to time, meeting people and roleplaying they don’t seem all too on edge and worried about the Old God set on loose. The fact that PCU makes another intersting event which actually shows that people in the city are on edge, even if they are NPCs is one of the best things which can happen to AD. PCU has influence, PCU has roleplayer base, so it is only natural that they can bring forth epic events to life of apathetic Stormwind formula.
It was all said already, but I on the other hand, look forward being part of epic moments in roleplay provided by them.


I think one of the current and justified criticisms of Warcraft, is that we are blazing through plotlines at rate where we never get to really ground ourselves in the story before being thrown onwards to the next one.

One of the reasons I personally liked Legion so much, was that we knew what the situation was. We knew what we would eventually have to combat and had time to explore what was at stake. Things were allowed to gradually build up and it rarely felt as though things were glanced over to cut a corner. I sadly cannot say the same for N’Zoth. He has been given a lot of mentions in the past, but this is the first time the creature itself is actually free to do as it will. Something that begins and ends within the narrative span of one patch.

The rant was unintended, but I have some feelings on this patch.


And I quote: