[A-Event] Byltan - Kaldorei Spring Celebration 🌸

Spring is in the air and we gather to celebrate all that lives and breathes. Byltan is a rite of High Spring and as such it is a celebration of love, life, and fertility. On this night we pay special homage to love in all its forms, be it between lovers, family or friends. Relationships in general are also celebrated during this spring holiday. Apart from celebrating love, life and relationships, Byltan is also a time where we honour the Soul of the Forest, Aessina, and the awakening of the wilds.

Date: 4th of May, 2024
Time: 19:30
Location: Shrine of Aessina, Ashenvale
Dresscode: Spring colours! Green, pink and pastels. (The dresscode is NOT mandatory)
Faction: Alliance
Music: Byltan Playlist
The festival will open with a short speech to welcome all attendees and to give a brief rundown of the night’s events.

We invite all who feel the call to step onto the open stage that will be hosted during the evening. Do you wish to recite a poem? Or do you have a talent for singing, or even dancing? All performing arts are welcomed up onto the stage.

If possible, please have your emotes pre-written and keep your performance to 10 minutes or less in order to give as many as possible a chance to perform. Thank you!

The kaldorei have a tradition of sharing kinship bracers with their friends and loved ones. These bracers are given as a sign of friendship, devotion, love or courtship. Perhaps you want to gift one to that special someone because you want to prove your love and devotion, offer a kinship in blood, have a special connection or even just want to treasure a very special friendship? Regardless of the thought behind it, these bracers will symbolize the bond that has been forged between the individuals. During the festival a workshop will be held for those who wish to learn how to make kinship bracers. The effort put in and the thought behind the gift is what gives it its true value.

Are you looking for love? Or are you perhaps down on your luck and hope that the future has something better in store for you? Regardless of your situation, you are welcome to have your fortune read at Byltan this year! This is a special treat, so if you’re curious don’t hesitate to come and listen to what the stars have to say about your destiny.

As is tradition, a play will be performed during Byltan. Festival-goers have come to expect it and it is usually a well received highlight of the evening. This year's play is one called "Reflected Mercy", and it is about a young woman who is covered in glass shards and her journey towards self-acceptance and self-love.

Original fairytale by Allison Quaid. Adapted/reworked for WoW and Byltan by Tinwëtar.

This year will play host to a costume contest! The theme for the contest is: LOVE. The more creative, the better! We'd love to see some imaginative costumes based on the theme.

First prize, made by Telariel

Second prize, made by Telariel

We will close this year’s festival by performing a ritual dedicated to Aessina, the Mother of Wisps and the Soul of the Forest.

OOC Details:

19:30 Opening Ceremony
19:45 Open Stage/ Kinship Bracer Workshop/ Fortune Telling
20:30 Play
21:00 Open Stage/ Kinship Bracer Workshop
22:00 Costume Contest
22:30 Closing Ritual

Calling all performers!

We are looking for people willing to perform at the open stage! If you'd like to perform something, please get in contact with Tinwëtar. We'd love to have you!

Discord: Tinwëtar#2106
In-game: Tínwëtar

  • Byltan is a kaldorei themed celebration of spring, but it is open to any member of the Alliance who’d like to participate.

  • Spring themed clothing is not mandatory, but it is encouraged. Soft pastels and greens are perfect for this holiday.

  • We kindly ask all attendees to refrain from using dark magics, such as fel and void, during this festival, as we feel it goes against the theme of life.

  • We also ask you to, please, keep in mind that this is supposed to be a festive occasion and refrain from disrupting it with attempted robberies, summoning of demons, invasions of orcs or similar things. Such things have their time and place, and can be great fun, but we feel that they do not belong during this joyous celebration of life.

Main header and footer is made by StickerB and used with permission by Falkyrn (as the original commissioner).

Very cool event, this looks really interesting and fun. Is there a possibility for Horde races like Tauren to attend?


Exciting stuff, I look forward to attending. :laughing: As always you put forward some awesome events.


Thank you! Unfortunately, this event is only for Alliance characters, as most of the characters hosting still view Horde-aligned races as enemies for the most part. But you are more than welcome to attend on an Alliance-toon. ^^


There’s been some lovely spring celebrations arranged already, but we hope that you haven’t had enough of them yet. There’s less than a month left until Byltan is here and we’re hard at work planning the event. It will hopefully be a wonderful time. ^^


There’s been some changes to the main post!

First and foremost: the theme for the costume contest has been decided and it will be LOVE! We invite all participants to get creative with it and look forward to seeing your transmogs.

Secondly, we have decided to forgo the market in favour of an open stage instead. So if you’ve always had a hankering to perform, now is your chance! If you’d like to perform something, feel free to get in touch with Tinwëtar beforehand or sign up on the day. Looking forward to seeing all your acts! :cherry_blossom: :heart_eyes:


Looking forward to attend!


Byltan will be happening tomorrow night! Don your best spring clothing and come enjoy a festival of life, love, and friendship! :cherry_blossom: :heart_eyes: :heartpulse:


Also - if you have an extra nice spring look, consider partaking in the Costume Contest! The more creative, the better!


That’s quite unfortunate, as it feels like the majority of the latest festivities haven’t been favourable to neutrality, with majority of them being focused solely on the Kaldorei. I hope, in future, we can see some festivals dedicated to that of An’she & Musha, for example.

Tauren are a core part of the druidic experience for roleplayers, so to frequently see them excluded in the threads for these events is disheartening for the smaller communities who may rely upon server wide events for connection. There’s already enough problems in terms of finding roleplay Horde side, but it seems to be salt in the wound when they reach out to the Alliance communities.

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Doors are always open to make an event, dedicated to the Taurens or/and their allies by anyone. Perhaps you can do so yourself! Use this as an example, an inspiration of what can be made for other races.


I have no idea what you’re trying to accomplisme here by complaining about events made solely for Night Elves?

Its an organisers own decision to create events specifically for whatever race and/or faction they wish to, and complaining about it is not going to change that decision.

Aside from that, Byltan has been an kaldorei-themed festivity since its inception, so it stands to reason it is an event specifically for Kaldorei(and their Alliance allies). If you want something for the Tauren and their Horde allies, nobody is stopping these smaller communities to create an event fitting the Tauren theme and creating it solely for the Horde to enjoy? (re: Kosh’arg is a prime example of an Horde-only event)

Anyways! Will probably be there tonight! Can’t wait! :slight_smile:


Nightblades have done excellent job hosting festivals dedicated to night elven culture for years. It’s quite inspiring and I’m happy that these events remain that way, given how much there are events and places where different cultures mingle anyway.

A brief pause from duties until the watcher returns to Northrend to pursue the big evil behind newly risen army of aberrations.


Byltan is happening tonight! The thread has been updated with some beautiful prizes for the winners of the Costume Contest. The prizes have been made by Telariel! I have posted them below as well.

So bring your best love-themed costume and pray the judges will find your outfit to be the best and most creative one!

First prize, made by Telariel

Second prize, made by Telariel

Thank you for a lovely event! Was wholesome and joyful. <3

A few days have passed since we celebrated Byltan together. I wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended the festivities and made this celebration come alive with activity. From the bottom of my heart; thank you! :cherry_blossom: :heartpulse:

I also wish to thank those who helped out with arranging this whole thing: Ialluen, Telariel, Kathene, Aariam, Seredwen, Meladriss, and Ilyande. Without you, there would have been no Byltan.

Lastly, I wish to congratulate the winners of the costume contest once again.
In second place we had Moridunum, who was dressed for springtime and embodied new, budding love.

In first place we had Viol who was dressed as autumn. She made a lovely speech about how true love lasts well beyond the first budding passion of spring and well into the autumn of the years. A well deserved win in the judges’ opinion.

Now we take a small break, but we will be back with more festivities soon! Next up is Jurina’tore after all! :cherry_blossom: :heart_eyes: :seedling:


Sad I had to miss this! Had a surprise trip to go to.

The first Byltan (although less creatively, we did just call it Beltain back then) was held 18 years ago almost to the day, and involved a pilgrimage from Auberdine to the Twin Colossals, followed by revelry, the sharing of poetry and song, fish on the campfire, that sort of thing. The general theme was that of ‘letting go’ and allowing people to be less stuffy, for Night Elves back then were typically very aloof and reserved, followed by a nice cleansing bathe in sacred waters as an act of ‘rebirth’.

I think it was my favourite event.

I hope to see you at the Great Hunt though!


Wow, that’s a name I haven’t seen since Wrath! I think.

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