The leaves are turning from green to a firework display of golds, reds and oranges. It is the Autumn Equinox and the time when we celebrate Illuridei, or the Watchers Flame. All members of the Alliance are cordially invited to attend this autumn celebration.

Date: 14th of September 2024
Time: 20:30 server time
Location: Astranaar, Ashenvale and Talrendis Point, Azshara
Faction: Alliance
Music: Playlist
Once we reach Talrendis Point in Azshara there will be a ceremony of gratitude and to celebrate the harvest. After that there will be a grand feast prepared where all participants will be encouraged to share songs and poems, as well as nuggets of wisdom that they have learned in the past year.
Is there a dress code?
All participants are encouraged to come dressed in their finest RED or ORANGE clothing.
Do I need to bring anything?
Yes! It is encouraged for you to bring:
- A lantern (that you will be asked to equip at a certain point during the pilgrimage)
- A wisp pet (to be summoned at a certain point during the pilgrimage)
- A flower crown/wreath (to potentially be worn during the evening)
At one part during the pilgrimage we will be singing a hymn dedicated to the Night Warrior. If you’d like to participate in it, you can find it below.
Hymn to the Night Warrior
Priestess: The land has begun to die and the soil grows cold. Of the once fertile womb of the earth now darkness has a hold.
All: Elune, Guardian and Night Warrior, hear us!
Priestess: As You wane above us in the sky, small and white, so the earth continues its descent into long Night.
All: Elune, Guardian and Night Warrior, hear us!
Priestess: As You weep and mourn the loss of Your Light, we mourn the days once sun-warmed and bright.
All: Elune, Guardian and Night Warrior, hear us!
Priestess: We feel the cold and darkness ascend and mourn the warmth of summer coming to an end.
All: Elune, Guardian and Night Warrior, hear us!
Priestess: As the night falls, anger and sorrow roam the earth. The crops die, life withers and the soil awaits the time for rebirth.
All: Elune, Guardian and Night Warrior, hear us!
Priestess: In grief, You travel, searching for Your lost Light, leaving darkness and shadow following your flight.
All: Elune, Guardian and Night Warrior, hear us!
Priestess: As You search near and far for what You have lost, we prepare to welcome the darkness and oncoming frost.
All: Elune, Guardian and Night warrior, come to us!
Priestess: Six moons of Light and six moons of Dark. The earth goes to sleep and wakes at the sun’s warming spark.
All: Elune, Guardian and Night Warrior, come to us!
Priestess: O Dark Mother, Night Warrior, we celebrate You this night, and dance in Your shadows and honour your might.
All: Elune, Guardian and Night Warrior, come to us!
Priestess: We embrace that which is darkness, and celebrate the Dark Mother. Blessings to the Night Warrior on this night, and every other.
All: Blessings to the Night Warrior on this night, and every other!
We kindly ask you to keep in mind that this is supposed to be a festive occasion and refrain from disrupting it in ways that might interrupt the activities planned for the event. Unexpected invasions and the likes can be great fun, but we feel that they do not belong during this type of celebratory event.