A final salute to a great king

Once you like a certain character blizzard adds plenty of death flags. If they are trolls.

Why nobody thanks the noble suicide squad for their sacrifice. I mean they have done much more with that compared to Rastakhan in his whole career imo.

Finally someone who shares my opinion!

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Well, he was an established and fleshed out Horde character who’s not a human/elf so from that point of view it’s sad to see him go. Also, he was a rather enjoyable in Zandalar questing, though he still was a wrong man at a wrong place during wrong times. Kind of like Tsar Nicholas II.

Though personally, I’m not sad at all he died. He allowed his zandalari to attack Kul Tiras months before they officially joined the horde. Justice fell on Dazar’Alor and I’m glad I was allowed to be it’s instrument. But killing someone like Liadrin, Thalyssra or Sira would be much more satisfying.

Debts have to be paid. Bwonsamdi will collect proudmoores family souls together with Talanji. A storm is coming for that wretched kingdom of Kul Tiras.

I don’t care what Talanji want. She hates Jaina now, wow! She should be thankful that she killed this moron.

Let’s start with Teldrassil!

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If Jaina isn’t over daelin yet neither should talanji over her own father. And unlike daelin, Rastakhan never lifted a finger against the alliance. Double standards.


Yeah, and those dinosaurs attacking Boralus are local wildlife right? If Rasty didn’t want to end like he did, he shouldn’t have started to play with the big boys.

His Troops have already supported the horde to kill innocent kul’tiran people. Let’s sie it as retribution?

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Your pathetic fleet will be rubles soon. Didn’t even have the dignity to fight the Golden fleet 1 vs 1. Shows a lot about your competence.

Why should we waste our ships and sailors when we have a simple troll-b-gone button?


I think it isn’t honorfull or sth…

Muh honor sourfang would have penetrated himself in shame if he would have used the same tactics. Good for the alliance to have such loyal lapdog characters up their sleeves.

Yes. Argh. I am just so angry. You nailed down the emotion I was expressing perfectly. /s

If I were biased, you would have been able to provide evidence if it, which you did not. And this post had nothing to do with Alliance-Horde victories. The fact that you see any of this in my post shows that you are biased.

The Horde did not have the dignity to face of against the full force of the Night Elves in WoT.

Also, do not talk about dignity and follow it up with:

Destroying the enemy fleet in a manner that costs you no casualties is very competent, yes.

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Classic greenskin (if I am not mistaken you even have a generic orc username on MMOChampion). This is war, wars are won with cunning, not honor or mere brute strength.

What makes the Alliance different than the Lich Queen? That we are using cunning and looking honorable doing it, because Jaina could very well seize the advantage and possibly deliver such a great defeat to the Zandalari that they will never recover, but chooses not to attack a grieving animal tribe.

Oh yeah. Did not he want to reward the Rogues who most effectively murdered the Sentinels? Oh, do you have no arguments anymore, poor Erevien?

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:smirk: /10

Copied from mmo c.

"Well, Jaina was only able to put bubble around herself. Horde bias! Jaina was depowered so that the Zandalari Empire would have even a slight chance before her godly might!
Zandalari artillery actually hit the ships. Horde bias! The mighty human ships should be far too tough to be hit by anything less then Sargeras’s sword!
Rastakhan is dead. Horde bias! The story is better then the Alliance one!
Talanji wants vengeance. Horde bias! The Alliance goal hasn’t been reached! Talanji should have suddenly decided to kill the Horde raid!

They can be very creative with those."

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It was pretty sad. Foreshadowed almost since the first moment, but still sad.

I liked how Jaina was painted in such an antagonistic fashion, at least the Zandalari will be given solid and tangible motivation to war against the Alliance and Kul Tiras.

Regarding Rastakhan and Bwonsamdi, it does make me wonder about their deal. Bwonsamdi seemed all to pleased with Rastakhan dying.
Makes me wonder about what role did he have in this war, because even if he is still saying otherwise, wouldn’t really surprise me if he simply lied.
So far, the war has worked wonders regarding his status and power amongst trolls and Zandalari.
A very interesting character.

And I liked seeing Nathanos trembling with rage upon seeing Jaina. Unpopular opinion, but I have a soft spot for his sort of spiteful and petty character. He shaped up to be a cool commander.
Although I agree that it would be cool to have Rokhan too. But can’t really complain there, as he is given an instrumental role killing Telaamon and expelling the Alliance from Nazmir.

Ps: And there is a discussion to be had regarding how Alliance victories are portrayed opposed to the supposed “Horde equivalents”, but that’s rather derailing.


Well, thanks for exploding my thread with the usual crap and mud throwing…


For once, for ONCE I don’t say a word, nor start with what you call mud throwing but still you think I did??