A Kids Feedback?!?! 🤨

I’m a mother of two kids. While still underage and can’t play this game, my logic tells me that when I allow them to play this game I automatically expose them to the following: foul language (especially from players), violence, content with sexual implications.

This game is rated 12+. I’m pretty sure our 12 y/o have heard worse than the B word.

And if you really are that kind of parent then simply deny them acces to WoW.


Try the goblin starting zone- I’m surprised nobody has complained about the amount of “Your Mum” jokes in there

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Then remove bgs to, the toxic in there is insane.

I had not considered the cost of a voice actor in this regard. Probably easier to remove than replace in that case.

I don’t know about you but all of the things that were below the 16 rating for me as a kid didn’t really have swearing in them :face_with_raised_eyebrow: and certainly not the B word.

You’re not supposed to have “fights” around your kids in the first place :woman_facepalming:

PG-13 in my country means that there might be swearing, but usually those words aren’t really directed at people.

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Very good !
Kids always give best feedback ,for a few reasons :
1 Kids are not indoctrinated by politics and history
2 Strong intuition
3 Simply honest

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They should replace it with a “T” word acually.

WoW’s story is very childish. There’s even children’s books that are canon. Imo, that’s a fine reason.

They are alliance scum.

Maybe they can improve the game for future generations even more by renaming it World of Conflictcraft :thinking:

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Conflict way too much aggressive.Disputecraft would be more appropriate.

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i can only thank Steve for making this public statement, cause before i was doubting if he has some shred of personal responsibility for his actions.
now i know its for the kids, so he has absolutely none

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Those were the times.

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This is beyond pathetic, for a guy who is supposed to be able to make compelling stories.


I don’t really care either way, though that whole zone is dark and messed up and hardly suitable for children so seems like the least of concerns. But making reactionaries mad is always a plus and it brings out all the people who want to yell about “SJWs” or whatever so you can ignore them.

I fail to understand how are these parents planning to protect their kids from the in game toxicity they surely encounter later on. This isn’t a single player game with a very controlled environment.

Also if these kids have access to the internet they clearly will/already watched worse stuff than what you can find in WoW.


I’m not sure if it’s been said already but I’ll say it regardless.

WoW is rated T for teen for a reason, it literally said on the label " Mild language " poor parenting shouldn’t be responsible for it’s removal, it’s just another example of devs thinking they know better than everyone.


Yes but it’s one of those conflicted situations where it’s so feeble and petty that the sensible side of the brain thinks “Who cares?” but the very fact it’s so feeble and petty is annoying because of the blatant pandering to alleged political correctness-- which in fact should be called virtue signalling with the even more unpleasant addition of virtue signalling for profit.


Can’t pay your staff decent wages but one of your staff members complain about the B word from like an 8 year old quest and you jump on it?

Strange priorities.