A Kids Feedback?!?! 🤨

carefull all, lets not tell blizzard this is a game where we kill everyone and each other, if they think the b wordt is already problematic…


That kid sees and probably hears far worse stuff while using the PC and in real life so one word in a game shouldn’t even matter.

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This isn’t a religious matter. We are religious people in my family but we aren’t stupid, or puritans.

The best way to raise a teen into a mature and balanced adult is to allow them a certain level of exposure. That way these things won’t seem anything fantastic or out of ordinary and they will learn right from wrong. Not to mention the more exposure they get, the least temptation to actually try bad things.

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I liked the word. It was novel, but also impactful for the scene. Made an important quest more memorable.
But if the word wasn’t ever there in the first place, I don’t think it would have felt missing. It was shock value for the sake of shock value.

I think what other have said, that if the word was replaced with witch, hag, or similar, it would have been fine as well.

Production-wise I’m not sure it’s worth the effort getting the voice actor into the studio for such a tiny change.

Don’t think it’s a big deal though. Blizzard tends to err on the far side of family-friendly. Can’t even drool over Jaina’s rack in Hearthstone anymore either. But the world goes on. :yum:


My thoughts exactly.
His justification though only increased the suspicion that he is simping for sylvanas. He should’ve chosen better wording in his message when he tried to get it across.
It would’ve been much better if he didn’t say anything at all, but now people will forever remember this.


i honestly dont think it matters either way, yeah it was a memorable line, but it being gone from the game doesnt lessen that in anyway, there are still a lot of people that reminisce on a bunch of things, take mop class design, or artifact weapons, hell rose tinted google lead to them creating an entire other version of wow to let people play classic without the need of private servers

So what you’re saying is we need a Watch your clever mouth [redacted] version?

You’re gonna blame that on Blizzard? That just shows how upside down our society is where all of the above are given a pass but a swear word is what triggers the moral guardians.

Blizzard just follows what the society dictates but people who hate Blizzard will blame it on them.

The problem is not so much to me that they changed it, but the reason why they changed it.

Are we now gonnna remove everything that someone might find problematic? because that’s gonna open a whole can off wurms on the game.

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Watch your clever mouth buttercup !

That’s not true at all. Remember this scene from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves? The US has a history of dropping in swear words into otherwise child-friendly things. It’s not like everything gets the 'Yippe ki-yay, Mister Falcon! ’ treatment.

After Agatha Christie’s 80 year old book, Ten little n ggers will be renamed?
I’m not surpised about this…
To be honest I’m surprised the upcoming Black Adam movie haven’t been gunned down and cenceled… yet
And Slyvanas indeed an undead b*tch…
…alas, their game, they have the right to bow whatever they decide to bow…

The American edition was renamed in 1940 to “And Then There Were None” because there, the name was incredibly offensive, it simply couldn’t be published using the original title there.

The British name was changed to “Ten Little Indians” in the 1985 edition.

Times change I can tell you stuff that may have been considered appropriate 20 years ago are not the same in present day.

Just take a look at them on how twisted their views are in reality really, i mean 2020 has been an interesting year for them. (and us)

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So the kid and his parents are ok with mass murder using weapons and magic, but hearing the b word is too much ?

Get this giggle-stick and anyone involved with him out of WoW. This is a slippery slope and he’s greasing himself up big time.

Also, I’ll just say it 'cos no one else will, I will bet all the gold I have ever made in game that it was some woman who’s only worked at WoW for a few years who made Steve make the change.

Absolutely pathetic.

We need to separate the rabid fanboy from his canon-armed position. He is not fit to write official lore if he sics Retcon Police at the one dialogue where someone accurately summarizes HIS QUEEN. Such behavior as he exhibits is becoming people who have shrines of their waifus and produce tons of creepy fan fiction.

Edit: For the record, in the said dialogue I’d use “f-ing c-t”. Because she deserved it.

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Dayum, I hope that Dev’s kid complains about the old 1 pixel gear so it gets updated :partying_face:

Seriously though, I think this could lead to a better conclusion.

Why not, write two types of dialogues for most quests, and let players choose? an option which dialogue would be put on display?

Options would be :-

  1. Rough, Warlike, and Immersive.

This type of dialogue resembles more the situations that things happen in, here the devs can go crazy and not hold back, making sure to add immersion to match the scenes with no holds barred.

  1. Soft, Authentic and Easy on the eyes.

This type of dialogue resembles the heart of what WoW shaped up to be, something to enjoy, it can be catchy, cartoonish and something authentic to how WoW always was, never crossing the line but staying enjoyable and true to Warcraft.

No matter what people say, this questline dialogue was indeed an odd one out to what we are used to in WoW, but maybe that’s why many people liked it, because it felt like one of the rare dialogues that had heart and immersiveness in it, it felt warlike. Even though it didn’t fit to what we’re used to seeing in WoW I liked it.

So imo blizzard should capitalize on what players want and just grant us an option to choose more immersive and true to war dialogue.

Because it’s true, there is genocide, murder, biological warfare, witchery, mind control, brain washing and necromancy which are far more severe than just a curse word so it makes sense to have crude, rough language but we never had that and in the instance we did it got removed.


It’s advisory, not legally-binding. It is up to the parent/guardian to determine that. I bet a lot of us had parents/guardians let us do things when we were kids that we probably shouldn’t have.

WoW, in itself, doesn’t have a lot of risqué content (especially with retrospective script changes like this!) - it’s the toxicity of other players that’s the dodgy part (e.g. Trade chat, LFR, Battlegrounds, etc.)

I never saw an issue with the use of the word but, if it is held to the standard of an older age rating then a couple of stronger words isn’t an issue. Garrosh was an hot-headed brute whereas Sylvanas is sarcastic and manipulative; the use of that word suited the context in which it was applied because they infuriated each other to extremes.

If kids are over-protected at such a young age then they’re going to struggle dealing with worse stuff as they get older.

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I honestly think kids learn worse language at school than they do from wow…