A Kids Feedback?!?! 🤨

There is nothing wrong with teh word bĂŹtch,female dogs is that.


Also Blizzard: We added a gay night elf and a trans(exual) blue angelish thing in the next xpac, hope it’s okay.

Just lol man… what this world has become.

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'nuff said

It all makes sense now… Everything, Kids are deciding what’s happening with the game.


All he did was call her a female dog :woman_shrugging: should we remove all npc lines where one calls someone else a dog?

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So… calling her that is a “crime” and remove ASAP!
While we have a Tauren lady, Kurd Butterhoof < Homemade Milk & Cheese Vendor> in Thunder Totem
And a Human called Marcus and the Tauren Freeseekers threesome in Highmountain…
M’kay… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Honestly I am seeing way too many Sylvanas/Danuser patterns here.

Here’s the question ?
Would this writer be that upset if the character wasn’t Sylvanas ?

  • Who was the Warchief of the Horde at the start of Legion expansion ?
    Who is beside Varian, the High King of the Alliance in this cinematic ?
  • A shocking moment.
    Who gave the orders here ?
  • Now this scene is censored, guess who’s involved here:
  • Finally the cinematic for the new expansion, who appears here ?

Might as well call this game World of Sylvanascraft.



Are you serious? Like, actually serious? It’s not like it was an F-word or anything and besides, in Warcraft 3 s.o.b. was casually tossed around, as well as the word A-hole. That’s within the borders of a 12+ game. If Blizzard wants to go all soy on us, they might as well change it into a 3+ game.


It’s not just USA doing it though. In several EU countries they changed some parts of Pipi Longstockings, because they were “racist”

I mean those I can understand, as the books aren’t exactly telling why those words aren’t acceptable today.
A swear being censored is not the same as a word being used in a often derogatory /racist way.

The censorship however is still dumb, b-word is still in plenty other quest texts so it’s like lmao

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I can’t. Rewriting a book is to me is a huge disrespect for the author.


Different opinons and presumeably different generation as well, for me I would not care if a word from 100 years ago was rewritten to remove words and phrases that by todays standards are not okay.
Unless of course a section being added as to /why/ the words/phrases aren’t okay were added.

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Have to wonder in this day & age what 12/13 year old doesn’t know the word b**** or finds offence to it :thinking:


There is also Grelda the Hag and Myranda the Hag…

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their trying their best ok! xD

Americans treat 19 year olds like they are babies, I don’t expect any less from them tbh.

There is lots of rules even in the EU that doesn’t make sense. You can legally have sex and get married in the UK at the age of 16 but you aren’t allowed to watch an adult movie online. The world is run by stupid people.

UK 16 year old: Hey let’s watch this movie tonight? :smiley: oh no it’s an 18+ because it has a sex scene in it. What else can we do that’s legal? Let’s have sex?


Doesn’t make it right. There have been more things that were changed. Whenever stuff like this would pop-up people would get upset.

Because you don’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter.

But, yes there wouldn’t have been such a big outcry if people hadn’t posted it here or on wowhead. Or made videos about it on youtube.

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As a long-time Star Wars fan who watched the original movies at the cinema, versions which are not available to buy, I’m a veteran of many arguments about this kind of thing. I’ve learned that the emotional investment in the fight just isn’t worth it! Don’t sweat the small stuff - in a world with Covid, Climate Change, endemic racism etc, getting all wound up over a cosmetic change in an old part of the game in a section that most people don’t even pay attention to any more isn’t worth the effort.

To be honest, I always thought that line was very out-of-place, since it’s the only “vulgar” word that really is ever said. It does kind of stick out. Like mentioned before, “witch” would have been better.

I think this is controversial only because people have a very anti-safe space agenda, and this goes against that. I kind of get that, but I don’t really mind this change.

I doubt they changed it because of “a kid”. More likely it was changed before some twitter nutjob noticed it.

Personally I don’t really care… yet anyway. I just worry about whats next on the chopping block, and it puzzles me that they bothered with it. No one sane would care about the word, but here we are.

2020 has been a complete dumpster fire so far.