A lack of game polish, dump your complaints here

Yes, you’re a maestromancer for a few seconds
oh i forgot, you also have a playable drum set and gong

Wait a full drum set like from ETC or do you mean the war drums you can click on to beat?

What does “PCU” mean?

yes a set of war drums.

Pandaria Community University.

Yea but your character doesn’t go crazy on them like that one orc on the back of the kodo in the old intro cinematic for warcraft 3.

Thanks. (It didn’t became much clearer, but fine. Probably some in-game RP org.)


Fixed with the latest PTR patch, apparently.

Something I’ve not seen mentioned often, but some of my friends have complained in the past about and it’s still an issue.

How Draenei females hold shields(They don’t at all, they have the open hand with wriggling fingers while the shield is glued to the knuckles. You can even on some shields see the fingers outside the shield)

And the stance of it looks awful as well.

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for reasons beyond my comprehension they always lead exclusively to people AFKing for hours with a macro up for them, trolls just running around spamming random noise.

One of the reasons: some play without sound, so they turn the thing that produces the sound on and then forget to turn it off. Yes, that’s an argument in favor of everything that produces sound to automatically end after a short duration.

This is the closest we can get.

I mean, people who want to be annoying do that with what’s available anyway, toys or mounts both. Between someone spamming those and someone spamming some tunes, honestly i’d rather it be the tunes.

A common issue because dual wield and 1h stances are the same with shields. Pandaren suffer greatly from this too.

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I’ve grown to expect questlines and content to be broken towards the end of an expansion. Sometimes they are bugged from the get go with missing text or dialogue. I remember levelling with a friend and having to explain what happened because story time went poof and the npc characters disappeared.

At least they fixed the dwarven faces and eyebrows on the PTR! Still no [Vulpera] language fix, though.

There’s a leaf shield that some of the pandaren NPCs have that looks so cool, I want that for transmog.

Everything after Cataclysm.

The dev obsession with 1 hr cooldowns on 5 minute visuals is…
Frustrating? Irrational? Infuriating in the extreme? All of the above, perchance?


Piggybacking on this. There’s so many items available to NPCs only. Why can’t they just put all of these on some vendors, trial of style, or just random drops?

I’d like for items like the Prism that lets you swap appearances with someone else to last longer.
People want to RP stuff like Furbolgs, but they can only do so for 5 minutes at a time.
An hour of duration, 5 minutes cooldown?

And I mean baseline duration/cooldowns on transformation items.

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