A letter to Liamx - Shaman on Gehennas

But he gave OP an experience? It wasn’t exactly according to the script but he gave an experience.

I will enlighten you as many else in this thread.
A PVE server would not make a difference!

K, bai

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i dont think people would do that on pve tho

All’s fair in Love ‘n Warcraft.

Oof. That’s gotta hurt. Just keep trying I’m sure you’ll get him some time (looks like the start of an epic rivalry here >.>)

At least it wasn’t by your own faction, tried to tame Timber in Dun Morogh on my hunter, some little gnome came up and killed him as I was taming him then spat and laughed at me. If I could have punted that little green haired turd over the mountains I would have happily :stuck_out_tongue:


Meet my new pet - Liamx


Haha! Grats! :partying_face: :+1:


I witnessed the magic of creation

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hahahah oh that has to hurt

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Got it now though! :slight_smile:


I saw couple of undead mages AoE grinding in the Stonetalon mountains. So I killed them, partly because I don’t like mages and their power to summon water and not sharing it with ME, but regardless. Then I killed them again, then again, then again and that continued for good 2 or 3 hours. Go back to Undercity and stop poluting our lands with your stench, forsaken!

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Grats on finally getting it!


You are wrong. They are also on other people’s screens. Though they can be confused with the succubus ability that has a similar animation.

That’s hilarious!

true hero arrives :slight_smile:

I salute you Liamx!

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thats some next level of mas.ochism if you plan to relive that moment over and over everytime you gonna look at this pet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think Liamx made a mistake there. He should have kill you first than BT. But it’s a nice start anyway.

Its a reminder, a sore reminder of who to hunt

Liamx sounds like the loser who ganks people at lower levels, so i wouldn’t mind that anymore my hunter friend, just be glad you’re not a person like him.
Gz anyways for getting BT.