A letter to Liamx - Shaman on Gehennas

Should have friends with you if you want to tame a rare. Oh ofc I forgot. No one likes hunters, they don’t have any friends.

My sympathies for your plight. :joy:

But this just proves that you do not know the value of this pet… as I said, talking to a brick wall! :slight_smile:

Broken Tooth = Shared (With the bats from ZG) fastest attackspeed in the game for pets = Very strong for wrecking casters in pvp.

Your “random horde quest cat” that you are talking about does not have that attackspeed.

So you cry that horde prevented you to get pet to kill horde better ? Yeha ok i forgot which pacth they got normalised, so sue me. But then didn’t the Horde player do the right thing ?

More kudos for Horde for preventing you to get tools against them on PvP.

you seem like an absolute helmet mate.

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haha! Luckily I have my tissues ready for the next attempt, if you read the posts and the reactions, this thread is not toxic, more a fun story by this point, and the birth of a life-long rivalry between me and “He we shall not mention by name”.

“Sue me” THank god I live in Europe or this would have been a reality

WHy would you think that Broken Tooth is so heavily camped if he had normalized attack speed? Beacuse of his unique appearence? I think not…

lol just /1 INV FOR LAYER PLX and voila.

Leave him alone he is very toxic in every single post reply…

/lick - When you see this, you better run

Would do the same tbh, gj shaman. Make all night elf huntards suffer.

LiamX hero of the horde!

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Who’s the goodest boy? The shaman ofc. I’d kill, loot and skin him if I see an alli tame it.

These days everything is considered a form of harassment. It was just a story of something that happened ingame. Not someone trying to bully another player. At least that from my perspective.

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Very sensitive! Its understandable, its 2019 after all! As you might have seen from the various posts (From the person I was allegedly “attacking and harassing”) Its all in good spirits, go be a SJW somewhere else please

lol get rekt

on liveservers you would get phased out halfway taming it just like you do trying to kill rares and get phased at 25% :slight_smile: better luck next time licki… ehm taming it!

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owned dude go join a pve server maybe

But he gave OP an experience? It wasn’t exactly according to the script but he gave an experience.

I will enlighten you as many else in this thread.
A PVE server would not make a difference!

K, bai

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i dont think people would do that on pve tho

All’s fair in Love ‘n Warcraft.