A letter to Liamx - Shaman on Gehennas

YES! You saw the post! That is what I was after!


I know the respawn timer too now, ill remember to bring tissues next time


You are playing on a pvp server and you are the enemy on that server. he did the only right thing


I’m new to the forums and I find them hilarious. To the OP I really hope you can get your pet next time.


I call this fake news, because classic community is friendly players and not toxic.

and what? you are ally hes sham go kill him then. its not toxic its just you beeing weak

Indeed its me being weak getting killed by a lvl 60 :wink: while taming something! :wink: You are right!


about as much as his behaviour acn be considered toxic

Lets meet up there!

You think you are cool, but you not. This tag line died already week ago. Find new one.


How about Back2BFA? It’s kinda catchy I think :stuck_out_tongue:

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You know it respawns :thinking:

Sounds like back to the future - and those were good films.

“Do not like classic, take DeLoarean back to BfA, my friend!”


im sorry…


Kek, in only 8 hours;)

Really though I would have stopped an Alliance taming it aswell, it’s mostly used in PvP to wreck healers.

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I used to kill always Horde (retail alliance here mainly) hunters trying to tame rares. And if they were too good geared, I made sure their tame failed by attacking and bursting the animal dead. Why ? Rolling the wrong faction.

But those were hunters at my level, and this was PvP world, but I am too nice, generally do not attack lowbies.

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A member of one faction making life harder for a member of the opposite faction?
On a PvP realm?!

Say it ain’t so!


Sure but I mean it is a new server so that lowbie could be the next R14 hellraiser:p

lol owned HAHAHAHA

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It’s not like BT matters… just another cat, that used to be op but got nerfed.