A letter to Liamx - Shaman on Gehennas

How the fk are you 60 already? Have you been outside this week?

Chill man. He set a goal, and achieved it. That’s all you need to know.

That sucks however that just what happens on PVP server. The other day me and my bf found a rare, were about to kill it, only to have a skull level alliance pop out of nowhere, killing the rare and then us.
We picked up the salt and moved on, I suggest you do the same :wink:

I too wish I could achieve my goal of not having to work for a living.


u have my simpaty op, sadly the game is full of pathetic guys that get their enjoiment in ruining other people experience.

That sounds achieveable?:stuck_out_tongue:

Suprised no one has brought up that naming and shaming is not allowed

its classic, no one cares

Really it’s just because it’s not actually shameful

It’s all about context ^^ This thread isn’t exactly naming and shaming, since it is meant in jest, and the target took it in good spirits.


And lets be honest - if you cannot accept PvP and ganks, then this game does have different server types for a reason. In some games you do not have option to avoid PvP, but here - this is all our own choice to play in PvE or PvP.

PVE/PVP would not have mettered in this situation… gosh darn it… how come so many is getting this confused? He killed the mob i was taming, which is also doable on a PVE server.

Well RIP try again, nothing else to say. You should camp him as a response

Even worse - you complain about someone else in a MMO killing another mob ?

Well, I will not argue with you, since I suspect I will be talking to a brick wall. If you do not undertand why I am pissy about this, then perhaps do some research on why this is the case

OI understand why you are pissy, I played hunter too in vanilla, but instead that cat I just had Horde summon me their quest cat and had even more cool looking cat for alliance player.

You can either make angry forum topic about something you cannot change, or think plan B.

Oh, and by the way…


Indeed he is. I spotted a lv20 Human Warlock in the Barrens. I know he was there is on his Succy Quest. So I killed him. And then I killed him again. And then one more time for good measure. Go back to your own country, Alli scum.
For the Horde!


Sounds like a quite a romantic night.

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Are you saying he’s bad for annoying the opposing faction on a PVP server … a PVP server? Haha get a grip!