I concur. Hopefully they don’t have their hands full.
Oh, I’m sure they’ll be fine, especially if they have all HANDS on deck.
Can you two get a Grip? This getting out of Hand
Perhaps a HANDFUL of HAND puns may come in HANDY in the future?
I don’t want to point fingers but I think Nelox is being a bit ‘on the nose’. This is no punny matter! I shake my fist at you, sir!
Trying to control every player’s behaviour on a realm as big as ours must be like trying to herd cats. I applaud your efforts to be positive, but I’ll stick with reporting stuff that should never be seen and is reportable under T.O.S.
I’ll make my own decisions on who I want to RP with, just like I choose my friends in game. We all have our own perceptions of what makes Argent Dawn great to be a part of and what makes it no fun. Sadly, all these forum threads of recent days aren’t going to change very much at all on AD. Except that I’ll never look at a rubber duck in the same way ever again.
Get out of here with that reasonable argument.
This is the problem with Argent Dawn. Especially now, people have reached a degree of maturity where they should know to keep to themselves and not launch a crusade or drama fest everytime they see something they are not 100% fine with.
What’s the average AD player age, 22? 25? And there are just so many people who can’t get over the fact players have different tastes!
Everything they don’t like is labeled as bad RP, conveniently ignoring the enormous flaws in their own form of role-play.
yes but also people should maybe stop ERPing in public and trying to normalize their fetishes for getting it on with minors by cutely calling it ‘ageplay’ instead of what it actually is.
Why are you lot on the forums instead of purging Goldshire like it deserves? I want a characterful RP space back, damn it. Come on, chop chop! >:(
Goldshire is an unsalvageable blight, no remedy exists for how long that infestation was allowed to fester and grow.
Bah. So all this talk about being ‘anti-ERP’ from so many Hordies, and you cant even invade one plagued village?
Goldshire is a lost cause, unless and until Blizzard decides to finally do something about it and enact hard bans for the people doing it there. Besides, it’s much easier to virtue signal and share F-List profiles and ERP logs on a public medium which children can access, whilst wailing about the purity of those very same children who you’ve just exposed to that content all on your own
Also much more effective, because there’s hardly a better way to make sure as many players as possible can avoid the offenders.
See, easy and efficient, perfect method.
We tried man but they have some magical shield-spell incantation, it goes something like ‘Wah-mod off’
As a Seasoned Forum Veteran of the Great Scandals of the past, beyond the entertainment of the great ERP posting threads, the shame parades don’t really accomplish much. If the person caught is notable, they delete their characters and go to ground, before eventually reappearing elsewhere - sometimes among the very people who originally ostracised them, as far as rumours go. And often, people go beyond just calling out their ERP; their personal lives are called into question and anything remotely dirty in their laundry is shown to the world. The AD forums is very, very puritan.
Not that you addressed the fact that linking F-List profiles and ERP logs is effectively distributing pornography/nsfw content to children.
Man you’re talking to someone that thinks kids shouldn’t play online games at all to begin with, having me address the whole ‘kids play WoW!!!’ thing is like pointing me at a tiny fraction of the actual problem. Said problem being the first part, kids playing online games.
Whether or not children should be playing online games is another topic entirely. What is pertinent is that they do play and will see the inappropriate content if they ever check the forums, so I don’t really see the connect and it reads to me as: “I don’t think children should be on WoW so it’s not my concern if they read graphic sexual content shared for the sake of a call out.”
You’re reading it correctly then.
By the glorious power of call outs, kids can avoid people like this instead of getting swept up into that downward spiral of internet degeneracy.
Call outs are good.
Kids still should not be playing online games, but that’s an unachievable ideal, so the next best thing is making the offenders known.
Kids playing online games is in no way a problem aslong as you monitor them, within reason of cource.
This is usually where it goes wrong, parents are careful at first but then just kinda let their kids do whatever. I’m hoping that in the future, the increased digital competence of parents might work to prevent this.