[A-RP] Alliance War Council - Saturday 12th Oct 19:00

Conspiracy theories aren’t new as well, mh?

I got one for you too…

h ttps://wow.gamepedia.com/Elisande

Found your true identity, dear!

He grins. …You get my point?

I wonder:

I got 311 posts in the German forums.
I do know actual trolls offering way more posts though.
Maybe you can explain to me, how many posts I am allowed to have - and need to have - to not be “a troll”?

You went for it and were wrong. N1

[quote=“Elisande-zandalar-tribe, post:41, topic:94054, full:true”]
It is a very well aimed comment which came directly after the reddit comments. No tinfoil hat here. Esp with people who havnt commented at anything deciding to comment for the first time here at this exact moment.[/quote]

Yeah nah not really. I didn’t even know something as cringe as a ZT Reddit existed…sounds like a gravedigger paradise to me though. So if a Cristyn flames you it may or may not be me.

[quote=“Elisande-zandalar-tribe, post:41, topic:94054, full:true”]
Give me a break please.[/quote]

Well…you can always log off, can’t ya? (alternativly try and not try and defend someone roleplaying Isiden Perenolde)

Edit: I messed up with the quotes…can’t be bothered to fix…enjoy

No I don’t because sharing names with a noghtborne (and names only, not surnames) doesn’t make me the said NPC. And if you can’t tell apart on what grand power comes by RPing queen of nightborne and a man that is below status of a farmer in everyones eyes then it is on you. As I said

  1. We can politely discuss what issues and fears you have, and I assure you nothing that would make you fear is intended from our part.
  2. You can just pretend that he is an imposter and talk to him as such. I don’t have a problem with that at all either.

However coming here and doing what you and your friends are doing rn is very low and as you said Nothing to discuss here :slight_smile:

Ah, by the way.

This would be my first post in the ZT-forum:


I will defend him anytime. It would be another thing if he acted like a snob ordering people around and demanding stuff, which is never the case and if it will be it will be dealt quite swiftly. But you havn’t even seen him rp and are acting like he is the biggest power player and douchebag on the entire world.

Even if your claims would be true, mate, it would not devalue the argument that it is very, very low to highjack an NPC and roleplaying as a major lore character. Why not invent another Alteraci nobleman? Why just chose to behave in one of the worst ways possible in RP?

You never explained why you prefer missusing a lore character instead of creating an own? Just point and sputter from your side atm. Which is a shame.

Are you calling Isiden Perenolde a major lore character? He was MENTIONED twice in the entirely of wow life. He is nonexistent, one guys saw that and realized the huge opportunity and took it in. He has to convince people both IC and OC to be atleast on the same position as other “pretending noble characters”. Isiden lorewise has never done anything that has an effect on the lore and his characters doesn’t matter. I have explained it many times in the reddit post and sure am explaining here as well.

With your reasoning there is more power play involved in someone making up a house of nobles than playing as Isiden Perenolde, as he has no real lands, no real army, no real stature, and no real anything. Other than 1 claim to a kingdom that DOESN’T exist anymore. Literally every Alteraci house which is freshly made will have more power than him, yet here are the people complaining and pretending that we have a high class douchebag that loves to pp.

Surely I saw him RPing yesterday.

It is just irrelevant.

Do you know the meaning of “no-go”?

Maybe ask yourself:
Why deciding to high-jack a royal NPC?
Why not picking a self-made Alteraci noble - like you did?
Going for a claim, maybe? Like his TRP-title “Heir to the throne of Alterac” would indicate?
Come on, be honest.

That is exactly what happend during the event:
Demanding the right to dwell within Stormwind City.

Why are you so mad?

You’re simply getting called out for being lazy and trying to abuse a lore character for your own gains which you just now admitted. You saw the huge opportunity to get a character with a very powerful claim to a kingdom and a crime organization and took it.

Now you’re twisting that character into shape, ignore the lore information given about him except the claim and are annoyed that people dare to call you out. Instead of reacting to those people properly you chose to try and discredit their words until you realized you couldn’t keep that act up without loosing reputation.

Now you’re just trying to play it down by sayin’ “uhhh…you know he isn’t that powerful cuz he technically only has claims and possibly a lot of connections.”

Watch me play Calia Menethil and reconquer Lordaeron tomorrow cuz takin’ lore characters isn’t a sin if they are not literally deathwing at the time I take them.

Easy solution, that I stated twice already.

Pretend that he is an imposter, we have no problem with that, why is this an issue? instead of crying here let the players decide themselves how they want to deal with it. There is no real difference between a man pretending to be Isiden or Isiden himself. There is no facial recongination software, no remaining documents and no birth certificates that can be checked. If he was pretending he would have to act and rp in the exact same way as if he wasn’t. And the outcome would be the very same thing.

If the majority of people accept fake Isiden as the ruler, then he would be a ruler in their eyes only.
If the majority of people would accept real Iside as the ruler, then he would be in their eyes only.

Exact Same thing if he wasn’t accepted.

That is the point, stop twisting my words. Huge rp opportunity and using a character that is underused. What lore information are we ignoring can you state it? And what POWERFUL CLAIM are we using can you state it? No because nothing like that has transpired.

Sure Calia, Isiden and Deathwing are exactly the same, with exact same opportunities and powers. Good job really, nice comparison clap

There is an immense difference:

People who are pretending to be a NPC aren’t jerks and would not start a stupid OOC discussion.

They’d re-whisper: “Hey, pal! My character is crazy! On with the show!”

See and this is why I don’t want a lore character in your hands or his hands or whatever…you don’t even understand the consequences if you roleplay him as the “real” Isiden which you claim.

The real Isiden has contacts inside of Gilneas (which he wouldn’t have left in the first place though), probably inside the Syndicate and a rightful claim to the kingdom of Alterac and followers who know that he is real…
Furthermore he is to be put under arrest inside of alliance territory which the NPCs obviously can’t do so why would he even enter alliance territory?

You’re just ignoring your source material and just wanted someone with a huge claim. Simple as that.

Sadly, you didn’t answer a very crucial question:

And how can he use those “contacts” in gilneas or syndicate? can he order npc troops around and conquer them? No!

Even if his claims were real, nobody would believe them if they didn’t want to, and he has no actual proof. and why would someone say that they were pretending to be Isiden? There are many metagamers out there, why trust them over yourself?

For all of you sad cavemen who come here rambling about Isiden and him hijacking should really look into the so called “lore” that character has and realize that roleplaying him (as well as roleplaying Alteraci in general) is more demeaning that not roleplaying at all, it’s a power move when player uses names such as mograine or calia, it’s something MUCH much lower in this case.

Isiden has our respect, he has many guilds respect as well. His rank in the guild is literally “Exile”, he doesnt pretend to be king, he doesn’t order anyone around. He is not forcing his rp in anyone’s throats.

I hope your aggressive attitude will be lost in the air like a dying hound’s bark. trying to rile up people against us on forums, such a weak play.

I mentioned it in my first post:

Again: Please stop being so personal. I haven’t been, dunno why “New Alterac” always need to insult people straight away when discussing but hey…

I would love if you could explain me how Calia and Isiden are different though.

Both have a know location, both are currently trapped (UC and Gilneas), both have neither army nor land, both are “weak” in terms of capabilitys but both have huge claims and potential contacts and supporters.

If you are up for a reasonable discussion instead of throwing insults around.

I have, but you don’t seem to read comments love.
There is a huge opportunity and characters growth in Isiden, as he is abandoned and doesn’t matter. Especially since he isn’t and won’t be the powerplayer you claim to be. I’m not a noble myself at all. And I see freshly made nobles exactly like Isiden himself. Why? Because every single noble Alteraci house has claim on Alterac just Like Isiden.

If you are saying that taking Isiden is bad because he has claims to the land/kingdom THEN SO DOES EVERY ALTERACI NOBLE by right.