[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Nothing new in here. I’m just intensely curious of whether women are still banned from wearing hats as per guild rules. That one always made me chuckle.


I can’t believe he has done this. It is so tainted and terrible that I shall forever doubt the purity of this server and community.

Can we get one like = one prayer?


J-just a prank, bro

Honestly, given the accusations/rumours about the filthy actions within your guild - do you think that joke is, actually, funny? It is literally like wearing a t-shirt with a skull to a funeral, getting unwarranted attention for the sake of attention.


“If I did it” - OJ Simpson

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lol in ten characters

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Aha, that rule has gone Levey. Yes, made us chuckle too.

They could’ve said that the entire breeding ground policy is just a ruse and was put back on the website as a lure for trolls and the Westboro Baptist Church, when in fact they have learned from their mistakes and moved on from Shonn’s infantile desires.

But that would simply be a matter of lying (which, in retrospect, would seem to be par for the course in this thread concerning the BR PR Hag-from-Hell Team) and it’d backlash all the harder. Kind of like removing it from the rules but keeping it as an unofficial one anyway.


I probably have the screenshot but he never asked for one. He was engaged in “sitting in garrison” and saying “if she doesn’t like the RP she shouldn’t need to reply”. That statement is dumb because she initiated the RP. :Poggers:


Name calling, that’s lovely. Fill your boots.

I, honestly, wouldn’t care on 9-out-of-10 levels what they do unofficially simply because I think there is barely anywhere lower to fall, but the fact that it is used as a recruitment parody ad that showcases the guild’s attitude is the reason why they are laughed at, not with.

Gotta start learning from you own mistakes, not finding excuses to them. But i guess thats too grown up :thinking:

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Maybe you should start learning from Shonn man, might improve your gnome game.

Not rly surprised to see you still salty after i put you on ignore for being dense, moody

Guess you need that advice more than me lol


Baby steps

Certain People In This Thread Disgust Me Especially The Hypocrites


Meanwhile, every Dwarf RPer watching the drama;

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Oh heck, now that IS creepy.

While y’all are arguing about ERP and legal actions, I thought I would take the time and say you all convert to undead. That way, ERP will be absolutely non existent. Tis one of the many great things that is the Scourge.


Preach it.

dark time for Alliance RP

The Dwarves of Khaz Modan will welcome those looking for a change with open arms. Ironforge has its many taverns and ale halls open around the clock, though healers need to pay an extra fee.

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